Regular readers will be familiar with my correspondence with Mr Charrington. Today he wrote me thus…
Dear Winston,
Today I came across a remark made by a certain Christian doctor who said, “I think Jesus would have gotten a vaccine if he was walking around the earth in 2020-2021 instead of thousands of years ago. We should too”. This was not an isolated opinion as other Christians have made the same argument - namely that we should ‘do the right thing’ and get vaccinated for the sake of everyone around us. After all, Jesus would not hesitate to do such a selfless act to protect those he encounters and would never claim “my body, my choice” or personal freedoms.
I tell you Winston, this really gets under my skin!
Have they forgotten that Jesus created all things? John 1:3 and Col. 1:16 tell us that “All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made”; “all things have been created through him and for him”. Why would they think the one who made everything would have a need to be injected when he is the great healer? Perhaps it’s not for himself; he’d do it for others as he did when he died on the cross for others. I think they are missing the obvious warning he gave in Mark 8:15; and he (Jesus) cautioned them, saying, “Watch out; beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.”
Herod, (Herod Antipas is the Herod referred to here) was an unsavoury and unscrupulous puppet ruler of the Romans. He was involved in a great deal of lying, abusing the power of his office, adultery, and generally unfit ruler. Leaven signifies wickedness and malice in contrast to sincerity and truth. Our modern day Herod’s are proving themselves to be too much like their ancient counterpart with the wickedness involved in the modern form of child sacrifice through the creation of these vaccines. Others have written articles demonstrating that much medical research rests on the abhorrent murder of infants. In particular, vaccine research. Several key cell lines are derived from foetal tissue. Doctors obtain that tissue by removing foetuses from pregnant mothers; the foetuses are alive; the doctors then kill the babies by cutting out their kidneys or their brains or hearts. The foetal cell line called HEK 293 is the specific one that has been used to test COVID vaccines. The available evidence, and obvious physiological factors, point to the murder of a female baby to harvest her tissue for HEK 293.
What is happening across the globe is a great deal of lying, abuse of power and generally demonstrating unfitness to lead. This horrific serial murder of infants demands ALL people of faith reject the vaccine and no amount of Herod’s leaven can convince me otherwise.
My final word about “my body, my choice”, “rights”, and “freedoms” is that it’s neither about me nor you; it’s about the babies who cannot speak for themselves.
Forgive me Winston for such a heated letter, but it has done me good to get this off my chest.
It was nice to see you at the shop.