Canada’s government – along with practically all first world commonwealth nations - has become a laughing stock in recent years thanks to the sheer arrogance and myopic vision of its leadership. Destroying a western nation is no easy task, and it does not happen by accident. To bring about the destruction of a robust western nation, practically all resources at a government’s disposal must be deliberately allocated to tasks which will work against the nation. This is because the free market will inevitably correct the errors placed before it unless it is overwhelmed or forced into a centralised economy (essentially socialism) where self-correction is impossible.
For a nation whose government is so thoroughly corrupted that much of the official rhetoric could be mistaken for satire, and who’s primary goal (not by accident or incompetence) is to aid in the destruction of western civilisation, it should come as no surprise that state-assisted suicide is an important agenda item.
Thus far, many have defended the Canadian governments stance on the issue, often claiming that it is simply another ‘expression of freedom’, and an expression of ‘bodily autonomy’. As if it were not blatant enough, the Canadian government and the neo-Marxists who uphold it do not, and have never, cared about either of these things, so this is rather obviously a lie.
Why this should be worrying is simple; it is aimed at aiding in the destruction of society. Why? I propose that the overarching issue of state-aided suicide is reductionism and corrosion. This adds nothing to society, but rather a sign of rot, held up proudly by those who seek to destroy Canada.
I believe the inevitable outcome of this particular reduction and corrosion is genocide, specifically, under the guise of ‘mercy’ and ‘compassion’. If left unaddressed, these ideas will continue to grow (slowly, of course) until they reach a point where forced sterilisation and euthanasia is seen as the most compassionate choice. It will likely be done under this spell; the disabled (or depressed, etc.) are oppressed in life, and thus their utopia can only be achieved through self destruction. Thus, forced extermination will be seen as the humane thing to do.
Many websites and online communities oriented around the disabled (for example, parents with disabled children, the depressed, etc.) have seen an influx of activity praising the new measures, advocating for even further expansion of the program beyond its current proposal. There have even been some (perhaps one step ahead of the crowd) proudly advocating for the euthanasia of the disabled (under the guise of compassion) since they will essentially ‘contribute nothing’, cost much to sustain, and ultimately live a life that isn’t worth living. If this sounds familiar, it is because it is the exact same talking points used by the Nazis during the time of the Aktion T4 program, with propaganda highlighting the inherent problems of living with a disability, the financial strain on the average man, and the compassionate necessity (although not explicitly stated) of removing these people from their own suffering.
Perhaps this sounds too extreme. After all, I have found that people often doubt that such things are possible in this era. Its as if everyone assumes that the worst is behind us, and that we have somehow reached a point of enlightenment. To assume that Germans of the 1930s were in some way naive, stupid, or more evil then us when they accepted the Nazis policies (and unlike Soviet citizens, the Germans often accepted them willingly) is itself naive at best. The layer of separation people put between themselves (assuring themselves that they can ‘only do good’) and the dangerous characters of the past, like the Nazis (who they assume must have simply been born evil) is self-delusional. There is little difference between a modern westerner and a German Nazi supporter from the 30s. To assume that one is not capable of such atrocities (or at least willingly supporting them) is to knowingly blindfold oneself to their own propensity for evil. Furthermore they may find it difficult, if not impossible, to detect evil within their own hearts, since there is no prior assumption of such a propensity for evil existing within oneself in the first place.
I believe that Canada has been able to showcase this dangerous ideology thanks to a lack of constitutional rights, the removal of the organising principles of a western society (Christian values), and a population which, inexplicably, seems to wish for its own destruction. Many have wondered how Canada can be so comically bad in all of its decisions and policies, its leadership, and its hypocrisy. The answer is twofold; the leadership have an implicit goal of overturning society, and the society itself no longer has an objective moral foundation to stand on. Once this foundation is removed, any and all ideological rot accelerates in the political sphere, hence why Canada has managed to advance such idiocies ahead of any other western nation.
The United States has powerful guiding documents, such as the Declaration of Independence, which serve as explicit goals Americans can strive towards when they finally decide to fix their nation. This, along with its foundational Christian ethics, form the basis for a country which is destined for greatness, if it is taken seriously by the people. Canada on the other hand does not possess such a powerful set of founding documents. This means that the Canadian people must be self aware of their own shortcomings and the circumstances they find themselves in and mitigate the atheist materialism curse upon the nation. They must admit that traditional ‘religious’ values are necessary to avoid disaster. If the Canadian population does not awake to this, then the cycle will continue, with the destruction of objectivity, the removal of cultural ideas, and the constant swinging between radical ideas which add nothing to the lives of anyone outside of the ruling class.
Add to this the fact that there has been a very limited democratic system within Canada (just like England) over the past decade, and the situation is made even more dire. This has allowed globalist organisations to manipulate the leadership of these nations and shape policy.
Thus far Canada’s government has been unwilling to compromise on its own ideological goals - evident in its willingness to crush dissent by force. It need not be said (or at least, it should be obvious) that this is not how a free country operates. It is not ‘defending democracy’ as the neoliberals have likened it to. It is not about stopping a ‘radical right wing movement’ as others have said. It is the consolidation and centralisation of power to the state. Again, this isn’t ‘normal’ in any sense. Citizens of a democratic society employ representatives such as Justin Trudeau, who’s sole job is to act as public servant at the behest of their employers (the public who elected them and pay their salary). They have no right to overstep this boundary and attempt to rule over others. The population does have the right to remove public officials and bureaucrats, and instate new public servants who actually serve, just as an employer would choose to fire an employee who refuses to cooperate.
In this way, the road forward for freedom loving Canadians is one of caution and steadfastness. It seems rather obvious to say, but the citizens of Canada need to understand their own system of government and the pure absurdity of what is taking place. Most of them, it seems, are not aware. The brainwashing of several generations to believe that a ‘working democracy’ looks something akin to what they are seeing before them needs to be undone, and fast. Things can always be turned around, but for the sake of everyone, for the sake of liberty, let it be sooner rather than later. It will take effort, and for the moment it may result in persecution, but the sacrifice is necessary. Where is the counter-revolution against the Neo-Marxian march through the whole of Canadian society?
Yours, O’Brien
The Canadian people are not blind to what is happening, and can, in fact, see the crumbling of our democracy as well as any other western nation. We face the same issue as any other western nation in the seeming futility of stopping the satanic government from enacting their tyrannical rule. I think Canadians have been one of the world’s leaders in their attempt to make our voices heard in regards to our outrage against the machine- the force of the Freedom Convoy was palpable to all freedom loving citizens of Canada, and brought tears of hope to those who witnessed the courage of the truckers. How does one stop a government that gives itself power to trample its citizens, freeze their bank accounts, take away their livelihoods and bodily autonomy with forced medical mandates (which a lot more of us rejected than MSM declares). The world is waking up to the catastrophe that is the “science” as we witness astronomical rise in ‘unexplained death’, and we hope the courts will work in our favour to stop the tyranny, but being equally corrupt, the legal system is unlikely to save us. It’s indeed a helpless feeling, as a lone citizen when options seem few.
I really appreciate your article highlighting the absolutely farcical rhetoric of our government, the more this is brought to light the better. It gives me hope to know other nations can see what’s going on here, and I keep hoping the satanical dictator JT dies of embarrassment from being the laughing stock of the world.
Thank you.....from a sad but awake Canadian......I appreciate this analysis...... yes, all WEF countries are in the same boat give or take a few differences in the plan but do not think for a minute that any of those nations are far behind us.....WE all have to stand's not happening in one place......Canada is trailblazing the WEF agenda but that's it......same script.....Trudeau just has daddy issue which is why he is so eager to be first to deliver daddy Schwab's genocide....he wants to be a good boy for daddy..... hurt people, hurt people.....that and he is a narcissist.......