A few interesting things of late that might be worth highlighting…
The first is an interesting video from La Quinta Columna at a recent outdoor address in Spain. (if you are not familiar with La Quinta Columna, they are a Spanish alternative media outlet led by Ricardo Delgado Martín - you can find them at laquintacolumna.net)
Here they are saying that their research into the ‘vaccines’ brings them to the conclusion that it is some form of interface, and indeed, an interface with ‘another species’. They then assert that what they are seeing under the microscope looks suspiciously similar to what has been found in people who have said to been abducted by aliens1. So the assumption is that the similarities between whatever was inserted into alien abductees and the ‘jab’ suggests a common culprit. And they say that culprit has to be demons. These guys suggest the technology in question is some sort of control mechanism, that may also rely on 5G.
Joining the dots between the alien mysteries, fallen angels/watchers, the Neo-pagan revival, and creepy technology being injected into the masses, kinda makes you think something spiritual is going on (… you think?). And there’s this huge push for psychedelics in medicine/mental health now - something that is known to lift the veil into spiritual dimensions - what the heck is that all about? Recently I had an email from someone pushing a conference for psychedelics who said he’d had an extremely traumatic psychedelic trip when he was in his 20s, but now that ‘science’ understands the drugs, it’s all OK - come to the conference to learn how to get all your clients onto it! Another portal for demons to have access to our nervous systems?
If nothing else, this is fantastic material for any budding epic-sci-fi-crime novelist (move over Liu Cixin!), or your next pitch to Netflix. But I think there’s more to it.
There seems no end to the nefarious shenanigans going on in the demonic department. Yesterday was the UN World Invocation Day - a day to conjure up your evil principality of choice! The ever-colorful Exposé joins the dots for us here - our psychopathic technocratic overlords might have ‘friends’ in higher places we’d rather not contemplate. We’ve got the German parliament trying to normalize child porn and sex with minors, the EU launching their Ministry of Truth (European Democracy Shield) to stamp out any dissenters while Australia’s megalomaniac eSafety commissioner is making a naughty-list of sane people for future reference, ‘bird flu’ about to wipe out humanity, the WEF transforming into “the leading global institution for public-private cooperation”, and Australia launches into a digital ID, ‘not mandatory but mandatory’ program.
Here’s a bit more about our eSafety psychopath courtesy Rebekah Barnett:
With the likes of the European Democracy Shield, the ADL, whatever-country-you-are-in-eSafety commissioners, where can truth tellers go? Is there a safe haven? Oh, X! But wait… isn’t AU10TIX the private Israeli firm verifying people’s ID on X (and PayPal, LinkedIn, and a host of others)? Founded by Ron Atzomn, formally from the Israeli Intelligence unit 8200, we must be in good hands… right? I mean a private Israeli/Dutch company wouldn’t have any other agenda than just making sure you’re a good person (unless you are a good person in Gaza, or a Christian, or Muslim, or love freedom, but those are special cases, I’m sure everyone else is OK).
And while on the topic of a dystopian outlook, I’ve been listening to a book by John Davidson, Pagan America, which, as the title suggests, is about the post-Christian era we are rapidly descending into. It’s a highly recommended read/listen for anyone interested in what society is becoming without Christian moral underpinnings. If you are in Australia just cross out “America” and put “Australia” on the cover and you have an accurate depiction of what’s happening here. That picture of the burning church on the cover - think of that as your church, house, business, website or social media accounts - what an exciting prospect :-(
I’m also half way through The Indoctrinated Brain by Michael Nehls, another recommended read for his thesis about mind control through the partial destruction of our hippocampus. Not exactly alien wetware/hardware interface theory of La Quinta Columna, but compelling and frightening nevertheless.
And for Australians who’ve not caught up with the David McBride story, well here’s his video from last week… (for those who have no idea, here’s his website )
Justice Mossop sentenced McBride to 5 years and 8 months jail - the sensible thing to do would have been to give the guy a medal and arrest the ratbags he was exposing. But welcome to Australia - just because we are upside down on the bottom of the globe doesn’t mean we have to act in a completely inverted manner - but alas, here we are.
According to The People’s Revolution (who were at the trial), upon the sentencing the Court room erupted with emotion, which triggered the beefed up security into action, while the crowd yelled loudly at the Justice, referring to him as a "traitor", "coward", and "sell out".
Finally, check out Notes From The Past latest video covering a brief history of brainwashing - very important to understand the history and roots of the brainwashing that’s going on today. It may be a little more sophisticated, but human nature has not changed a bit! Let me say that again - the human nature you observe in the Chinese Cultural Revolution (as well as the Soviet, and the French, etc, etc) HAS NOT CHANGED. And the techniques are probably better than ever to elicit the sort of revolution the technocrats are after (as well as the techniques to get rid of you if you don’t comply). Let’s glean as much from our past as possible so we are better equipped to deal with the now.
Apparently there’s been physical evidence of things inside people after alien abduction experiences. I have no idea, not having followed the whole alien thing very closely. But very interesting nevertheless.
Unnerving times to be sure.
I read the Origins of Brainwashing yesterday, and found it an interesting primer on the subject. I looked for the Davidson book and the description is truly unnerving. A must read, hopefully.
Which brings me to my early morning theoretical opinion. Maybe what we are seeing truly is the devolution of our species. For millennia we branched out across the globe and developed traits specific to our particular physical and social environment. Then came the ability to travel, physically and socially to places we were not adapted to survive in. Maybe what we are seeing in the global scale atrocities, the melt down of the intellect, the perversions of the moral foundation and the rounding off of the edges of our various unique qualities to the point if all being "equal", is the societal equivalent of chemical cremation, a melting pot where we all become part of some brown soup.
Excellent piece I just keep praying to God every single night to save humanity because some of us feel the threat we are under but the scary thing is that so many are already so brainwashed and walking around like zombies they don’t even see it and are insanely resistant to even acknowledging it when you try to open the up the subject in relation to anything that is happening.
I saw it over our freedom convoy in Ottawa, Liberals likely many of them government employees genuinely puzzled asking what freedoms have you lost exactly? They couldn’t see, didn’t recognize the totalitarianism the plandemic brought in with it! How? How could they not see that all of our freedoms were under attack? Gen X and the baby boomers can see it, some Millennials but almost no Gen Z who are the most indoctrinated and the most brainwashed.
It feels like we are no more than test subjects in a lab, like rats or mice or frogs and we always were we just didn’t know it then. Their social engineering has been highly successful but for me the one good thing the fake pandemic brought with it was a large harsh dose of reality versus the programmed ideology about everything I had been falsely living under! I’m awake now but the old adage united we stand divided we fall isn’t looking good for us.