Dear Winston,
I must admit that I find writing the odd missive to you very therapeutic. I am actually considering beginning a journal of my thoughts and experiences as I actually have one in my shop at present. I do have more sombre reasons for writing to you though.
I had occasion to seek medical help this week, as you know, as one who suffers from asthma I do need to obtain medication regularly. Going back some months now, well before we were required to wear these ridiculous masks, as the last thing on my agenda of items with him, I did ask my doctor to write a letter exempting me from any such requirement. I was quite astonished when he said his view was that the risk of catching COVID, and presumably getting quite ill from that, outweighed the issue of me having to deal with any impact to my ability to breath. Well I wasn’t left breathless but I certainly was speechless and left stunned. As it happens I discovered that I don’t need to prove anything nor have I been asked for evidence as I go about my daily tasks. People, are quite happy to believe me when I explain that I am asthmatic and cannot wear a mask. Isn’t it bizarre that everyday people appear to have more common sense than some medical professionals?
The story of my doctor and I continued this week. You see, I am fairly certain that at some point I will most likely be pressed into having one of these injections that have been mandated in many places already. Planning ahead I thought “well surely my Doctor has caught up on what is being reported on these injections, so I will ask him to provide me with a medical exemption”.
Personally Winston, I've done enough research now, read enough testimonies, listened to enough experts, and am absolutely convinced that this is all about control. I don’t know what this is about, but I know with every fibre of my being that this is not about health. I don't need any more data to convince me that the ‘vaccine’ is dangerous and doesn't do what it's advertised to do.
Well you won’t believe it Winston; he asked me if I could provide a good reason! So I went on and explained that the data shows that COVID poses no real danger to anyone who's under 80, relatively fit and not suffering multiple life threatening conditions. There is, however, much danger in allowing myself to be injected with an unknown substance that has proven to not only be ineffective as a vaccine, but completely unsafe, with hundreds of deaths in this country and thousands of severe adverse reactions like heart problems.
Well to cut a long story short, he said “No”, again! To tell the truth I couldn’t hear what his reasons were as I was too astounded. I imagine something about weighing up the potential benefits against risk of harm differently, and then he had the hide to ask me why I requested an exemption, so I told him “the mask made me do it” and walked out.
But really I am flabbergasted with this man whom I once respected. We used to discuss health issues and now I have to assume he is, for reasons unknown to me, obeying an order from the Health Authorities. It felt like he was working from a script, not even listening to my concerns. I have heard rumours that they are being bullied into acting as agents for the government’s drive to get every person vaccinated. How can I ever trust his judgement again as he has proven to be unethical, for to obey an unethical order is in itself unethical.
Kind regards
Bob Charrington
I love hearing from Mr. Charrington! Such a pity about his doctor.
I’m reminded of a song I once heard, “Oranges and lemons, say the bells of St. Clement’s, You owe me three farthings, say the bells of St. Martin’s!”
It's always so heart-breaking to hear stories of people whose health care providers have abandoned their responsibility to their patients. It was a shock when our family encountered it from several physicians, and I'm so sorry for all who are being mistreated in this way.
However, because medical professionals have invested so much time, effort, and cash into obtaining their education and licensing credentials, I'm not all that surprised to hear how many of them are vulnerable to blackmail by licensing authorities and others in positions of power.
Bureaucratic entities of licensing and regulation which may have started out to protect the public from unscrupulous doctors and others, have now switched places with any (potential) predators. And, being in the position to end the careers and nullify all the efforts of well meaning, highly trained medical practitioners, have rendered many physicians powerless (at least from their perspective) to help those placed in their care.
I'm in the USA, but at least in the state I reside in, the doctors and pharmacists were all warned by our state licensing bureau early on that using drugs such as HCQ off-label for COVID outside of a study, would result in their losing their license to practice.