I wouldn’t normally just post a video as a Substack, as one would do as an X post, but for the love of Australia and my fellow Australians I though this important enough. Especially given Tucker is addressing those in Melbourne, where, if you remember, the government started shooting crowds with rubber bullets for daring to stand against the COVID crazy and increasing totalitarianism of the government.
Here’s Tucker’s closing…
…violence is never the answer it just isn't it doesn't make things better I've seen a lot of conflict in a lot of different countries no one's really improved by it ever and often things usually things get much worse. The US had about the only violent revolution I've ever heard of that made things better. The only thing that works is telling the truth in bravery and that actually does work total non-compliance we used to call it when I was a kid in my country we celebrated something called Civil Disobedience and that was considered a virtue now it's considered a crime and they shoot you with rubber bullets! But back when I was a child when you know the people who are now firing the guns, the rubber bullets, wanted to be in charge, they' be like “No no no!” that's the highest level of public service (is you know refusing to go along with unjust laws) and I still think that. I don't care whether they've changed their views - doesn't bother me - my views will never change you have absolutely no obligation to follow immoral laws and you shouldn't.
And so then the question is well why do people follow immoral laws? Like after 30 years of telling you “it's your body your choice” one day you wake up they're like “give me your arm I will inject you with something”, “oh I don't care for that.” “Shut up or I'll send you to prison camp!” So why do people go along with that? And the answer is not because they want to, but because they don't, you know, they're afraid they don't want to be ostracized from the group. That's a huge one in Anglo countries, there's a huge premium in our culture, our common culture, and getting along with people, not being the one person being obstreperous or difficult like ‘pipe down, just go along with it’ you know - line up in an orderly way. That's huge part of our culture - it's a great part of our culture - but that's the downside. And the other reason is that they fear being harmed, they don't want to be shot with a rubber bullet, they don't want to be arrested they don't want to disrupt their lives. To which I would say, “well okay but what's the alternative?” And there's only one alternative, which is being destroyed and living like a slave.
So the truth is, nothing changes until people are willing to face those consequences, that's just the truth. Like, what did you think this was? You really have to decide that you're just, not going to harm anybody, but you are willing to be harmed that's just the truth. You have to decide that. And if you don't decide that, I think it's it's very clear to me as a visitor where it's going, because I've seen it and you have to make that decision. I'm not going along with that with respect. I'm not not going to scream at anybody, not going to be nasty to anybody, I'm definitely not going to hurt anybody, but there's literally nothing you can do to make me do that and if I need to be punished that's fine, I will be.
Most people will not do that. Most people just, you know, want to go to Bondi or whatever, they want to live their lives, I get it, I'm not attacking them, but it doesn't take everybody to change the society. If a small percentage of people firmly decide that they will not violate what is sacred to them, they will not worship false gods, they will not betray their own conscience, and allow their families and their country to be destroyed, and under no circumstances will they participate in an immoral system. If a small group of people, 10% of your population, does that. I don't know. Gandhi kicked the British out of India after 300 years, wasn't that hard, wearing a loin cloth actually! That actually happened and it's happened time and again.
So my strong advice to you, and I'll stop with this - remember what the consequences are, what's at stake. It's totally real, it's not your imagination. If they're telling you it's not your country, they're going to take it away from you, period. Two, you can't let that happen because it's too nice and there are future generations of Australians who have the right to live as you lived, and three, you don't have to hurt anybody and you shouldn't hurt anybody. Hurting other people is immoral that's why your leaders are illegitimate because they hurt people and that's wrong. But you have to be willing to be hurt, that's just true.
To some extent Tucker is right, but things during covid already tipped past that. More apt view from another respected thinker would be:
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
Tucker was here! You'd never know it from the mainstream media. No squawking about far-right or conspiracy theorist etc. I assume they are so afraid that people will pay attention to him and not to the drivel they spout.