In the 1980s, Soviet Union KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov, was interviewed by American journalists about a process he called ideological subversion. This attack on American ideology from the Soviets was not a series of undercover espionage attacks, but rather an open manipulation of society itself by changing the perception of reality. Bezmenov says this slow process of societal change accounts for 85% of the Cold War efforts of the KGB. This process, to undermine and ultimately bring down America, involved the following:
1) Demoralization: The slow, minimum of 15-20 year, process of educating generations of students by exposing them to ideologies contrary and damaging to the country. Ideology is being served up to at least 3 generations of students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of the country. This results in half-baked intellectuals occupying positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, and education. These people are entrenched in the system and programmed to think and react to certain stimuli, in a certain pattern - you cannot change their mind even if exposed to authentic information, their basic perception and behaviour is permanently altered. This is when the process of demoralisation is complete and irreversible. The Soviet attack on America is to create a regime that does not tolerate freedom or dissent and is fundamentally broken due to the lack of moral standards. Truth will not matter nor will individual rights or value. True information, to the demoralised, will mean nothing to him, he is totally given over to the ideology of the enemy.
2) Destabilization: The subverter does not care about the individuals ideas, the patterns of consumption, it doesn’t matter, what matters is the destabilisation of the nation. It takes about 2-5 years to destabilise a nation. What matters is the essentials: economy; foreign relations; defense systems.
3) Crisis: It may only take up to 6 weeks to bring a country to the verge of crisis. After crisis, a violent change of power, structure and economy, there is a so-called period of…
4) Normalisation: This period may last indefinitely. “Normalisation” of course is a cynical expression borrowed from Soviet propaganda: when the Soviet tanks moved into Czechoslovakia in 1968, Comrade Brezhnev said “Now the situation in Czechoslovakia is normalised”.
Here’s a cool video essay of the same summary:
Bezmenov said that America was in an undeclared state of war when he spoke out about the KGB tactics against the very fabric of American society. Unfortunately for the Americans it didn’t look like a war but rather homegrown “progressive” ideas and much needed anti-establishment sentiment from a new generation of thinkers and leaders, when in fact it was deliberate subversion from a foreign enemy.
We can see the same sorts of strategies applied on a global level around the COVID “crisis”. The demoralization aspect has been a long indoctrination for the need of vaccines against deadly pestilence that will certainly come upon us, psychologically entrenched by films such as Contagion and a constant low-grade fear mongering by health bureaucrats. The demonisation of “antivaxers”, the saintification of people like Anthony Fauci, the biased funding and curation of research by big pharma, all has a cumulative demoralization effect similar to what Bezmenov describes in the demoralization of American values. The “Crisis” is obvious. The “Normalisation” is the “New Normal” which is far from normal.
Love to know your thoughts on this.
I saw the Bezmenov interview on You Tube a few months ago. It seemed to be exactly what is happening even if the KGB is not behind it any longer.
PRS - problem reaction solution.
Very perceptive.