What comes to mind is Ecclesiastes 7:29 "Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions."
Thanks for delineating on these three letter "programs" meant as "pogroms" but not directed at any specific regular human. I think Florida was the last state of maybe two now who have moved their state investments from Black Rock.
I’m finding “…they became futile in their thinking and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise they became fools…” (Rom 1:21-22) just keeps resonating louder each day.
Great piece of yours by the way! I didn’t check but did you take like a Wikipedia article and just update it for the history repeat? Whatever you did it was very creative - love it.
Excellent. The permanent revolution requires the constant emergency of injustice and inequality, so each new generation must be dulled against the grindstone of progress such that the persistent intrusions of reality are fed back into the emergency.
IOW what happens when gen Z begins to notice the obvious problems of the millennials? Both in terms of personal actualization, the economic 'religion' of college debt / fat status / late-stage consumerism in which they were indoctrinated, and the overarching revolution against biological reality, i.e. Global Warming that has still failed to kill us all. So, we get SEL, ESG, and SDG, respectively.
Nature's own distribution of attributes is the fission reactor of righteous destruction, a chain reaction that churns out infinite problems from which the pre-ordained solutions can be morally adhered.
Their war on reality is all consuming. Yet as we all know here, reality is that thing that exists long after you stop believing in it. And the more reality is split into anti-reality in that problem-glasses reactor, the more energy is released. On the personal level we call this "anxiety". It is quite toxic.
What we are witnessing in these meta-branding exercises is the requisite consolidation of prior gains in this regard, with the growing problem of containment. They have broken so much already that they could not contain the signaling energy of reality without a massive effort to harness and redirect that energy back into the reaction.
They have on their side the fact that emotion is infinite. But they can never solve the problem of the physical world relying upon the finite resources of man. And so, they must still serve the parts of reality that produce enough to keep the cloud city afloat.
So, like the mob running a legit set of businesses, there are always two sets of books. There are also legit businessmen running a lot of them. The difference from the old brick and mortar mafia days is that now it is digital, virtual, and at the speed of light. That and the markets are all run by mafias competing for standing. The ESG/EDG stuff is institutionalized tribute, protection money, extortion, and controlled liquidity/transaction protocols for the set of books that the let the rest of us see - and even play with. Meanwhile, all your 401k/Pension are belong to us.
The pursuit of utopia is a positive feedback loop which is why it always ends in dystopia. It's a curious though experiment, but less important to my own daily bread, as to the extent of coordination vs emergent and game theory machinations of a system oriented around cannibalism. The real challenge is to play in their world is to become them and to not play is a kind of self-exile. Is there a 'tween the two? That's something I struggle to find.
This is the problem I have been working for going on 15 years.
The natural challenges of scale and financialization are hard enough, but now with the technofascist convergence of absolutely everything, my 3am brainspinning keeps coming up empty.
I know the spiritual way, but the practical problems remain and there are very few voices that are addressing this head on.
My current take is building a life centered around the 1850's, i.e. we are pioneers in a new frontier - literally, or leveraging the broken system to harvest what I can from the carcass of Progress and then hope it all breaks in a way that keeps the lights on and the food flowing.
The middle ground is vexing. Yet to ignore the divergent trajectories is to fail to take the problem seriously. It is either deadly serious or not. Hedging loses luster quickly.
Yes we could find someone with a lot of money, a remote place, and recreate a Night Shyamalan style Village (minus the monsters) lol.
But seriously being self sustaining as much as you can I think is a good move - I've been on a steep learning curve these past few years with all of that. Plus developing a network of like-minded people in the local area is also important, but I'm afraid our modern society hasn't made that easy as we are so used to being separated and independent.
And remember what happened when Jesus and his crew needed to pay tax? Jesus told Peter to go out, throw in a line, catch a fish and it will have the appropriate coin to cover the tax. I'm certain there are going to be supernatural provision when things become 'impossible'.
"The permanent revolution requires the constant emergency of injustice and inequality, so each new generation must be dulled against the grindstone of progress such that the persistent intrusions of reality are fed back into the emergency. "
Great observation. I (mis)spent my 20s fighting for silly left-wing causes like feminism... only to discover in my 50s that all of the things I thought we were fighting for are, apparently, still just as big problems now as they were then!! (Probably the only thing that has changed is that women are even more unhappy and angry, and men are even more beaten down and demoralized.)
So was I fighting "social injustice" ... or just wasting my energy battling reality? I suspect the latter.
My own misspent youth ("nice guy", corporate evil empire striver) has been a powerful motivator in my subsequent slow and painful transition away from the cloud.
The sinister way that our own instincts toward goodwill - and the unique and complimentary natural drives of men and women were co-opted and turned against not just our own natures and gifts but also toward the dehumanizing, humiliating, and unnatural state of perpetual Progress is a kind of evil that cannot be understated.
Though sadly it is. And more sadly, even those of us with nascent awareness of this wicked dance are still trapped in the amber of time such that our children are indentured into that very same system for our want of that illusive monkey branch that affords us the perfectly timed and perfectly accommodated lateral move.
IOW, in spite of all the pain and damage of our hijacked goodwill, we still want to keep all those shiny things that were offered to us in place of the Truth. One of the gifts of kids is that by their very existence our bluffs are called.
Hi, I am in need and ask could you please elaborate more on what you mean when you are speaking specifically of when GenZ begins to notice the obvious problems of the Millennial generation which you list?
What is your explanation when describing the millennials as I have three now grown and from my three sweet children that we gave our best efforts to raise into good human beings I barely recognize them today. They are oblivious to the war on reality that we are fighting and appear blind to the push for anything of a perverted sexual nature to be now accepted and normalized into mainstream society. They see no problems with the trans push or the vast amount of gender reassignment clinics that have popped up and mushroomed out everywhere for young children and youth and call me a transphobe for disagreeing with it ignoring entirely that I have no issues with it at all FOR AN ADULT! They seem unaware we are losing our freedoms and autonomy piece by piece and bit by bit slowly every day, and also do not equate the massive amounts of sudden deaths all over the western world could and most likely are due to the mRNA “vaccines” and not covid or natural causes still believing the covid narrative obviously. In fact they believe me to be somewhat of a crazy for warning them as to what dangers I forsee quickly coming down the pike.
They are also oblivious to WEF
UN WHO G20 Bill Gates and Dr Fauci and so on and how they together with all of the western world top governments and top diplomats and CEO’s and NGO’s all colluding to colonize us and to starve us, and to make use of whoever happens to survive for their slaves and ALL OF THIS is under the guise of “climate change” and in order to “keep us safe!”Haha! I guess I do sound crazy after all…
I wish I was crazy and these were only the ravings of a mad lunatic but I guess if you use tunnel vision you could keep all of this out of your consciousness.
I give up so whatever will be will be, I have tried to warn them repeatedly but it fell on deaf ears every single time so I will be much more superficial in my relationships with them going forward. You know another tradition that has bit the dust? Respecting your elders for with age comes wisdom so no I am not overly impressed with this millennial generation. My kids have shown me no respect as their elder throughout all of the corona madness and ever since, always believing themselves to be so much smarter and so much more savvy and so much better able to process and handle it all than I am in their esteemed opinion.
Sonya, I don't have any answers for you, but my heart goes out to you. How heart-breaking that you cannot get through to your own children about all the craziness. You are far from alone - I have spoken to many other really good moms and grandmas about the trans issue and it seems that unless you've raised your kid locked up in the closet for the last 2-3 decades, there is a very high risk of indoctrination.
It's not just generational, either. I'm "Gen X" (apparently) but my "Baby Boomer" family members (father, aunts, uncles) have also drunk the kool-aid on trans issues.
It's the same story with the injections. It's easy to just call vaxxers a bunch of zombies, but when it's the people who are nearest and dearest to us, it all becomes very difficult.
Thank you so much Anne, it truly feels awful that I cannot get through to my own children. It’s pretty sad that it has truly come down to this cause I wouldn’t have foreseen it in a million years. It took covid and the resulting craziness and ever since then to break us apart and to reveal we live with two different realities and the most bitter truth that the woke ideology is their ideology. I don’t know why I never saw it before. My middle child shares much of my reality but I understand why she doesn’t wish to dwell on it as she is young and has her whole life ahead of her so she needs to keep up her hope. As you say this deep divide has affected deep familial relationships with those we love and it doesn’t seem to matter what generation we are from.
Sonya, some years ago when the millennials were hitting their stride as teens and young adults entering college and the workforce, we began to see the 'coming home to roost' aspect of the cultural decline, or rather losing the culture war to Progress.
There were rapidly emerging traits of this generation that stood out against those prior. Though there is a solid argument to be made that they are the "echo" generation of the boomers with many similar traits, i.e. "the ME generation". The you can have it all sex and the city blight that ruined a great many of my genX peers looks quaint compared to what was inculcated into the minds of the M's.
In any case, those generalizations earned them the "snowflake" label; social justice warriors, the currency of victimhood, inversion of shame (defects are high status), gender bending sexual fluidity and extreme pareto of sexual activity (promiscuity or incel), anti-commitment/marriage/kids, credentialism over competency, sense of entitlement, immersing in technological escapism, "environmental" and collectivist-globalist idealism, identity politics and activism, anti-natalism/nationalism, etc.
All predictable outcomes of their EXTREME cultural, media, and school conditioning. Unlike us elders, there was almost no part of their lives untouched by this conditioning. To matriculate through the same gateways that we did they were increasingly isolated from reality and offered alternative fiat forms of status and community.
To turn against any aspect of this all-encompassing ideology is to reject their own self-worth. Their very identity has been curated since birth to assume their rightful place in the cloud. Their credentials, accomplishments, and social standing among the good, the "right side of history" are all entwined. It is a monolith - and they cannot start pulling bricks without risking the cascade. If it sounds like a cult, it is.
As the progressive culture that spawned these traits accelerated toward clown world the whole thing "jumped the shark". It became "Point at deer, call it horse." 2+2=5 became everywhere because math is racis. Worse, to continue to rise up in that culture you must learn to point at deer too. The coercive powers required to keep reality at bay are no joke. This is what they mean when they preach "tolerance". They mean zero tolerance for any challenges to this source of power.
So cue the mass cogdis, anxiety, depression, and big pharma pills. "Covid" was a no-brainer. Of course they are all in.
A handful of years ago there was a great hope projected into Gen Z because all subtlety to the programming and conditioning abused into the M's was spent. It became absurdly loud. The logical progression of anti-logic is cannibalism.
So, this coalesced with the dysfunction and crumbling mental state of that generation as the promise of utopia was obviously falling well short. Younger brothers watched their older sisters become intolerable wokescolds and histrionic queerleaders against the patriarchy whilst dad covered their car insurance and half their rent on their hip urban apartment because their job as a junior social media marketing manager couldn't cover the lifestyle they were entitled because college.
My take, for $0.02, is that the M's suffer from a generalized lack of second-order thinking; the cliche of "out of the box" thinking was replaced by "is this going to be on the test?" along with the expectation that they are owed the answer; a lack of personal agency, resiliency for life's most basic challenges; a sense of duty, honor, and continuity relative to their heritage, community. Even though "community" is one of their favorite words.
These kids were all born and raised in Year Zero. No history but badwhite history. No future but total environmental collapse. All striving toward conspicuous, bespoke brand affiliation and progressive "citizen of the world" hivemind status through leveraged consumption along those highly visible media-driven lines.
This provided a stark lens for the younger Z cohort to view their own future. They did not like it. In fact, many took to poking fun at their elders for their infantile emotional fragility and narcissistic sense of entitlement. A big driver in the meme wars has been the Z's busting on their elders for their absurd world view and logic fails.
While some of the Z's were cottoning to both the dead-end of the conditioning - and the results, the permanent revolution offered them the same proposition, but with dubious rewards.
It is now "you submit fully or be destroyed". Meanwhile at least the M's were dangled the keys to the city. Though it had still blown up most the M's, turning them into NPC drones, while still managing to not solve any of the supposed problems of inequality, etc.
Since then, it is clear that many of the Z's are even worse off than the M's. But there is still a great divide within the Z's where many are more like the genX in their ability to hang onto reality. Unfortunately we hoped the cultural decay jumping the shark would send more Z's to our side but instead it has left them in perpetual despair in which nihilism and hedonism battle for the last dance.
We will never see the legion of Z rise up, but we will see many of that generation turn away from clown world. Many already are. Friends' kids are eschewing "college" for the trades. The allure of urban buglife is gone in favor of homesteading and or nomadic minimalism (something we need to reign in). Young Z women talk of marriage and kids. The tradlife trend is a media product but also reflects some of the reality of the incentives of progress being obvious failures.
And in that, their reign of "give us your children", will be broken open and reality will have a beachhead in the young once again.
As for the older M's, I feel your pain. I experience a similar disconnect with the boomers/silents in my life who seem to occupy a completely different reality and have no inclination to maintain the familial, cultural, and traditional bonds that afforded them such a life of material comforts. I can only pray for guidance and work toward being a resource for the next generation.
"Friends' kids are eschewing "college" for the trades." That is really encouraging. If there is one thing I would change about how I spent my early 20s, it would be ditching a university degree and learning a useful trade.
A lot has changed in the social-economic order since I made the choice at 17.
We don't owe our children some upward trajectory of a better material life. We do owe them the fruits of our experience, lessons of life, and collective wisdom of our People and God's word. IOW, the Truth.
The framing of these debates on college is part of the problem as it presumes that the problem is that the programming code of the pursuit of that material life is broken - and not the reality that what is broken is the object of pursuit, the purpose.
The second problem is the primacy of this singular pursuit. That any other path is a less-than proposition; that all kids must conform to this one model of fiat trajectory or else be doomed to lesser life.
Not long back people were saying liberal arts is a waste, learning STEM is the only way. Even though most of Western Civilization was constructed atop the foundation of philosophy. So it was: "Learn to code". The information economy would save us.
How quickly that faded.
Now we have "learn a trade". Which is more right than learn to code, but also not The Solution, but rather one solution to the truth of our economic station. Yet neither is the actual Truth. Which is that the optimization of economic and social outcomes of these decisions are not the problem to be solved.
When I was 17 a trade was a fate that would land you trapped in my dead rural town. Now that was part true, but mostly a lie. The fear over a job with "a name on your shirt" or "turning a wrench the rest of your life" was not just about a less-than life, but about failing that sacred upward trajectory of materialism in which my parents and everyone else's had invested everything.
All while the kids went from wanting to be cops and doctors and firemen to being "you-tube famous" or "influencers". Ignoring this kind of signaling of broken incentives is a trademark of Progress.
Anyhow, my friends' kids who will most certainly not go to "college" are all incredibly bright, well-adjusted, and mentally and spiritually oriented toward living a good life of Truth. That has nothing to do with "college", per se, but rather their parents paying the social cost of rejecting the clown world such that the debates they have are about how to ask the right questions of life so that the answers may be lived.
Thank you so much for sharing this most insightful look into the millennials, Gen Z, Gen X and even the boomers of which my husband and I are at the youngest age in that group to be considered to be boomers but we definitely don’t identify ideologically at all. We were both busy working, my husband an electrician worked 6 days a week 10 hour days and I worked in retail or whatever I could find part time once they were school age.Our entire focus was ensuring we had enough to keep a roof over their heads and food in their tummies and could keep up with the cost of living while still being somewhat present in the raising of our family so we weren’t paying attention back then to all of the many different influences our millennials were being conditioned by and exposed to outside of our influence and control. Now we often ask ourselves what did we do wrong because I thought we taught them to be good human beings who cared about others including those less fortunate than themselves. Yet they were raised in a pretty upper class neighborhood where many of their peers and their parents were very well off so they didn’t feel like they were very privileged in comparison. I recognize so many of the traits you write of that it’s disheartening with mental health probably being the biggest factor and as you say the inability to properly function to meet life’s most basic demands….
One of our three, the middle child it just happens to be, differs in all ways to her siblings yet they were all raised in the same home with the same parents in the same circumstances. How or why this is possible I don’t understand other than to say she is and has always been a go getter type in personality, an extrovert and has always been very social attracting friends and her peers easily and without any effort at all on her part, she is attractive and always well liked and always popular. Both her siblings in contrast are total introverts, and most comfortable when alone and or having only a very few close friends in their circle. Maybe it is about personality differences, anyway of the three our middle child can see a lot of the reality we see, she is now married to a Conservative and they moved to the US as her husband is an American citizen while she is a Canadian and she is by far the least judgemental of us her parents who do not subscribe to the Justin Trudeau Liberals nor the Biden administration nor the UK or EU governments and nor to accepting clown world and everything that goes with it! No to neo Marxism and no to losing our freedoms and autonomy!
I have been trying to ring the warning bells for some time now, illuminate to them all of the numerous red flags everywhere in everything but all this has accomplished is a hostility towards me as I just learned it has been perceived by them “as me trying to push my unwanted views onto them” so they feel they need to set up and use boundaries. So your response is so opportune and so helpful to me right now because it offers me an explanation and that is, bottom line that they don’t WANT to SEE which now makes total sense to me after reading your piece. I can’t believe my own blindness and stupidity in believing they just couldn’t see it YET, that more pieces of the puzzle of the neo Marxist ideology being implemented daily here and globally just had to become more visible and apparent to them in order for them to see it! Your explanation blows that all to hell, they don’t and won’t see what is happening because they don’t want to see it….because it’s their ideology!
How could I be soooo stupid?! I am “taking a break” from them for now for a short period of time while still encouraging my husband to visit occasionally as they have much less of a problem with him while they know we share the same views he doesn’t talk about it whilst with them. I am still keeping up contact with our daughter in the US as she sees me for who I am and didn’t and doesn’t condemn me for it.
Biology matters. A lot of the great divide breaks along these genetic predispositions. It is difficult to watch, but even more so to attempt to unwind that biology without a deeper understanding.
Personality traits and other "wiring" definitely orients us toward or away from the conditioning - as well as other foundational aspects of our world-view. That said, the division we are all experiencing in our most intimate relationships is a product of decades of direct attacks on the institutions, traditions, shared cultural guideposts and moral anchoring. Nothing has escaped Progress.
While all this was happening, we took for granted that material comforts and "education" and broadening opportunities for other worldly experience would carry our culture and values forward.
Instead, all the institutions, forums, venues, and arbiters of social status were converged against those very things such that the morally righteous are now an inversion of what not long ago was common sense vis a vis "who we are". And the abundance we enjoy(ed) actually enabled deeper conditioning toward this investment of identity into "progress". The kids never had a chance.
My family is similar in that I have siblings that are very different in how they have responded to the conditioning which in my case also happens to reflect certain traits that were evident even as small children.
Future time preference, delayed gratification, intrinsic v. extrinsic motivation, empathy, personal responsibility v. diffused responsibility, introversion/extroversion, etc. all play a role in the formation and resiliency of identity. The war for the kids' identity is a pragmatic/agnostic way to view the overarching spiritual war, though I personally caution against anything agnostic at this point.
Some exploration of mental illness and addiction - especially "dual diagnosis" might shed some more light on how to approach loved ones who are so taken by the progressive death cult. That, and literature on deprogramming from cults. It seems extreme, but that is the best I have been able to come up with.
Mental illnesses like bipolar and borderline - and general analysis of dark triad traits (psychopathy-Machiavellianism-narcissism) will help you to understand both how their minds are fixed and how and why the programming has captured them.
The mass psychosis our gracious host explores is indeed as intractable much like mental illness or addiction. Liberating them from the mind-trap of the cult is not insurmountable, but in both cases the subject must be able to generate an authentic desire to free themselves, to accept reality and its bitter truths.
This takes time and triangulation on our part. Often it is the predictable tragedies of their faulty world-view, aka real suffering, that opens fissures of opportunity. As a loved one this is also very hard to let happen.
For these slivers of light toward their acceptance of reality to grow into that authentic desire they will have to indict themselves and what they consider to be their core beliefs. Keep in mind that for them their beliefs always happen to align with that makes them a "good person", i.e. the root of their identity. This is the paradox before us all.
This is also why our faith - and understanding that our sins in a fallen, cursed world are not the sole constituents of who we are, is of essential importance. To escape a death cult that runs this world we need to have something greater and unifying and everlasting and that is God's Love.
I couldn’t agree more with your last statement as with age comes wisdom and it has seemed to me we are constantly being taught life lessons and if we don’t learn them we are doomed to repeat them so life isn’t just random and neither are we, there is a greater purpose and I also believe God helps those who help themselves. I’m not going to penetrate the resistance I have now finally realized so the compromise I suggested was we just keep it to small talk going forward. Sad but better than nothing at all.
Hey I was just telling my friend all that has happened between my relationships with my children and myself in relation to my trying to warn them and they not wanting to hear with increasing hostility all along the way. She answered with this:
I don’t speak to any of my family about this stuff. I know they don’t see, but they also can’t handle the truth either. Have you ever saw the matrix? Many people are happy in their ignorance. They have a choice to take the blue pill and see the world for what it is or take the red pill and stay in your happy bliss. I have sadly prepared myself for the worst if they all continue to get the vaccines. It’s probably my coping mechanism in all this. I know I can’t change their minds.
Yes, if you recall the matrix, a lot was made of the natural limits of one's mind to comprehend the awakening process. And even if they can manage to see the true reality, they may not "choose" to survive within it. Much like an infant who is not held or provided any human touch but instead just fed and kept warm will often die for what seems like no reason at all.
People who study social collapse scenarios and/or those involving extreme conditions of warfare, famine, etc. understand that when certain underlying conditions break down there is always a percent of the population that will for a lack of a technical term: lay down and die.
The power of the inversion, the lie of the matrix being so intricate and all-encompassing to be reality itself, has enslaved many minds to the point where indeed their own will to live is conditioned in this way. The destruction of Truth has many wicked bedfellows, one of which being an atrophy of spiritual will.
Absent that will, to cross the great divide of the alt-reality, in which the entirety of their lives and their personal identity are invested, into the actual reality, would literally break them.
An inverse, or perhaps corollary, is how people will manufacture a kind of protective alt-reality when subjected to trauma, neglect, or other extreme condition.
Many psychological disorders are spawned in this manner. Some can be managed or even "fixed", others like borderline or schizo are so engrained that the best hope is to mitigate circumstances and manage expectations.
Which is why I return to the models of addiction and mental illness for tools to help understand these people and the reality of the situation. Reason, political and policy discussions etc. are worse than useless for reasons we all experience when attempting to pierce the veil of their alt-reality with the discomforts of Truth.
Excellent essay, full of valuable insights. "Marxism is built upon falsehoods and poor or low-resolution understandings of reality" is a polite way of saying it is utterly bonkers. One can only marvel at the zealotry of its proponents and wonder, what exactly drives them?
Still would like to see you shorten some of your writings, doesn't bother me but I am afraid that when I link them that some might not read because of the length. But, then again, maybe you don't care. Carry on!!
Point noted - O’Brien does get on a roll and can be a bit long - I really should break his pieces up a bit.
For my own writing I’m trying to keep them short - I hope people do not think me shallow or trivializing a matter because the pieces are short. But I get it - people are more likely to engage with a 5min read than a 35min read.
With all due respect, Watchman... I get it that short, concise writing is a worthy goal, and that shorter pieces will often garner more reads.
However, as someone who really values her time, I truly appreciate being able to "sink my teeth" into an article like this one. Must everything be written in shorthand pablum?
As I said it doesn't bother me, I would just hate to see someone miss a good article, because perhaps it looks to long to read, that is all. I too like to digest an article be it short or long. Appreciate the input>
I think there can be a way around this by doing things in series - but sometimes it does detract from the piece. Will strive to offer both. I doubt O'Brien is going to start doing short pieces for the sake of readership.
Excellent article and breakdown of all three methods being used to bring Marxism into our society. Thank you for explaining each one so succinctly and how they each work together to bring about a cultural revolution. It is depressing as hell though that they are having such great success while the masses don’t seem to notice much. People only seem to become aware of something when they themselves are personally affected sadly, eg. the Dutch farmers are now facing having their land acquired and confiscated by their own government if they can’t reduce their carbon footprint. That is communism is it not?!
I just found out about a shocking Bill 36 in the province of BC in Canada which is basically putting all of the covid tyranny we all just suffered through into LAW for EVERY single health professional irrespective of their field who lives and works in that province!
I mentioned your comment (re: Bill 36) to my husband. He replied how strange it is that we're being told hospitals are having staffing problems, and yet they are still willing to put more measures in place to reduce staffing? Then he speculated whether they want to keep unvaxxed staff out of hospitals for the simple reason that they would be the most likely candidates to start calling out all the vax injuries and deaths. Food for thought.
Thank you Anne! When my husband and I were there just last year in September we noticed that whatever Dr Bonnie Henry deemed necessary is what went unquestioningly! For sure this will cause much greater staff shortages than already exist there as even the doctors are opposed to it. Your husband’s speculation is interesting and something I would never have thought of. Two brains are better than one I always say.
I am most perturbed by just learning about this new Bill 36 close to being made LAW in the western most province of BC in Canada.
This is covid jab mandates 2.0 for every single working health care professional irrespective of their field of practice who lives and or works in that province.☹️
With apologies to the Turtle's I found this rant to be garbage-all-the-way-down.
Larry Fink is more likely to be "inspired" (sic) by the benighted greed-is-good and the "virtue" of selfishness pseudo "philosophy" of Ayn Rand
The principal founder of the Club of Rome was not in any sense a Marxist, nor (most probably) was he in any sense influenced by the boogey-man Herbert Marcuse. Nor has any of his subsequent and present-time work got anything to do with Marx.
What comes to mind is Ecclesiastes 7:29 "Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions."
Thanks for delineating on these three letter "programs" meant as "pogroms" but not directed at any specific regular human. I think Florida was the last state of maybe two now who have moved their state investments from Black Rock.
I’m finding “…they became futile in their thinking and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise they became fools…” (Rom 1:21-22) just keeps resonating louder each day.
The great reset is the new Great Leap Forward https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-repeat-history-part-2
Yes I’ve alluded to the same.
Great piece of yours by the way! I didn’t check but did you take like a Wikipedia article and just update it for the history repeat? Whatever you did it was very creative - love it.
Excellent. The permanent revolution requires the constant emergency of injustice and inequality, so each new generation must be dulled against the grindstone of progress such that the persistent intrusions of reality are fed back into the emergency.
IOW what happens when gen Z begins to notice the obvious problems of the millennials? Both in terms of personal actualization, the economic 'religion' of college debt / fat status / late-stage consumerism in which they were indoctrinated, and the overarching revolution against biological reality, i.e. Global Warming that has still failed to kill us all. So, we get SEL, ESG, and SDG, respectively.
Nature's own distribution of attributes is the fission reactor of righteous destruction, a chain reaction that churns out infinite problems from which the pre-ordained solutions can be morally adhered.
Their war on reality is all consuming. Yet as we all know here, reality is that thing that exists long after you stop believing in it. And the more reality is split into anti-reality in that problem-glasses reactor, the more energy is released. On the personal level we call this "anxiety". It is quite toxic.
What we are witnessing in these meta-branding exercises is the requisite consolidation of prior gains in this regard, with the growing problem of containment. They have broken so much already that they could not contain the signaling energy of reality without a massive effort to harness and redirect that energy back into the reaction.
They have on their side the fact that emotion is infinite. But they can never solve the problem of the physical world relying upon the finite resources of man. And so, they must still serve the parts of reality that produce enough to keep the cloud city afloat.
So, like the mob running a legit set of businesses, there are always two sets of books. There are also legit businessmen running a lot of them. The difference from the old brick and mortar mafia days is that now it is digital, virtual, and at the speed of light. That and the markets are all run by mafias competing for standing. The ESG/EDG stuff is institutionalized tribute, protection money, extortion, and controlled liquidity/transaction protocols for the set of books that the let the rest of us see - and even play with. Meanwhile, all your 401k/Pension are belong to us.
The pursuit of utopia is a positive feedback loop which is why it always ends in dystopia. It's a curious though experiment, but less important to my own daily bread, as to the extent of coordination vs emergent and game theory machinations of a system oriented around cannibalism. The real challenge is to play in their world is to become them and to not play is a kind of self-exile. Is there a 'tween the two? That's something I struggle to find.
Also, Rousseau is a filthy puffer whore.
“the more reality is split into anti-reality in that problem-glasses reactor, the more energy is released.”
Love it!
There has to be a way to be “in the world” but not “of the world” (in terms of the mafia run economy)
This is the problem I have been working for going on 15 years.
The natural challenges of scale and financialization are hard enough, but now with the technofascist convergence of absolutely everything, my 3am brainspinning keeps coming up empty.
I know the spiritual way, but the practical problems remain and there are very few voices that are addressing this head on.
My current take is building a life centered around the 1850's, i.e. we are pioneers in a new frontier - literally, or leveraging the broken system to harvest what I can from the carcass of Progress and then hope it all breaks in a way that keeps the lights on and the food flowing.
The middle ground is vexing. Yet to ignore the divergent trajectories is to fail to take the problem seriously. It is either deadly serious or not. Hedging loses luster quickly.
Always appreciate the clear thinking around here.
Yes we could find someone with a lot of money, a remote place, and recreate a Night Shyamalan style Village (minus the monsters) lol.
But seriously being self sustaining as much as you can I think is a good move - I've been on a steep learning curve these past few years with all of that. Plus developing a network of like-minded people in the local area is also important, but I'm afraid our modern society hasn't made that easy as we are so used to being separated and independent.
And remember what happened when Jesus and his crew needed to pay tax? Jesus told Peter to go out, throw in a line, catch a fish and it will have the appropriate coin to cover the tax. I'm certain there are going to be supernatural provision when things become 'impossible'.
"The permanent revolution requires the constant emergency of injustice and inequality, so each new generation must be dulled against the grindstone of progress such that the persistent intrusions of reality are fed back into the emergency. "
Great observation. I (mis)spent my 20s fighting for silly left-wing causes like feminism... only to discover in my 50s that all of the things I thought we were fighting for are, apparently, still just as big problems now as they were then!! (Probably the only thing that has changed is that women are even more unhappy and angry, and men are even more beaten down and demoralized.)
So was I fighting "social injustice" ... or just wasting my energy battling reality? I suspect the latter.
My own misspent youth ("nice guy", corporate evil empire striver) has been a powerful motivator in my subsequent slow and painful transition away from the cloud.
The sinister way that our own instincts toward goodwill - and the unique and complimentary natural drives of men and women were co-opted and turned against not just our own natures and gifts but also toward the dehumanizing, humiliating, and unnatural state of perpetual Progress is a kind of evil that cannot be understated.
Though sadly it is. And more sadly, even those of us with nascent awareness of this wicked dance are still trapped in the amber of time such that our children are indentured into that very same system for our want of that illusive monkey branch that affords us the perfectly timed and perfectly accommodated lateral move.
IOW, in spite of all the pain and damage of our hijacked goodwill, we still want to keep all those shiny things that were offered to us in place of the Truth. One of the gifts of kids is that by their very existence our bluffs are called.
Hi, I am in need and ask could you please elaborate more on what you mean when you are speaking specifically of when GenZ begins to notice the obvious problems of the Millennial generation which you list?
What is your explanation when describing the millennials as I have three now grown and from my three sweet children that we gave our best efforts to raise into good human beings I barely recognize them today. They are oblivious to the war on reality that we are fighting and appear blind to the push for anything of a perverted sexual nature to be now accepted and normalized into mainstream society. They see no problems with the trans push or the vast amount of gender reassignment clinics that have popped up and mushroomed out everywhere for young children and youth and call me a transphobe for disagreeing with it ignoring entirely that I have no issues with it at all FOR AN ADULT! They seem unaware we are losing our freedoms and autonomy piece by piece and bit by bit slowly every day, and also do not equate the massive amounts of sudden deaths all over the western world could and most likely are due to the mRNA “vaccines” and not covid or natural causes still believing the covid narrative obviously. In fact they believe me to be somewhat of a crazy for warning them as to what dangers I forsee quickly coming down the pike.
They are also oblivious to WEF
UN WHO G20 Bill Gates and Dr Fauci and so on and how they together with all of the western world top governments and top diplomats and CEO’s and NGO’s all colluding to colonize us and to starve us, and to make use of whoever happens to survive for their slaves and ALL OF THIS is under the guise of “climate change” and in order to “keep us safe!”Haha! I guess I do sound crazy after all…
I wish I was crazy and these were only the ravings of a mad lunatic but I guess if you use tunnel vision you could keep all of this out of your consciousness.
I give up so whatever will be will be, I have tried to warn them repeatedly but it fell on deaf ears every single time so I will be much more superficial in my relationships with them going forward. You know another tradition that has bit the dust? Respecting your elders for with age comes wisdom so no I am not overly impressed with this millennial generation. My kids have shown me no respect as their elder throughout all of the corona madness and ever since, always believing themselves to be so much smarter and so much more savvy and so much better able to process and handle it all than I am in their esteemed opinion.
Sonya, I don't have any answers for you, but my heart goes out to you. How heart-breaking that you cannot get through to your own children about all the craziness. You are far from alone - I have spoken to many other really good moms and grandmas about the trans issue and it seems that unless you've raised your kid locked up in the closet for the last 2-3 decades, there is a very high risk of indoctrination.
It's not just generational, either. I'm "Gen X" (apparently) but my "Baby Boomer" family members (father, aunts, uncles) have also drunk the kool-aid on trans issues.
It's the same story with the injections. It's easy to just call vaxxers a bunch of zombies, but when it's the people who are nearest and dearest to us, it all becomes very difficult.
Thank you so much Anne, it truly feels awful that I cannot get through to my own children. It’s pretty sad that it has truly come down to this cause I wouldn’t have foreseen it in a million years. It took covid and the resulting craziness and ever since then to break us apart and to reveal we live with two different realities and the most bitter truth that the woke ideology is their ideology. I don’t know why I never saw it before. My middle child shares much of my reality but I understand why she doesn’t wish to dwell on it as she is young and has her whole life ahead of her so she needs to keep up her hope. As you say this deep divide has affected deep familial relationships with those we love and it doesn’t seem to matter what generation we are from.
Sonya, some years ago when the millennials were hitting their stride as teens and young adults entering college and the workforce, we began to see the 'coming home to roost' aspect of the cultural decline, or rather losing the culture war to Progress.
There were rapidly emerging traits of this generation that stood out against those prior. Though there is a solid argument to be made that they are the "echo" generation of the boomers with many similar traits, i.e. "the ME generation". The you can have it all sex and the city blight that ruined a great many of my genX peers looks quaint compared to what was inculcated into the minds of the M's.
In any case, those generalizations earned them the "snowflake" label; social justice warriors, the currency of victimhood, inversion of shame (defects are high status), gender bending sexual fluidity and extreme pareto of sexual activity (promiscuity or incel), anti-commitment/marriage/kids, credentialism over competency, sense of entitlement, immersing in technological escapism, "environmental" and collectivist-globalist idealism, identity politics and activism, anti-natalism/nationalism, etc.
All predictable outcomes of their EXTREME cultural, media, and school conditioning. Unlike us elders, there was almost no part of their lives untouched by this conditioning. To matriculate through the same gateways that we did they were increasingly isolated from reality and offered alternative fiat forms of status and community.
To turn against any aspect of this all-encompassing ideology is to reject their own self-worth. Their very identity has been curated since birth to assume their rightful place in the cloud. Their credentials, accomplishments, and social standing among the good, the "right side of history" are all entwined. It is a monolith - and they cannot start pulling bricks without risking the cascade. If it sounds like a cult, it is.
As the progressive culture that spawned these traits accelerated toward clown world the whole thing "jumped the shark". It became "Point at deer, call it horse." 2+2=5 became everywhere because math is racis. Worse, to continue to rise up in that culture you must learn to point at deer too. The coercive powers required to keep reality at bay are no joke. This is what they mean when they preach "tolerance". They mean zero tolerance for any challenges to this source of power.
So cue the mass cogdis, anxiety, depression, and big pharma pills. "Covid" was a no-brainer. Of course they are all in.
A handful of years ago there was a great hope projected into Gen Z because all subtlety to the programming and conditioning abused into the M's was spent. It became absurdly loud. The logical progression of anti-logic is cannibalism.
So, this coalesced with the dysfunction and crumbling mental state of that generation as the promise of utopia was obviously falling well short. Younger brothers watched their older sisters become intolerable wokescolds and histrionic queerleaders against the patriarchy whilst dad covered their car insurance and half their rent on their hip urban apartment because their job as a junior social media marketing manager couldn't cover the lifestyle they were entitled because college.
My take, for $0.02, is that the M's suffer from a generalized lack of second-order thinking; the cliche of "out of the box" thinking was replaced by "is this going to be on the test?" along with the expectation that they are owed the answer; a lack of personal agency, resiliency for life's most basic challenges; a sense of duty, honor, and continuity relative to their heritage, community. Even though "community" is one of their favorite words.
These kids were all born and raised in Year Zero. No history but badwhite history. No future but total environmental collapse. All striving toward conspicuous, bespoke brand affiliation and progressive "citizen of the world" hivemind status through leveraged consumption along those highly visible media-driven lines.
This provided a stark lens for the younger Z cohort to view their own future. They did not like it. In fact, many took to poking fun at their elders for their infantile emotional fragility and narcissistic sense of entitlement. A big driver in the meme wars has been the Z's busting on their elders for their absurd world view and logic fails.
While some of the Z's were cottoning to both the dead-end of the conditioning - and the results, the permanent revolution offered them the same proposition, but with dubious rewards.
It is now "you submit fully or be destroyed". Meanwhile at least the M's were dangled the keys to the city. Though it had still blown up most the M's, turning them into NPC drones, while still managing to not solve any of the supposed problems of inequality, etc.
Since then, it is clear that many of the Z's are even worse off than the M's. But there is still a great divide within the Z's where many are more like the genX in their ability to hang onto reality. Unfortunately we hoped the cultural decay jumping the shark would send more Z's to our side but instead it has left them in perpetual despair in which nihilism and hedonism battle for the last dance.
We will never see the legion of Z rise up, but we will see many of that generation turn away from clown world. Many already are. Friends' kids are eschewing "college" for the trades. The allure of urban buglife is gone in favor of homesteading and or nomadic minimalism (something we need to reign in). Young Z women talk of marriage and kids. The tradlife trend is a media product but also reflects some of the reality of the incentives of progress being obvious failures.
And in that, their reign of "give us your children", will be broken open and reality will have a beachhead in the young once again.
As for the older M's, I feel your pain. I experience a similar disconnect with the boomers/silents in my life who seem to occupy a completely different reality and have no inclination to maintain the familial, cultural, and traditional bonds that afforded them such a life of material comforts. I can only pray for guidance and work toward being a resource for the next generation.
"Friends' kids are eschewing "college" for the trades." That is really encouraging. If there is one thing I would change about how I spent my early 20s, it would be ditching a university degree and learning a useful trade.
A lot has changed in the social-economic order since I made the choice at 17.
We don't owe our children some upward trajectory of a better material life. We do owe them the fruits of our experience, lessons of life, and collective wisdom of our People and God's word. IOW, the Truth.
The framing of these debates on college is part of the problem as it presumes that the problem is that the programming code of the pursuit of that material life is broken - and not the reality that what is broken is the object of pursuit, the purpose.
The second problem is the primacy of this singular pursuit. That any other path is a less-than proposition; that all kids must conform to this one model of fiat trajectory or else be doomed to lesser life.
Not long back people were saying liberal arts is a waste, learning STEM is the only way. Even though most of Western Civilization was constructed atop the foundation of philosophy. So it was: "Learn to code". The information economy would save us.
How quickly that faded.
Now we have "learn a trade". Which is more right than learn to code, but also not The Solution, but rather one solution to the truth of our economic station. Yet neither is the actual Truth. Which is that the optimization of economic and social outcomes of these decisions are not the problem to be solved.
When I was 17 a trade was a fate that would land you trapped in my dead rural town. Now that was part true, but mostly a lie. The fear over a job with "a name on your shirt" or "turning a wrench the rest of your life" was not just about a less-than life, but about failing that sacred upward trajectory of materialism in which my parents and everyone else's had invested everything.
All while the kids went from wanting to be cops and doctors and firemen to being "you-tube famous" or "influencers". Ignoring this kind of signaling of broken incentives is a trademark of Progress.
Anyhow, my friends' kids who will most certainly not go to "college" are all incredibly bright, well-adjusted, and mentally and spiritually oriented toward living a good life of Truth. That has nothing to do with "college", per se, but rather their parents paying the social cost of rejecting the clown world such that the debates they have are about how to ask the right questions of life so that the answers may be lived.
You've got so much wisdom to share, DV. When are you going to start posting on your own substack?
Thank you so much for sharing this most insightful look into the millennials, Gen Z, Gen X and even the boomers of which my husband and I are at the youngest age in that group to be considered to be boomers but we definitely don’t identify ideologically at all. We were both busy working, my husband an electrician worked 6 days a week 10 hour days and I worked in retail or whatever I could find part time once they were school age.Our entire focus was ensuring we had enough to keep a roof over their heads and food in their tummies and could keep up with the cost of living while still being somewhat present in the raising of our family so we weren’t paying attention back then to all of the many different influences our millennials were being conditioned by and exposed to outside of our influence and control. Now we often ask ourselves what did we do wrong because I thought we taught them to be good human beings who cared about others including those less fortunate than themselves. Yet they were raised in a pretty upper class neighborhood where many of their peers and their parents were very well off so they didn’t feel like they were very privileged in comparison. I recognize so many of the traits you write of that it’s disheartening with mental health probably being the biggest factor and as you say the inability to properly function to meet life’s most basic demands….
One of our three, the middle child it just happens to be, differs in all ways to her siblings yet they were all raised in the same home with the same parents in the same circumstances. How or why this is possible I don’t understand other than to say she is and has always been a go getter type in personality, an extrovert and has always been very social attracting friends and her peers easily and without any effort at all on her part, she is attractive and always well liked and always popular. Both her siblings in contrast are total introverts, and most comfortable when alone and or having only a very few close friends in their circle. Maybe it is about personality differences, anyway of the three our middle child can see a lot of the reality we see, she is now married to a Conservative and they moved to the US as her husband is an American citizen while she is a Canadian and she is by far the least judgemental of us her parents who do not subscribe to the Justin Trudeau Liberals nor the Biden administration nor the UK or EU governments and nor to accepting clown world and everything that goes with it! No to neo Marxism and no to losing our freedoms and autonomy!
I have been trying to ring the warning bells for some time now, illuminate to them all of the numerous red flags everywhere in everything but all this has accomplished is a hostility towards me as I just learned it has been perceived by them “as me trying to push my unwanted views onto them” so they feel they need to set up and use boundaries. So your response is so opportune and so helpful to me right now because it offers me an explanation and that is, bottom line that they don’t WANT to SEE which now makes total sense to me after reading your piece. I can’t believe my own blindness and stupidity in believing they just couldn’t see it YET, that more pieces of the puzzle of the neo Marxist ideology being implemented daily here and globally just had to become more visible and apparent to them in order for them to see it! Your explanation blows that all to hell, they don’t and won’t see what is happening because they don’t want to see it….because it’s their ideology!
How could I be soooo stupid?! I am “taking a break” from them for now for a short period of time while still encouraging my husband to visit occasionally as they have much less of a problem with him while they know we share the same views he doesn’t talk about it whilst with them. I am still keeping up contact with our daughter in the US as she sees me for who I am and didn’t and doesn’t condemn me for it.
Biology matters. A lot of the great divide breaks along these genetic predispositions. It is difficult to watch, but even more so to attempt to unwind that biology without a deeper understanding.
Personality traits and other "wiring" definitely orients us toward or away from the conditioning - as well as other foundational aspects of our world-view. That said, the division we are all experiencing in our most intimate relationships is a product of decades of direct attacks on the institutions, traditions, shared cultural guideposts and moral anchoring. Nothing has escaped Progress.
While all this was happening, we took for granted that material comforts and "education" and broadening opportunities for other worldly experience would carry our culture and values forward.
Instead, all the institutions, forums, venues, and arbiters of social status were converged against those very things such that the morally righteous are now an inversion of what not long ago was common sense vis a vis "who we are". And the abundance we enjoy(ed) actually enabled deeper conditioning toward this investment of identity into "progress". The kids never had a chance.
My family is similar in that I have siblings that are very different in how they have responded to the conditioning which in my case also happens to reflect certain traits that were evident even as small children.
Future time preference, delayed gratification, intrinsic v. extrinsic motivation, empathy, personal responsibility v. diffused responsibility, introversion/extroversion, etc. all play a role in the formation and resiliency of identity. The war for the kids' identity is a pragmatic/agnostic way to view the overarching spiritual war, though I personally caution against anything agnostic at this point.
Some exploration of mental illness and addiction - especially "dual diagnosis" might shed some more light on how to approach loved ones who are so taken by the progressive death cult. That, and literature on deprogramming from cults. It seems extreme, but that is the best I have been able to come up with.
Mental illnesses like bipolar and borderline - and general analysis of dark triad traits (psychopathy-Machiavellianism-narcissism) will help you to understand both how their minds are fixed and how and why the programming has captured them.
The mass psychosis our gracious host explores is indeed as intractable much like mental illness or addiction. Liberating them from the mind-trap of the cult is not insurmountable, but in both cases the subject must be able to generate an authentic desire to free themselves, to accept reality and its bitter truths.
This takes time and triangulation on our part. Often it is the predictable tragedies of their faulty world-view, aka real suffering, that opens fissures of opportunity. As a loved one this is also very hard to let happen.
For these slivers of light toward their acceptance of reality to grow into that authentic desire they will have to indict themselves and what they consider to be their core beliefs. Keep in mind that for them their beliefs always happen to align with that makes them a "good person", i.e. the root of their identity. This is the paradox before us all.
This is also why our faith - and understanding that our sins in a fallen, cursed world are not the sole constituents of who we are, is of essential importance. To escape a death cult that runs this world we need to have something greater and unifying and everlasting and that is God's Love.
I couldn’t agree more with your last statement as with age comes wisdom and it has seemed to me we are constantly being taught life lessons and if we don’t learn them we are doomed to repeat them so life isn’t just random and neither are we, there is a greater purpose and I also believe God helps those who help themselves. I’m not going to penetrate the resistance I have now finally realized so the compromise I suggested was we just keep it to small talk going forward. Sad but better than nothing at all.
Hey I was just telling my friend all that has happened between my relationships with my children and myself in relation to my trying to warn them and they not wanting to hear with increasing hostility all along the way. She answered with this:
I don’t speak to any of my family about this stuff. I know they don’t see, but they also can’t handle the truth either. Have you ever saw the matrix? Many people are happy in their ignorance. They have a choice to take the blue pill and see the world for what it is or take the red pill and stay in your happy bliss. I have sadly prepared myself for the worst if they all continue to get the vaccines. It’s probably my coping mechanism in all this. I know I can’t change their minds.
I’m thankful I moved away.
Yes, if you recall the matrix, a lot was made of the natural limits of one's mind to comprehend the awakening process. And even if they can manage to see the true reality, they may not "choose" to survive within it. Much like an infant who is not held or provided any human touch but instead just fed and kept warm will often die for what seems like no reason at all.
People who study social collapse scenarios and/or those involving extreme conditions of warfare, famine, etc. understand that when certain underlying conditions break down there is always a percent of the population that will for a lack of a technical term: lay down and die.
The power of the inversion, the lie of the matrix being so intricate and all-encompassing to be reality itself, has enslaved many minds to the point where indeed their own will to live is conditioned in this way. The destruction of Truth has many wicked bedfellows, one of which being an atrophy of spiritual will.
Absent that will, to cross the great divide of the alt-reality, in which the entirety of their lives and their personal identity are invested, into the actual reality, would literally break them.
An inverse, or perhaps corollary, is how people will manufacture a kind of protective alt-reality when subjected to trauma, neglect, or other extreme condition.
Many psychological disorders are spawned in this manner. Some can be managed or even "fixed", others like borderline or schizo are so engrained that the best hope is to mitigate circumstances and manage expectations.
Which is why I return to the models of addiction and mental illness for tools to help understand these people and the reality of the situation. Reason, political and policy discussions etc. are worse than useless for reasons we all experience when attempting to pierce the veil of their alt-reality with the discomforts of Truth.
Excellent essay, full of valuable insights. "Marxism is built upon falsehoods and poor or low-resolution understandings of reality" is a polite way of saying it is utterly bonkers. One can only marvel at the zealotry of its proponents and wonder, what exactly drives them?
Good article and great explanations, Winston, will be linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
Still would like to see you shorten some of your writings, doesn't bother me but I am afraid that when I link them that some might not read because of the length. But, then again, maybe you don't care. Carry on!!
Point noted - O’Brien does get on a roll and can be a bit long - I really should break his pieces up a bit.
For my own writing I’m trying to keep them short - I hope people do not think me shallow or trivializing a matter because the pieces are short. But I get it - people are more likely to engage with a 5min read than a 35min read.
Thanks again Watchman!
With all due respect, Watchman... I get it that short, concise writing is a worthy goal, and that shorter pieces will often garner more reads.
However, as someone who really values her time, I truly appreciate being able to "sink my teeth" into an article like this one. Must everything be written in shorthand pablum?
As I said it doesn't bother me, I would just hate to see someone miss a good article, because perhaps it looks to long to read, that is all. I too like to digest an article be it short or long. Appreciate the input>
I think there can be a way around this by doing things in series - but sometimes it does detract from the piece. Will strive to offer both. I doubt O'Brien is going to start doing short pieces for the sake of readership.
Excellent article and breakdown of all three methods being used to bring Marxism into our society. Thank you for explaining each one so succinctly and how they each work together to bring about a cultural revolution. It is depressing as hell though that they are having such great success while the masses don’t seem to notice much. People only seem to become aware of something when they themselves are personally affected sadly, eg. the Dutch farmers are now facing having their land acquired and confiscated by their own government if they can’t reduce their carbon footprint. That is communism is it not?!
I just found out about a shocking Bill 36 in the province of BC in Canada which is basically putting all of the covid tyranny we all just suffered through into LAW for EVERY single health professional irrespective of their field who lives and works in that province!
I mentioned your comment (re: Bill 36) to my husband. He replied how strange it is that we're being told hospitals are having staffing problems, and yet they are still willing to put more measures in place to reduce staffing? Then he speculated whether they want to keep unvaxxed staff out of hospitals for the simple reason that they would be the most likely candidates to start calling out all the vax injuries and deaths. Food for thought.
Thank you Anne! When my husband and I were there just last year in September we noticed that whatever Dr Bonnie Henry deemed necessary is what went unquestioningly! For sure this will cause much greater staff shortages than already exist there as even the doctors are opposed to it. Your husband’s speculation is interesting and something I would never have thought of. Two brains are better than one I always say.
This was excellent thank you…
I am most perturbed by just learning about this new Bill 36 close to being made LAW in the western most province of BC in Canada.
This is covid jab mandates 2.0 for every single working health care professional irrespective of their field of practice who lives and or works in that province.☹️
With apologies to the Turtle's I found this rant to be garbage-all-the-way-down.
Larry Fink is more likely to be "inspired" (sic) by the benighted greed-is-good and the "virtue" of selfishness pseudo "philosophy" of Ayn Rand
The principal founder of the Club of Rome was not in any sense a Marxist, nor (most probably) was he in any sense influenced by the boogey-man Herbert Marcuse. Nor has any of his subsequent and present-time work got anything to do with Marx.
This website introduces the scope of this remarkable man http://ervinlaszlobooks.com
Plus why not check out the contents of these related websites which again have zilch to do with the dreaded Marx or Marcuse.
http://www.terrypatten.com/resources multiple resources including Paul Kingsnorth and The Dark Mountain outfit, and Charles Eisenstein too.
James Lindsay has been talking extensively about these subjects, and the marxist thought underlying them all.
I'm listening to his latest, "Who Radicalized You" podcast.
He cracks me up when he gets so riled up that he starts cussing, a lot.
Respect. Very few people have even heard of Willi Münzenberg, Mr. 3rd International himself.