Hello Winston,
I know it’s been a while since I last wrote and so I thought I should jot down a few thoughts to share with you and hopefully ease my burden. I wish I could say I am doing well however, that wouldn’t be completely accurate. These last few days in particular have been difficult dealing with the reality that the wife of a friend of some 30 years, is literally on her death bed in one of the local hospitals about to meet her maker. I’m sad to say that she is not expected to see more than another day or so at the most. My friend is awaiting her passing by her bedside as I write.
But I am more than sad, I am really annoyed and even angry at the needless suffering that she has undergone as you see this final health journey she commenced began just after she had her ‘booster’ injection. I don’t know which one and I don’t care; they all seem to be having the same effect of damaging and destroying lives. Initially, she become forgetful and these episodes increased with her doctors knowing there was something seriously wrong with her brain but only ‘guessing’ as to a diagnosis. There seems to be an awful lot of this type of thing with the medico’s lately doesn’t there! They can identify the symptoms but yet not diagnose the cause, yet all the while rejecting any possible link to the injections.
I just don’t get it. How can the injections, the lockdowns, the psychological damage, be for our safety when those who supposedly have this charge apparently are ignoring many things that are far more likely to cause death. I checked, dear chap, and found that the latest Bureau of Statistics figures clearly state that COVID-19 was the 38th leading cause of death with 898 deaths for the year. I wondered if that was a lot so discovered that in 2020 there was a decrease in mortality in Australia. You have to do more hunting than I was willing to do so the best I could find was that in 2020, there were approximately 161,400 deaths recorded in Australia.
Others could no doubt refine and obtain more accurate figures but the above tells me that COVID officially accounted for around one half of 1% of deaths. The statistics site proudly lists the five leading causes and of course COVID isn’t listed. It is a long way down, long past the top 20, it comes in at number 38. My friend I don’t know why the Main-Stream Media, Politicians and Bureaucrats continue to push a story of fear at us, but the statistics say I should be more afraid of dying as a result of a fall from a ladder which is higher up the list of causes of death.
To top all this off, I listened to a podcast this morning where it was stated that the WHO lists diarrhoea higher on their list of causes of death. The parallel was simply too much for me. In case you can’t immediately see the link I made, it is this … they have been totally unsuccessful in getting me to take one of their ‘shots’ however achieved complete success at giving me the ‘shxts’.
Your pure blooded friend
PS - and just for interest sake Winston, why don't you use this calculator to assess your own risk of dying from COVID. See what your chances of dying from covid is with this risk calculator Australia. It works for both the vaxxed and unvaxxed.
Sad to hear about your friend, Mr Charrington. Such a tragedy is not just a statistic, unless you are the ones in charge.
I have not done your risk calculator for fear of providing information to some nefarious organisation.
I’m so sorry Mr. Charrington and you are having to suffer yet another real-life demonstration of the brutal and lethal effects of these toxic injections. I wish I could say it were the only such case I’d heard of and that I knew of some magical solution—although it wouldn’t hurt to try ivermectin if there’s any possible way to smuggle some in to her 😿💔🤗