The following was shared by Zeee Media on Telegram - a ‘conversation’ with Meta’s AI…
Now I’ve never used Meta AI and don’t want to give them my attention, so you will have to verify if such transparent propaganda is really being spewed out of such algorithms.
If I were, say working in the Ministry of Truth ;-) as a propagandist, I’d probably move a little slower with the extreme bias these algorithms are displaying. But then people can be rather stupid and display very poor consolidation of long-term memory1. Which, by the way, might be getting significantly attenuated due to the jab - see the article here:
Regardless of how intact our hippocampal capacity is to remember that the government just tried to kill us yesterday, and fall for the next thing on MSM today, this AI technology is going to be the new Ministry of Truth. It’s not going to remain a stand-alone app, but integrated through all media (if it isn’t already) to serve up whatever ‘truth’ is required for the moment.
“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Recently Tucker Carlson was interviewing Ben Carson, and he asked about Kamala Harris. Carlson was of the opinion that the media can spin Harris into a very plausible presidential option for America. Think about that. Think about what Harris had done, or rather hasn’t done, her presentations (on anything), her history! It is going to take all the propaganda savvy the left has at their disposal to pull this off, and with the power of AI, subtle and not-so-subtle shadowbanning and cancelling opposing voices, there’s a good chance they can do it.
If the AI propaganda machine becomes the all-pervasive and single most potent information source on the planet, like global blinkers for a population galloping toward hell (deep-faking what it must along the way), then we will be completely in Orwell’s 1984. And maybe this can be accelerated with mRNA technology (with the added benefit of knocking off the current generations that have had some experience with the truth), to physiologically (as well as cognitively) fully immerse everyone into a ‘strong delusion’. A much smaller, fully controlled population of serfs, is the ultimate dream of the technocratic oligarchy.
And what can only be a parallel effort to bring the world into a manageable and obedient cohort (the Marxian axiom that the current state of affairs must be totally destroyed before the building of the inevitable Utopia - because, dam it!, people just don’t know what’s good for them!) the Great Multicultural Experiment continues to fail…
I remember watching a documentary from the 60s where British WWII veterans were asked about the state of Britain at the time. They were lamenting at the state of things (you can imagine, the 60s), and the lack of values they had fought for during the war. I can’t help but think what their reaction would be today if asked the same about the state of the UK (or any Western nation).
About the incident, the BBC offers this to stop people from jumping to their own conclusions:
A 17-year-old boy remains in custody. Police have urged the public not to engage in speculation about the suspect's identity, saying a name that's been circulated online is incorrect.
The understandable rage over such an incident isn’t allowed2 however, as the BBC again explain…
“Those who have hijacked the vigil for the victims with violence and thuggery have insulted the community as it grieves,” Starmer said on X. “They will feel the full force of the law.”
Police said they had arrested four men.
The Police Chief Constable, reports the BBC, was “disgusted and appalled” by the violence against her officers. OK, fair enough, but this is the same police force that arrests Christians praying silently in public and Brits who would dare fly a Union Jack in public.
What do you think about the AI revolution, and what about the great multicultural experiment - how are we going?
I was going to liken many people’s memories to some animal with poor memory, but it happens that there are a lot of animals with less short-term memory than humans, when they do learn something important (like how to get to food or how they just survived that potentially fatal circumstance) their long-term memory is great. The same, it seems, can’t be said for humans (despite my psych 101 classes) who continually fall for the same propaganda that puts them in dangerous (or just stupid) circumstances again and again.
People need to remember that rioting is only allowed by minority fringe leftist groups, and Antifa. Anything else is just wrong, especially if you are a white British male - such terrorist!!
I understand your concerns, and for those who don't look beyond their noses this could very well be the future. But I also think too many people know, talk and publish about what's really going on for the Ministery of Truth to really take a hold on all of society. I mean, even 1984 had Winston Smith.
Heading to hell in a hand basket! Technology is continually evolving, somewhat exponentially, from one year to the next and has been like this for decades. AI is no different yet the most nefarious thing about AI is that the ways it evolves and learns are to our detriment specifically because of who it’s “handlers” are and since most folks who read Stacks such as this one and similar are the antithesis of said handlers…evil in, evil out. Not to mention the fact that AI is getting very good at virtually cloning people (as it is clear several different Bidens have recently appeared on TV), it’s only a matter of time before AI will frame people for crimes they didn’t commit but won’t be able to prove otherwise since the evidence will be overwhelmingly believable.