No doubt most of you have seen this.
It’s diabolically sophisticated demonic propaganda to nudge us even further toward self destruction through assisted suicide.
“Oh but it’s for the terminally ill, a way out of the terrible pain!”
Oh really? Or is it targeting anyone who is depressed, challenged, or facing any of the myriad of life’s difficulties?
Don’t be deceived. The enemy would have you dead - but the enemy needs your willingness.
(…and why are there only white people in this video?)
I was reading Andrew Sullivan today, which I rarely do, but he was writing about white Britons having been reduced to 38% of the population. Many of his family there think it is great, one remarking how she loves that she can stroll through London and not hear the English language. I thought, idiot liberals are the only people in the history of the world who celebrate their being replaced by immigrants, ie going extinct. Andrew is too compromised to be horrified by it. He fucking calls it an accident. That is why I rarely read him, he is so bloody dense, and so full of himself.
I look at what is being done to kids, the jabs, the whole trans thing, it really is a race extincting itself.
Just wait for it -- 'medical equity'.