Dear Mr Smith,
It tires me to write yet another letter I was not intending to, but it seems that there is no peace for those seeking to preserve basic freedoms. After the attack against Orthodox bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, a video of the event went viral. This video was seen across the world, and for a moment it was the focus on alternative media. But this was naturally not going to last.
Australia has been in an interesting situation as of late; more people than ever are critical of the government, and justifiably so. I would argue that Australia hits well above its weight when it comes to selfish career politicians! And many Australian career politicians seem to lack the ability to string together a coherent argument for their decision making – which makes one wonder how they navigate the current theatre of ideological warfare. Nevertheless, driven by greed and self-preservation, these arrogant and deceitful promoters of division are either completely ignorant of reality, or knowingly complicit in the downfall of society as we knew it.
Unlike the US, the Commonwealth nations have been particularly susceptible to lawfare, which has allowed doctrines, laws, and action in which have damaged not only the Australian people, but also the nations reputation globally.
But back to these few select bureaucrats and politicians reacting to this anti-Christian attack. The viral video - which has been posted far and wide - is now the target of a campaign led by Australia ‘E-Safety Commissioner’ (our version of the head of The Ministry of Truth) to have it taken down. The E-Safety Commissioner in question is Julie Inman-Grant. Despite occupying a particularly crucial position in Australia (which arguably shouldn’t exist), Inman-Grant was born in Seattle US, moving to Australia in 2000 as a government affairs officer for Microsoft, and later head of corporate affairs for the company in 2004. Over the following years, she would be granted several high-ranking positions - all relating to public policy in the Asia-Pacific region - at Twitter, Microsoft, and Adobe. This would culminate in her appointment as E-Safety Commissioner - a position created two years prior by prime minister Malcolm Turnbull - in 2017.
Interestingly, Inman-Grant admitted that in the ‘early 90s’ (likely 1990/91) she was offered a job by the CIA as a ‘case agent’. Despite them approaching her, she claims that she turned down the job, as one may say if accepting the job requiring an incognito status.
Now in regards to the video of the bishop, Inman-Grant sent out a demand stating that ALL circulating videos of the attack on Mar Mari Emmanuel are to be deleted from social media. If one were legally minded, they may be thinking ‘what vague language’, and that would be correct. The request is for all copies of the video to be taken down from ALL social media sites. A particular emphasis has been put on X (Twitter), which has surprisingly ramped up its free speech sentiment as of late (despite still banning some ‘controversial’ commentators). In response to this, Elon Musk took to the platform to highlight how this will not happen, and that the Australian people desire free speech (which is true).
I have to say that this sort of aggressive rhetoric from the commissioner, and her profoundly out of touch worldview, is becoming something of a common attribute for Australian politicians. They often seem to speak as if they have the power of Joe Biden or Xi Jinping, as if the country has some sort of profound geopolitical weapon to wield against an adversary. When these politicians speak in such extreme measures, what do they expect to happen? Will Australia threaten to cut off its camel meat exports to Europe, or red wine to China, if demands are not met? This sort of political idiocy which has been going on for years has damaged the nations international profile. Today, Australia, once respected as a great country with impeccable values, stands side-by-side with Canada as one of the two western nations that seem to have some sort of socio-political deathwish (not the people, mind you, but the leadership).
The outburst of insanity from the commissioner has now been broadcast internationally. Now, a measured and sensible response to this situation would be to back down. After all, it is not as if there is any good reason to call for a video to be internationally banned. It is not a beheading or anything remotely close to a legitimate call for censorship. This absurd request is so profoundly stupid and out of touch that I can’t even imagine how this is perceived on the global stage. But of course, the commissioner did not back down.
What has happened instead is yet another example of the profoundly corrupt and out of touch nature of Australian career politicians and bureaucrats. Inman-Grant then demanded that the situation be taken to court, in an appeal for Musk to not only take down the video internationally, but also any other piece of information the Australian government demands. This is not the first time Australian politicians have tried this, and it likely won’t be the last.
Now during this whole ordeal, something else occurred which is both noteworthy, and predictably in line with my previous letters. Despite this censorship campaign being carried out by a left leaning government (Labour), the mainstream conservative media has also jumped on board with this. Sky News - which is essentially Australia’s Fox News - predictably jumped on board, justifying the move as necessary to censor ‘misinformation’. This should not surprise anyone; Sky - the exact same corporation which runs a conservative outlet in Australia - is a left leaning new outlet in the UK. What a surprise. As I have said before, these are Straussian conservatives, and their goal is to redirect the narrative away from traditional (pre-war) conservatism, and back towards the Open Society model (postwar liberalism).
Finally, a few statements emerged from politicians which are well worth considering, as it highlights the rot within Australia, and how these career politicians and bureaucrats must be re-evaluated, if not sacked. The first came from the prime minister, who addressed the press by claiming that online misinformation included memes of “my face superimposed on other people” before saying with a shocked expression that “this is the sort of thing going on in social media”. I can’t even be bothered responding to this.
The second was a disturbing statement from a senator by the name of Jacqui Lambie, who runs her own party known as the Jacqui Lambie Network. For context, Lambie has long attempted to appeal to the conservative voter base with her views on Islam, China, and all the other predictable issues. Now, of course, the Straussian truth has inevitably manifested. In a radio interview with ABC (a billion dollar, taxpayer funded, state media propaganda machine) she said that Musk had ‘too much power’ and that it ‘has to stop’. She then said this: “quite frankly the bloke should be jailed, and the sooner that we can bring rules in or do something about this sort of game-playing with our social media, the better off we’re going to be”.
(below: Jacqui Lambie threatening to come off X! One wonders why this didn’t keep Musk up at night.)
She also said that she doesn’t understand ‘how he thinks this is ok’ and that ‘the fact that he continues to air that and thinks its ok is disgusting behaviour’. One may be wondering after reading that; what year was this? Was it in 2020? What is the ‘this’ she refers to? How is it ‘disgusting behaviour’? Why do you speak as if you are talking to a local politician in 1980, not one of the wealthiest men on earth? What is ‘our social media’? Well, politicians don’t seem to know either. Was it that the video showed a Muslim attempting to murder a Christian that makes the video inexcusable to show? Or a Pakistani committing a crime? Or is it the demonstration that the Open Society philosophy doesn’t work? What exactly is the issue here?
The last quote from Lambie should really establish how out of touch and totalitarian Australia has become under the thumb of these disgraced politicians and bureaucrats. They are some of the few politicians in the west who will literally use counter-terrorism units to arrest comedy youtubers (remember FriendlyJordies?) and journalists, while dispatching police to arrest elderly couples for wearing Australian flag hats on Australia Day.
They are either liberals, communists, or Straussian conservatives, and remember that all three of these ideologies - from left to right - work to the same end; to continue to push forward the Open Society model and destroy the West.
Excellent commentary, thank you. I am in Canada and yes our Liberal leader and dictator Trudeau and his likeminded ministers and bureaucrats do seem intent on burning Canada into the ground in every conceivable way possible! But his polling numbers are abysmal almost a full 20% below the Conservatives and this has been the case over the entire past year! It seems no one is swallowing his BS anymore, the reality we are living lies in stark contrast to the ideological BS he spouts. Many of us are just holding on with gritted teeth for the next election obviously praying for a no confidence vote causing the Trudeau Liberal government to fall so we can finally have an election but in the meantime it is good to see people are finally awake to the real Trudeau now and can see him for the fake radical completely out of touch narcissist that he actually is.
Lawfare is nothing more than Legal Plunder that Bastiat warned about.
"It is impossible to introduce into society a greater change and a greater evil than this: the conversion of the law into an instrument of plunder.
What are the consequences of such a perversion? It would require volumes to describe them all. Thus, we must content ourselves with pointing out the most striking.
In the first place, it erases from everyone's conscience the distinction between justice and injustice. There is in all of us a strong disposition to believe that anything lawful is also legitimate. This belief is so widespread that many persons have erroneously held that things are "just" because law makes them so. Thus, in order to make plunder appear just and sacred to many consciences, it is only necessary for the law to decree and sanction it." - Legal Plunder The Law, by Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)