OMG I hope she stayed stuck like that until the cops showed up.

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Me too! Couldn't find any follow up - hopefully Rebel News will follow it up.

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Gods punishment is instant.

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Yes, like the comedian the other day who collapsed and fractured her skull after a mocking joke about the vaccines and being "Jesus favourite".

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Lurve the woman's reaction at the end. Notice there was no anger in her voice.

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LOL - how calm would you be? I think the story is that she had a child in the passenger side of the car (not the crazy woman, the one taking the video) - will have to confirm that.

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Probably I would have giggled like her if she did not hit my car! (Not relevant since I don't have one.)

What a babe that driver is - shame!

I could not help LOL at the whole video. If not serious, I enjoy seeing verbal catfights.

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"Get out of Canberra you bogan"

Who's the bogan again?

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Thanks, Rich. I listened, yet again. It was that babe driver who called a protester "...you bogan st...!:

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The other woman must have been judged to be too much competition.

And yeah I guess I was paraphrasing from two different parts of the conversation.

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BTW did you see that story about the Pratts son's bar mitzvah. You had to do a RAT test on entry and wait 15 minutes. They were thinking of making it a PCR test at one stage. Ahh the payments that you have to make to party with the uber wealthy.

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No. Why would I want to make a pratt of myself for reading things like that? I would not have a bar of stories like that.

Leave the rich be. They don't want or need our attention. They only want your money and labour.

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I think the origin of the piece was from here https://www.facebook.com/australianfreeindependentpressnetwork/

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Is the "vaccine" making these useless bureaucrats lose their mind? WE pay these parasites... It's not their City. It belongs to EVERY Australian....

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"There's a lot of us"

That won't last long.

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Very droll.....

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Chantal Jasmine Fox - the driver - will be charged


She is into soft porn!


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Seems to pay ok, nice little 4wd she had there. There's lots of stories in the old Greek Classics, and for that matter the Roman ones, about those people new to wealth (it's all relative).

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Thanks Barry - just found the police media release.

Good grief! Says a lot!

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This is so strange. We get the same kind of hateful, enraged reactions at our protests here in Canada. The irony is that they say we're the hateful ones, but all the hate comes from their side! Protestors are always peaceful and joyful.

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It's a supreme irony and a tragic inversion of the truth.

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Easy to be satirical and jibing at this video, but harder to be compassionate. The woman who purposefully drove her car into the protestor's can be seen as insane, crazy, stupid, liberal, etc. but what made her do this? Of course, there are many causes as you have clearly stated in previous posts, Winston. The current favourite is mass formation psychosis, but I see it as a more complex mental disturbance.

Recently, I came across optogenetics, the use of light to change human behaviour in collaboration with a viral vector, taking control of synaptic function. That light can be from any screen, be it television, computer or smartphone. The technique is called by the acronym DREADDs . There's quite a bit of PubMed literature about it, all worthy of investigation.

I would propose that this system, combined with behavioural 'nudging' by media narratives and the use of hypnosis are the three main contributors to her behaviour. My heart goes out to her, even more as she seemed to be enjoying her actions oblivious to their effects or causes.

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You are more empathic and compassionate than me Navyo - She probably does have some mental issues, maybe borderline personality disorder or similar. I think we are in trouble when we have more compassion for the instigator of such reckless outbursts of anger than the woman on the receiving end of that behaviour.

That's interesting about optogenetics - I know they have been doing that with lab rats for years but with an optical fibre directly into the brain to stimulate the neurones. But you are saying simply light through the eyes - wow - that's frightening.

I'm not saying it's not a possibility but I doubt this woman is being manipulated by such an optogenetic system - certainly the media and nudging over such a long time (which is hypnotic) and maybe that along with a personality disorder is the more likely causal factors.

Nevertheless I'll keep an eye out for more on this DREADDs.

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Winston, regarding trouble with compassion for the instigator, that would land squarely on the behavioural modifiers, the hypnotists, the illusionists the poor woman is victim of, not the woman herself. To be clear, my compassion is with her, not them. Our battle, if you will, is with the instigators, not the victims. The unwittingly coerced and hypnotised who allowed themselves self-harm and harm of their children will bear the brunt of pain and persecution in the long run, imho.

Re optogenetics, the light activates elements of the artificial virus which in turn modify neural activity. Yes, frightening and looking at the data and who's behind it, unsurprising.

Adding to all this, it is love in its essence, as a motivation, a purpose, a product and the very substance of our being that will bring us through these terrifying times. Partly as it is love that the instigators lack in their tremendous void and need for power, wealth and control. Removing religion completely and leaving only the purity of meaning, when God is love, and thus love is God, there comes a larger context of our lives, much larger than the greed and lust of the instigators who are, despite their billions, destitute in that regard.

I see the Canadian truckers - and now around the world - as expressions of that love and of love of our humanity and human connection.

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Well said Navyo and a good reminder to "keep our love on" in the midst of such crazy times and I'll do my best to be more compassionate.

On the optogenetics & designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs - I've seen it's not only light frequencies that can be used to activate/modulate but ultrasound as well. In fact it could theoretically be any frequency of sound or light - so lots of scope for mischief there I think. I wonder if the whole 5G thing then plays into this?

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Probably. At this point, there are so many interconnections coming to light it would not surprise me in the least, especially considering the undisclosed nanotech/graphene/hydra vulgaris/self-assembling/bioelectronic/Hasbro ingredients of the injections.

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