An Important Letter
Hundreds of clinicians and medical researchers address the Australian Government and TGA over the experimental gene-based drugs used on the Australian public.
Here is an important letter from the Covid Medical Network to the Australian Therapeutics Advisory Group on Immunisation, Department of Health, Minister for Health and Aged Care, and parliamentary representatives:
You can also find the letter here: as well as the many important Annexures.
This letter pertains to:
Correspondence you and the TGA received that the Pfizer (and AstraZeneca and Moderna) data via the companies themselves or via the FDA was likely too limited in scope to make a proper determination of safety and efficacy.
FOIA requests to the TGA with respect to reproductive toxicology issues that have been responded to late and with heavily redacted documents.
FOIA request with respect to micro-RNA sequences and related molecular genetic issues as to whether the TGA had assessed these.
Peer-reviewed published in vitro research that gene-based vaccine generated spike proteins can migrate into human cell nuclei to disrupt DNA repair mechanisms, and vaccine-derived RNA can be reverse transcribed with evidence pointing to possible integration of this sequence into human genome.
That a release of some Pfizer data from a FOIA request to the FDA in the US indicated high adverse events reporting by 28 February 2021.
Analysis of the TGA’s own Database of Adverse Events Notifications (DAEN) data and what Australian clinicians are increasingly witnessing as a high rate of injuries from these gene-based vaccines.
Extrapolating from German insurance company actuarial data, backed up by multiple US insurance company actuarial data, Australia’s DAEN Covid-19 adverse event data is likely to be under-reported by 9-fold. To date, 2,422, and possibly as high as 6,501 Australians dying as results of the Covid-19 gene-based vaccines is a justifiable calculation.
All-cause mortality data from official UK, EU and US databases indicate a positive correlation with the Covid-19 gene-based vaccine rollouts during 2021.
US military doctors have provided data from the US military electronic medical records database (DMED) showing an almost 10-fold increase in registered diagnosis episodes since gene-based vaccines were given to personnel.
German pathologists described pathological aggregates of spike proteins and lymphocyte infiltrations in inflamed organs in autopsies related to deaths post- vaccination. Has the TGA provided guidance and resources for autopsies of post- vaccine deaths of Australians?
Reports of inadequacies, irregularities and possible fraudulent practices in the Pfizer vaccine trial provided by whistleblowers to the BMJ.
The correspondence you received concerned with lack of sufficient safety analysis for rolling out the Pfizer vaccine to Australian children, based on that FDA release of the Pfizer adverse events data, that you received prior to Christmas.
The evidence that the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 is milder than the average seasonal influenza virus.
The evidence that the gene-based vaccines do not prevent transmission.
From a modern immunological perspective, too frequent vaccinations for respiratory viruses runs the risk of desensitising the immune response to the virus and thus lead to hypoimmunity and worse illness.
Anomalies being reported in vaccine vials and blood samples from an increasing number of labs and practitioners around the world are creating suspicion. These are unexpected findings and at a minimum warrant further high level investigation.
Clinicians and researchers around the world have trialled various repurposed medicines and vitamins, zinc and nutritional supplements for Covid-19 with varying but often apparent success, particularly when used early and in combination. Suppression of such protocols that have long-term safety data by the TGA and AHPRA has deprived Australians of safe and possibly effective treatments.
Natural immunity and safer traditional vaccines have been under-recognised.
An article in the high-impact journal Nature, notes that data collection and presentation during the Covid-19 pandemic has been substandard. Thus the capacity to ‘follow the science’ has been impaired. The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) recently admitted to withholding data for allegedly politicised reasons.
Final Statement
This letter is group signed under the auspices of the Covid Medical Network, Australia – that represents hundreds of clinicians and medical researchers who otherwise feel their careers are at risk if they sign openly. Several contributors to this letter are eminent in their fields. This in itself is an indictment of AHPRA and health employers, who are suppressing valid scientific discourse and the capacity of clinicians to assist their patients make Informed Consent or declination decisions. Others, not under AHPRA’s power, have signed openly.
This letter also follows on from numerous letters submitted by medical academics, clinicians and legal practitioners (for example see Annexure W) to Australian politicians and health authorities. In the main those letters have not been responded to, or questions have been superficially addressed or side-stepped. The same has occurred to senators in Questions on Notice. This letter therefore has sought to be comprehensive and has provided direct questions that we request answers to.
In light of the failures on the part of the TGA, the Department of Health, and the Minister of Health to properly review the data pertaining to an experimental gene technology, we the undersigned express a position of severely diminished confidence in the Australian Department of Health, the TGA, and indeed the Minister of Health meant to be overseeing same, with respect to the safe stewardship of Australia’s public health.
This conclusion is unfortunately unavoidable when new and experimental products are, have been, and continue to be, promoted by Federal and State and Territory ministers and officials on behalf of big pharmaceutical companies, being funded by $Billions in Federal monetary incentives in order to motivate the States and Territories to effectively persuade or coerce millions of Australians to be injected with experimental gene-based vaccines in the general absence of proper Informed Consent, and on the basis of less than adequate safety data.
The painful lessons of Nazi abuses of Medicine and Science throughout the Third Reich led to the Nuremberg Code and the ethical mandates of bodily autonomy and Informed Consent.
Such incomparable lessons have been completely disregarded during this Covid-19 pandemic. An element of panic-driven policy has over-ridden the precautionary principle and cool rational age-stratified risk/benefit analyses.
In the aftermath, it is imperative that there be a major high level Judicial Inquiry to unravel the forces and reasons that led to the unhealthy overreach of official public health agency and governmental policies during this Covid-19 pandemic.
Governments at all levels, ATAGI, the TGA, AHPRA and other relevant agencies must cease denying Australians their basic human rights, enshrined in the Nuremberg Code and in the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights ( URL_ID=31058&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html ) to which Australia is signatory. Article 6 states:
“Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be expressed and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.”
Australians must receive full information in order to make consent decisions related to their bodily autonomy, free of financial, career, and political pressure. Clinicians must have their right to open scientific discourse and to impart their best medical opinions to their patients restored to them.
.. so say we, the undersigned:
Covid Medical Network, Australia
C. Paul Bellhouse, MBBS, FANZCA, anaesthetist-intensivist (ret.)
Prof Ian Brighthope, MBBS, FACNEM (ret.) “on behalf of many colleagues” Peter Fam, LLB, Principal Lawyer Maat’s Method
Julian Gillespie, LLB, BJuris
A/Prof Nathan Gillespie, PhD, Virginia Institute for Psychiatric & Behaviour Genetics
Prof David Healy, MBBS, MD, FRCP, McMaster University, Canada, co-founder Data- Based Medicine &
Prof Wendy Hoy, AO, FAA, FRACP, Director, Centre for Chronic Disease, University of Queensland
Tony Nikolic, LLM, BSSc (Crim) Hons Dean Spanner, LLB, Acc Spec (Pers Inj)
NZ judge orders 11 year old boy to be "vaccinated".
WWIII won't be because of "RuSsIA!!", it is because corrupt western governments (with the help, urging and facilitation by the CCP) are and have been deceiving, manipulating and harming their citizens for decades. The people just haven't awoken to the reality, yet.