Dec 5, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

What comes to mind is Ecclesiastes 7:29 "Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions."

Thanks for delineating on these three letter "programs" meant as "pogroms" but not directed at any specific regular human. I think Florida was the last state of maybe two now who have moved their state investments from Black Rock.

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The great reset is the new Great Leap Forward https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-repeat-history-part-2

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

Excellent. The permanent revolution requires the constant emergency of injustice and inequality, so each new generation must be dulled against the grindstone of progress such that the persistent intrusions of reality are fed back into the emergency.

IOW what happens when gen Z begins to notice the obvious problems of the millennials? Both in terms of personal actualization, the economic 'religion' of college debt / fat status / late-stage consumerism in which they were indoctrinated, and the overarching revolution against biological reality, i.e. Global Warming that has still failed to kill us all. So, we get SEL, ESG, and SDG, respectively.

Nature's own distribution of attributes is the fission reactor of righteous destruction, a chain reaction that churns out infinite problems from which the pre-ordained solutions can be morally adhered.

Their war on reality is all consuming. Yet as we all know here, reality is that thing that exists long after you stop believing in it. And the more reality is split into anti-reality in that problem-glasses reactor, the more energy is released. On the personal level we call this "anxiety". It is quite toxic.

What we are witnessing in these meta-branding exercises is the requisite consolidation of prior gains in this regard, with the growing problem of containment. They have broken so much already that they could not contain the signaling energy of reality without a massive effort to harness and redirect that energy back into the reaction.

They have on their side the fact that emotion is infinite. But they can never solve the problem of the physical world relying upon the finite resources of man. And so, they must still serve the parts of reality that produce enough to keep the cloud city afloat.

So, like the mob running a legit set of businesses, there are always two sets of books. There are also legit businessmen running a lot of them. The difference from the old brick and mortar mafia days is that now it is digital, virtual, and at the speed of light. That and the markets are all run by mafias competing for standing. The ESG/EDG stuff is institutionalized tribute, protection money, extortion, and controlled liquidity/transaction protocols for the set of books that the let the rest of us see - and even play with. Meanwhile, all your 401k/Pension are belong to us.

The pursuit of utopia is a positive feedback loop which is why it always ends in dystopia. It's a curious though experiment, but less important to my own daily bread, as to the extent of coordination vs emergent and game theory machinations of a system oriented around cannibalism. The real challenge is to play in their world is to become them and to not play is a kind of self-exile. Is there a 'tween the two? That's something I struggle to find.

Also, Rousseau is a filthy puffer whore.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

Excellent essay, full of valuable insights. "Marxism is built upon falsehoods and poor or low-resolution understandings of reality" is a polite way of saying it is utterly bonkers. One can only marvel at the zealotry of its proponents and wonder, what exactly drives them?

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Good article and great explanations, Winston, will be linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Still would like to see you shorten some of your writings, doesn't bother me but I am afraid that when I link them that some might not read because of the length. But, then again, maybe you don't care. Carry on!!

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Excellent article and breakdown of all three methods being used to bring Marxism into our society. Thank you for explaining each one so succinctly and how they each work together to bring about a cultural revolution. It is depressing as hell though that they are having such great success while the masses don’t seem to notice much. People only seem to become aware of something when they themselves are personally affected sadly, eg. the Dutch farmers are now facing having their land acquired and confiscated by their own government if they can’t reduce their carbon footprint. That is communism is it not?!

I just found out about a shocking Bill 36 in the province of BC in Canada which is basically putting all of the covid tyranny we all just suffered through into LAW for EVERY single health professional irrespective of their field who lives and works in that province!


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This was excellent thank you…

I am most perturbed by just learning about this new Bill 36 close to being made LAW in the western most province of BC in Canada.

This is covid jab mandates 2.0 for every single working health care professional irrespective of their field of practice who lives and or works in that province.☹️


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With apologies to the Turtle's I found this rant to be garbage-all-the-way-down.

Larry Fink is more likely to be "inspired" (sic) by the benighted greed-is-good and the "virtue" of selfishness pseudo "philosophy" of Ayn Rand

The principal founder of the Club of Rome was not in any sense a Marxist, nor (most probably) was he in any sense influenced by the boogey-man Herbert Marcuse. Nor has any of his subsequent and present-time work got anything to do with Marx.

This website introduces the scope of this remarkable man http://ervinlaszlobooks.com

Plus why not check out the contents of these related websites which again have zilch to do with the dreaded Marx or Marcuse.


http://www.terrypatten.com/resources multiple resources including Paul Kingsnorth and The Dark Mountain outfit, and Charles Eisenstein too.

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James Lindsay has been talking extensively about these subjects, and the marxist thought underlying them all.

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Respect. Very few people have even heard of Willi Münzenberg, Mr. 3rd International himself.

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