Dear Mr Smith,
I do hope you are doing well.
I’ve some more thoughts about the state of the West that I’d like to share with you, if you would be so kind as to suffer my monologue once again.
So I’ve been thinking about Yuri Bezmenov who gave a warning to the western world in 1983. In his (now well known) series of talks, he explained in detail the subtle process of ideological subversion. A process that would ultimately destroy America - unless it was stopped.
As I see it the Western world is dwindling, although not of its own natural accord. Poisonous ideas have been injected into the minds of the public for several generations, the results are evident and the path forward is no longer clear.
I feel the United States is suffering its most severe ideological illness in its history, and this sickness will bring it to the point of destruction if not treated very soon. I mention the United States, however I see this same problem is echoed throughout the Western world.
So what went wrong? We could highlight specifics of conflicts, greed, corruption and so forth, but in actuality such things only occur because they are allowed too - like entropy - things will just break down that way. A better question should be, how did we allow this to happen?
The United States - even with its history of flaws and problems - was founded upon a set of sound principles which hold true to this day. One commentator likened the early settlers in the would-be United States to ‘true Englishmen’, or rather people who believed that they were establishing a nation not in opposition to the English, but rather a nation that reflected what England had striven to be (before its ‘corruption’). A nation founded upon Judeo-Christian values which would give anyone who understood them a firm foundation for life.
Up until recently, these principles acted as the guiding light for the nation. The truth was there, and those who sought after it would lead America out of the darkness time and time again. Some will blame the slave trade on Americas values, but it was these very values that caused men like Abraham Lincoln to oppose such oppression. He knew that if all men were created equal in the image of God, then there was no way America could claim to be a land of freedom if slavery remained.
From the dismantlement of racial segregation, to General MacArthur’s speech about mans equal right for understanding and justice following the Japanese surrender in World War II, Americans proved themselves capable of upholding what Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers intended.
Since the beginning of 2021, overreach of governmental medical intervention has highlighted a key issue in Western culture, which otherwise would have gone unnoticed; the prioritisation of the collective over individual sovereignty. The health of the collective is promoted as paramount - even at the expense of the health of the individual. Individual sovereignty is seen as ‘selfish’ or ‘greedy’ behaviour. This idea is not new, but for a long time it was not strongly present in the United States.
Leon Trotsky once said that everything down to doors must be removed, as a door is a symbol of privacy, individuality, and greed. This is the same underlying logic that you will find spread by the reprobates of twitter and reddit in their critiques of the United States, and these same ideas undermine the American value for freedom. This stands in contrast to the original American idea; that you are first an individual, and if you choose to be, you can partake in group activities, but nevertheless you will be seen as an individual with individual responsibilities regardless of the group.
A great example of this in action was the trials of war criminals after the Second World War. While there was some corruption - such as certain Nazis and many Japanese being let off the hook in exchange for information - the idea was put to the test. The Soviets applied group guilt to any and all captured Nazis; anyone who fought for Germany was sent to the labour camps of Siberia where many died. In contrast, the Western Allies expended massive amounts of effort to build evidence against each individual convicted of war crimes, while those who were deemed innocent were set free. The Western allies were not putting Germans, or ‘Nazis’ on trial, but individual human beings who had committed evil acts, and would likewise be judged as individuals.
As Bezmenov himself put it, if America falls then - unlike himself - we will have nowhere to defect to. To this end he was mostly correct. There are other nations which offer similar non-oppressive opportunity. His statement can be pulled apart in this manner, but his point was that the constitution, the declaration, and the core principles of the United States were still able to be realised if the population had the will - it offers freedom. Very few countries have a history of striving for freedom - let alone a set of Judeo-Christian principles that underwrite their existence.
By this measure, there is still hope, but time is short. The American people still have a taste of freedom, and all the tools they need to pursue and restore such freedom is at their disposal.
We have seen how hard it is for a population unaccustomed to freedom to live free; in Afghanistan, the population had no memory of freedom, and as such, democracy and American values simply made no sense when applied to the population. But in the West we at least appreciate these principles.
Mr Smith we cannot forget what it means to be really free. Unlike what we have been taught in recent years, freedom and justice are not subjective to the individual, they are objective truths derived from the core principles of the Bible and enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. Those who understand this understand freedom, and those who share such an understanding can unite a nation.
In the confusion of the modern political, social, and economic mess we find ourselves in, it can be hard to distinguish truth from falsehoods, reality from fiction. It appears as if the problems are too numerous, and the solutions out of reach, as if we must all have a thousand hands to pull together the innumerable strings of reality. It appears as if our leaders want to rule the world, or at least want to watch it burn (to take a quote from Batman in reference to the Joker - a metaphor, I think, of some of the psychopathic rulers we see today).
So what is true? After two hundred years, it is evident that the principles upon which the United States was founded remain true; that every man is created equal in the image of God, and that the government should not interfere with life and liberty. Founding documents such as the Declaration of Independence are powerful, and have given Americans a reasons to fight for the strengthening of their nation and idea, rather than throwing in the towel and letting it all burn. And if everything seems too corrupted? Then by the very words written within the Declaration of Independence, it is not only your right, but your duty to overthrow any government that stands against life and liberty, for any such corrupt leader or government is not part of America.
I will leave you with the preamble of the Declaration of Independence:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Kind regards,
The tree of liberty is looking rather thirsty, isn't it?
OMG, that preamble is like totally racist and stuff. It doesn't even mention slavery. The only way the nation can heal is more reparations, welfare and abortions.