I’ve been following the Nurses Speak Out Telegram https://t.me/NursesSpeakOut and there’s disturbing (but expected) evidence that vaccine injury is being completely overlooked or deliberately suppressed - making our reporting in Australia through the TGA rather meaningless. A lot hinges on official reporting - papers are written and public health guidelines and decisions are made based on what’s reported. We are in a very dark place.
Here’s some snippets:
[A] colleague exactly one week after receiving the 2nd Pfizer dose was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. She has taken 3mths leave as she’s so out of it with all the pain medication. I asked if this is from the Vax, she said ‘the Drs didn’t think so’. It was not reported as a side effect.
- Physiotherapist
We recently admitted a woman who's baby had unfortunately died in utero and was subsequently stillborn. She was in her third trimester and she'd had her 2nd dose of Pfizer just 3 days before she stopped feeling the baby moving. When I questioned my manager if this was going to be reported to the TGA she talked to the doctor and he said no, because there was no evidence of the two being linked.
- Midwife
Another registered midwife reports on multiple miscarriages soon after vaccination but not reported, “I mentioned it to a doctor and they didn’t see the connection,” she says.
A significant amount of our patients have had the covid vaccine and are presenting to us as transfers from ED, presenting with chest pain, shortness of breath, neurological symptoms , headaches and fevers. These patients are being found to have confirmed mini strokes (TIA), Pulmonary Embolisms, neurological disorders, severe headaches and deranged pathology resulting particularly often in acute kidney injury.
The most concerning of these presentations is the fact that majority of these patients range from 20-70 years old. One female patient in her 30’s presented with a body temperature of 40 degrees and has since been found to have multiple bilateral PE’s.
There has been no documentation or discussion from Doctors linking these patients symptoms with their recent covid vaccination. These patients were healthy and fully functioning people pre vaccination.
- Registered Nurse in large public hospital in Melbourne
One nurse experienced loss of sensation in both legs below the knees which eventually resolved. Another staff member ( clerical) had a mini stroke and ended up in ED. Both these episodes were not reported as vaccine injury. Indeed, one Physician said it definitely is not vaccine related.
- Registered Nurse
I have seen many patients both in ED and Cardiology with vaccine SE’s .
These are LARGELY under-recognised, and RARELY reported. I have told relatives to make their own TGA reports as reporting in the acute sector is NOT HAPPENING.
Doctors are RARELY attributing the various conditions to vaccination, but when you take a history it is very easy to join the dots.
- Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist
[A forcibly injected 80 year old 2 days later]… as she walked down the hallway she collapsed and died instantly. This was day 2 after first az.
The attending physician refused to sign the death certificate as he thought his now deceased patient had NOT died of a cardiac arrest as staff assumed. Deceased was sent to coroner in a large city nearby. The coroner only scanned the body, decided it was heart attack and declined to perform a full postmortem.
- Registered Nurse, 46 years experience
[after citing multiple injuries after vaccine, including 19 y/o female cardiac arrest 3 days post- pfizer] …vaccine status not being consistently asked or documented in eMR- medical team not looking to make correlation. Medical team worried about AHPRA and their careers if they speak out.
- Registered Nurse
I know of 3 patients who had a stroke 7-8 days post jab: 1 Pt with bell’s palsy; 1 Pt with Guillain-Barré syndrome; 1 man experienced an unresponsive episode following his 2nd jab. Diagnosed with hypo delirium and pneumonia! 3 weeks in hospital so far and at what financial cost? Nothing documented in notes. Family told it was nothing to do with the jab.
- Registered Nurse
…we have had a number of patients coming to our ward and subsequently dying with sudden onset of unusual symptoms. Of course no connection has been made to the jab what so ever.
- Registered Nurse
I am both concerned and frustrated that the medical profession is either unaware that these side effects are happening, or in many cases, not prepared to admit that they are in fact a result of the covid vaccines, (often medically gaslighting and putting down to anxiety), leaving these poor affected people desperately seeking help and answers, that in most cases, they probably won’t get either. I have tried to raise this issue on more than one occasion, but it falls on deaf ears.
- Registered Nurse
Each day we are seeing the emergency department full of patients with stroke, Pulmonary embolisms, cardiac arrhythmias, Myocarditis, endocarditis. The increase of strokes is exponentially growing. Patient after patient with PE’s, cardiac issues. Most in previously healthy patients. Doctors are denying connections to the vaccines.
- Registered Nurse, Emergency Department
And there are more, but you get the picture. If there is a denial that the vaccine has anything to do with an acute illness days after vaccination, then it’s never going to be considered a causal part of an illness months, or years down the track!
How will the medical profession and politicians then account for a massive increase in all manner of illness in the months and years to come?
However they explain it, I’m sure Pfizer & Co will have a vaccine for it!