Tucker Carlson has released an extremely important interview with Nayib Bukele:
When asked about the ‘how’ of transforming El Salvador, Bukele said “Well I can tell you the official formula and the real formula.” The official formula was what you would expect, a staged plan to clamp down on the gangs. The real formula, Bukele admitted that “It's a miracle.” “…it was an impossible task because you have to go after them. They were intertwined with the population. They were everywhere and they were killing randomly. So how do you stop it? So we really we try to figure out what to do and I, they basically said, well it's we're looking at into an impossible impossible mission here. So we pray.” And so all of Bukele’s security cabinet (all believers) prayed for wisdom to win the war.
Bukele also described the major gang, MS13, as satanic, citing satanic human sacrifice rituals that were going on. This was, at the highest level, a war against the powers of darkness (literally a war against Satan). Bukele: “…there's a spiritual war and there's a physical war, and the physical war could be that's the unofficial that's the official version. If you win the spiritual war, it will reflect into the physical war. So our I think our I don't know what I would call it. Our impressive victory was because we won the spiritual war very, very fast.”
Bukele also addressed the world-wide (read, ‘globalists’) agenda that critisised Bukele’s hardline stance on crime and cried out for the human rights of the criminals (edited for clarity)…
…they have benchmarks that they need the countries to follow and they need the countries to do it. This is, you know, out there. Right. And but sometimes if you work on those things, you're probably neglecting the important things for your people, the things that your people are really asking for. [I’ll] Give you an example. When we arrested the gang members that were killing, they were killing so much people that we were the murder capital of the world, literally the most dangerous place in the whole world. More dangerous than Haiti, right. More dangerous than Iraq. This was literally the most dangerous country in the world. We had triple the murder rate that Haiti has right now. All the mayhem that they have, we had triple that here. So what do you have to do? You have to stop that, right? I mean, it's like a no brainer. I mean, you know, you don't need to have a big thought process. You just you have to stop it. That's the first thing you have to do. When we did that, we got huge condemnations. You name it. And a lot of them were human rights organizations. And you would ask, but (with the human body) what about the human right of a women not to be raped? I mean, what about the human right of kids to, you know, to play or to be free or to, you know, go to the park? And what about the human right to live? Or the human right to walk in the street? Right. But no, they were worried about the human rights of the killers, (which, you know, they have human rights - I don't say they don't, they are humans). But if you have to prioritize, what will you prioritize? The human rights of the honest, hardworking, decent people!… And, so we secure the country and we did it with no help from any other country and with huge, huge condemnation in everything that we were doing.
Tucker presses in with the question of what the West can learn/do in light of Bukele’s success in El Salvador and Bukele talks about maintenance - maintenance of the system that has aforded a place like the USA to become what it is. But things have slipped so far and little maintenance is taking place (like upholding constitutional rights) that it’s in danger of complete collapse. In my opinion this is not only a consequence of a lack of maintenance but a huge part has been the active subversion of the system by enemies - namely neo-Marxian in nature steered by powerful psychopaths who, by the magick of their propaganda and pharmakia, have deluded the once-sensible masses.
Bukele does make reference to 600 miles of railway track at a cost of $15B - I don’t know what this is and if he’s got his figures right, but if anyone knows about this I’d love the details in the comments.
The thrust of the last third of the interview was the fact that the USA has everything it needs to be back on top of things as a world power - except, of course, the political will. And even in the face of great opposition, for which Bukele and his team fought through, someone like Trump, even in a rigged system, can still come out on top with the population behind him.
Anyway it’s a great, insightful interview, and if you have the time I’d encourage you to watch it.
And if you haven’t seen Notes From The Past’s summary of Bukele’s victory over crime, chekck out their short doco…
And on the topic of technocratic psychopaths leading the charge to global tyranny as long as there are no more Bukeles to subdue, let me touch on ‘acquired sociopathy’ to get a handle on these overlords. This comes from the book I’m reading (on and off over the past month) called The Indoctrinated Brain1. I’ve given a summary of the main thesis here, and it’s a facinating one. Basically the jab (‘spiking’ as the author puts it) is causing hippocampal damage, reducing our capacity to create new memories and even robbing us of old ones, and priming us to remember the most salient (read ‘fear-inducing’) things that are going on right now. So in the futurte you may not remember that the flu didn’t wipe out millions of people each winter, but now you ‘know’ these viruses are extremely deadly and only ‘The Government” and Big Pharma can save us.
The author also covers many aspects of the Covidian propaganda, busness model, etc. One thing I found interesting was his discussion about ‘acquired sociopathy’. And before I get into that, I have to point you to Political Ponerology by Harrison Koehli, who is, in my opinon ‘the guy’ to go to in regards to the psychogy behind the psychopaths who seek to rule the world.
Here’s a snippet from the book:
Are technocrats really more intelligent than the rest of us, or do they just tend to overestimate themselves, which we then adopt in another error? More likely the latter, though exceptions may prove the rule. According to the results of a Swedish study, the ultrarich tend to be even less intelligent than other income groups. The researchers studied nearly sixty thousand former military personnel for whom cognitive performance tests were available over a period of about eleven years. They conclude, "Strikingly, we find that the relationship between [cognitive] ability and wage is strong overall, yet above €60,000 per year ability plateaus at a modest level . . . The top 1 percent even score slightly worse on cognitive ability than those in the income strata right below them." In other words, this large-scale study could not provide any reason why we should reverently entrust our fate to the superrich. And even if one or the other were to possess a brilliant intelligence, it would not be enough to rule the whole world in divine omnipotence. Rather, we should ask ourselves whether our fate lies in the hands of sociopathic individuals who simply see it as a logical and therefore necessary step for them to save humanity from humanity, and who are willing to do so even over sky-high mountains of corpses.
In his book Humankind, Danish historian Rutger Bregman (who, by the way, made a fiery speech at the 2019 WEF meeting in Davos calling for more taxes on the superrich and was not invited back the following year) points to a phenomenon called acquired sociopathy. He refers to research by US psychologist Dacher Keltner, according to which powerful people are, among other things, more selfish, ruthless, and narcissistic. They listen less well and don't like to take another person's perspective. But perhaps they're also less capable of doing so: indeed, scientists have used imaging techniques to show that the feeling of power blocks the neurobiological process of mirroring. Mirror neurons allow us to put ourselves in other people's shoes by mirroring their actions or gestures as if we were experiencing their current situation. If someone yawns, we yawn—but not psychopaths. Mirroring is a prerequisite for learning from the experiences of others but also for empathy, which superpowered people may lack completely. Powerful people "stop simulating the experience of others," Keltner says, describing an empathy deficit and explaining the results of these studies. US historian Henry Adams (1838—1918) already suspected that power changes the brain, describing it as "a sort of tumor that ends by killing the victim's sympathies." "They act like someone with brain damage," confirms Bregman. But if we still assume that human beings are basically good, as he tries to prove in his international bestseller, it might explain why there are characters who nevertheless bring so much disaster to the world—even those who want to subjugate us do so for our own good (or so they think).
In any case, the authors of the mirror neuron study conclude that their data explains the common attitude of the powerfiil to disregard the powerless. Besides power leading to a lack of empathy, it also leads to negative attitudes toward fellow human beings, studies show. "If you are powerful," Bregman explains, "you are more likely to think most people are lazy and unreliable. That they need to be supervised and monitored, managed, and regulated, censored and told what to do2. And because power makes you feel superior to other people, you'll believe all this monitoring should be entrusted to you." So maybe the protagonists of the Great Reset are not really evil at all but just have a self-image that is completely exaggerated in this sense? It is plausible that they suffer from some kind of God complex, since they are "idolized" by many people because of their power.3 Independently of the studies cited, one could even assume that they feel chosen and may even be convinced that they are doing good.
Perhaps we have all contributed, however inadvertently, to making the powerful feel so powerful: Feeling powerless has the exact opposite effect on the other person and plays into the hands of the powerful. Bregman again has something to say: "Psychological research shows that people who feel powerless also feel far less confident. They’re hesitant to voice an opinion. In groups, they make themselves seem smaller, and they underestimate their own intelligence." This has bitter consequences, according to Bregman: "Such feelings of uncertainty are convenient for those in power, as self doubt makes people unlikely to strike back . . . Here we see the nocebo4 in action: treat people as if they are stupid and they'll start to feel stupid, leading rulers to reason that the masses are too dim to think for themselves and hence they— with their vision and insight—should take charge." (Interestingly, Bergman first published this insight in September 2019, three months before the COVID-19 pandemic started, as if he had guessed what we would suddenly be up against.) But Bonhoeffer, who was murdered shortly before the end of the war for his fight against the Hitler regime, was absolutely certain: "Stupidity is basically not an intellectual defect, but a moral defect . . . It turns out that every strong increase of power, whether political or religious, infects a large part of humanity with stupidity. It is almost as if there were a sociological-psychological law according to which the power of one requires the stupidity of another." But the process at work here, according to Bonhoeffer, is not "that human faculties such as the intellect suddenly fail. Rather, it seems to be that man, under the overwhelming influence of increasing power, is robbed of his inner independence and more or less consciously gives up his autonomous position." The abandonment of autonomy and one's own identity increases the sense of power and superiority of those in power, until they believe that there are no limits to what they can do. In this way, a vicious circle is created that is life-threatening for us, and we are already experiencing its extreme effects.
Meanwhile the NATO psychopaths continue to experiment with poking a bear with a big stick to see what will happen.
Nothing good I suspect.
Germany is preparing for war with the government drawing up recommendations on how to protect the population if there were an attack.
German media said that there is an elevated security risks due to the Russian invasion of the Ukrain and local councils are being called upon to refurbish old bunkers. But the public shelters "are not a suitable protective measure against modern precision weapons," reports Der Spiegel said, and there is an ongoing discussion on what can be done. The long-term solution, the reports suggest, is home-based bomb shelters as well as refurbishing and recommissioning old shelters and building new ones for Germany’s 85 million inhabitants.
Maybe just stop poking the bear, sit down and have some talks, would be safer and a whole lot cheaper. But hey, I’m not a young global leader, so what would I know, right?
But the most incidious and dangerous group of psychopaths are not concentrated in NATO, they are here at the UN5:
UN Chief: "In the case of climate, we are not the dinosaurs. We are the meteor. We are not only in danger. We are the danger."
I think this bloke’s carbon output (not the cows or cars or ships or power stations) is the main problem. If we could get him and his merry band of psychos to stop breathing out CO2 the problem would be solved.
At least the dinosaurs had a decent amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and things grew like crazy - unlike the low point we are experiencing now. Yes the climate changes, has done since it was created, so stop wasting money and doing stupid things! Be like Bukele and ask God for wisdom!
The big investors, the power brokers of the planet will strip a place of forrest for “flex crops” and then turn around and blame everyone and anyone else for the degredation of the planet - take a close look and it’s the wealthiest who are financing environmental damage to the planet. Such a huge topic, sorry, don’t have the time/space to get into it, but this announcement by the UN, literally saying we are the problem, is hypocrisy to the extreme.
The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom. By Michael Nehls.
Oh, wait! That’s my government today!
How important, therefore, to not have any other idols but God himself!
A nocebo effect is said to occur when negative expectations of the patient regarding a treatment cause the treatment to have a more negative effect than it otherwise would have.
Yes they all overlap, I get it.
The billions of dollars he’s referring to was for a northern California high-speed Railway. No surprise this happened in California. Not that it isn’t happening other places but that pretty boy out there sure is doing a great job as governor. Just ask him.