Dear Winston,
I was troubled and saddened to read of your young friend who is experiencing adverse reactions to what many a referring to as a bio-weapon, others are even calling it the “death shot”. While I can’t claim to personally know anyone who has had such a serious reaction, we are all being affected in some way.
I have a friend with adult children, 2 of whom no longer are employed as they will not agree to be injected at present. I understand that one of these two young people was literally sobbing as she walked into her private school where she has worked faithfully for the last 7 years, knowing it would be her final day. She was most upset that the friendships, nurtured over those years, were effectively counted for nothing as the excuses flowed from her ‘boss’ and higher administrators that it wasn’t what they wanted but – they had to or the school could be fined. It seems to me that this and many other school administrators and boards are engaged in the bullying of their staff. There is NO doubt that people are being coerced. Get the jab or get another job. It’s not us, it’s the Government!
Well my view is that the Government is BULLYING people into complying. Schools that choose to let the unvaccinated go (as the Prime Minister says “we all have a choice”); are choosing to join in with the bullying. Certainly there are very few that are standing up to the bully and saying NO. Surely bullying at school should be high on the list of things that any Government would not tolerate, and yet they initiate it, encourage it, and school administrators enable it.
My dear chap, I think the moral decline here is worse than simply joining in with the bullying. When I think about their ‘excuse’, which is they have no choice as they could be fined, they are in effect telling us that their main driver in the decision to support their staff or support the Bully is MONEY. If they chose to side with the Bully they won’t lose any money, and if they chose to side with their staff then it will cost them Money. This is in reality a moral decision to choose money over morality.
I know many think that we older people are stuck in our ways and often don’t keep up with the modern trends, I choose to think that our moral compass is simply firmer embedded and resistant to external influences. What I mean is that I have never yet and never would use the ‘services’ of a prostitute because of my own moral compass. I simply, and perhaps naively, chose not to pay to exploit another person. I know and understand others don’t see things this way and apparently are happy enough to exchange money for such services. Winston, I do not mean to be crass but this is the parallel I see in operation here! The schools are prostituting themselves for monetary reasons. They don’t want to have to pay if they make a choice to support their staff and so in exchange for money they can keep, choose the side of the bully who like Shylock insists on his ‘pound of flesh’.
Oh, but the school management will say, “this is not the case, we have to do this for the greater good of the school”. Really Mr. School Administrator? This is the example you want to pass on to the next generation. God save our children from the likes of you!
Your friend,
A deeply disturbed Charrington.
Eye-opening candor and a resonant voice of truth. Loving these letters from Mr Charrington.
Outstanding! Thank you.