We are, I believe, by nature spiritual beings. We have an innate predisposition to be religious. So it’s not surprising that in the current environment of the fear of death and salvation by the almighty State, mediated through the high priesthood of medical ‘experts’, that we are seeing a religious devotion to whatever the government says.
I’d just started writing this and I came across this piece from Tucker Carlson https://video.foxnews.com/v/6274513508001 and to be honest, I can’t beat Tucker at articulating the religious nature of what’s going on here. My hat off to Tucker - please take a look.
From Tucker’s report, here’s New York Governor Kathy Hochul urging her "apostles" to reach out to others "who aren't listening to God and what God wants" by declining the vaccines.
Seems our faith is now in “the science” (not to be mistake for the formerly rigorous scientific method that included debate and scrutiny, that’s too slow and messy, but rather the more immediately actionable ideas sanctioned by a select few - no real testing required here!), “science” that’s imparted by the priesthood of medical mandates. Accoutrements of fancy masks, check-in apps and “Vaccinated” Necklaces (bracelets or t-shirts), to help the faithful identify each other as pure and obedient.
The faithful washing of the mind in the pure water of mass media. And of course the preaching and conversion of the unvaccinated (through public shaming, discriminating, beating, arresting, whatever it takes “in love”), lest they be cast out from society. The unrepentant shall be restricted in all manner of ways, of course, from normal social interaction due to their unclean and sinful nature, until they see the light and come into the fold.