In Australia last week 5 Coalition senators crossed the floor to back Pauline Hanson's anti-vaccine mandate bill. Senator Sam McMahon joined the group of rogue government members during a vote in the Senate last Monday morning, along with Queensland LNP senator Gerard Rennick, the Nationals' Matt Canavan and Liberals Alex Antic and Concetta Fierravanti-Wells. They backed the One Nation bill, which would have banned Commonwealth, state and territory governments and private enterprise from discriminating against a person on the basis of their vaccination status.
The bill was easily defeated, 44 votes to 5.
Jacqui Lambie was particularly distressed about the bill…

One of our readers and concerned Australian citizen served the following notice to all the Senators who voted against passing the bill:
To paraphrase the words of a past Prime Minister, all of you are nothing more than "unrepresentative swill', as your actions demonstrate, unequivocally, that none of you respect the Australian Constitution, and the superiority of Commonwealth law that would over-rule the tyrannical mandates that have been promulgated by the States and Territories.
Let me tell you this: I am absolutely outraged that all of you sought fit not to pass the above Bill, and that my feelings are shared by many, many Australians who are at the end of their tether over the alien, totalitarian actions of all governments over the last two years. Our collective WILL will assure that your political futures are now over, as none of you will feature in our deliberations in future Federal elections.
Your despicable and cowardly act of either being absent, abstinent, or naysaying on the vote for the Bill tells every independent, ordinary, free thinking Australian that you have no gumption to stand up, and stand out, to protect ordinary citizens from being penalised for choosing to not be injected with an experimental, gene-therapy drug that pretends to be a vaccine, but is clearly not, which has caused untold misery on millions of poor souls throughout the world.
As for that most disgraceful speech by Senator Lambie: may you partake in all the jabs you like, which may well see the end of your mortality, much sooner than your allotted time. Just like those who trusted others to not harm them, but are now looking down from above and cursing all those who have perpetrated this most monstrous crime against humanity.
TO Senators Antic, Canavan, Fierravanti-Wells, Hanson, McMahon, Rennick and Roberts
I thank you, and applaud your actions wholeheartedly, to defiantly stand up and stand out for doing what is right, and I implore you to maintain your rage to make a difference whenever the opportunity arises in the near future.
Great work.