Sep 20Liked by Winston Smith

Cui bono? Chinese capture seems evident.

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Good insight as you attempt to put the pieces together. Around the globe there is a sense of great unease with housing, rising debt and street violence, and the governments seem to just toss word salads about with no intent to address these issues.... however, they do seem very interested in National Conscription. I reckon there are a couple of big agendas whispered behind closed doors.

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Seems like you summed up quite the plausible explanation and scenario(s) out of a very tangled web. The U.S. is teetering on the brink in so many varied ways, most by intricate design, that war on any front should be avoided at all costs but that’s sanity speaking and our “leaders” are carrying out everything that no sane person would ever choose.

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Your coverage of tbe mechanics and the Hungarian connection was good, especially the latter, but I found everything else unconvincing.

The true aims of the US in the Mid East are murky. The US is a net exporter of hydrocarbons, but relies on the petrodollar to sustain its chronic trade and financial surpluseses. The US also relies on its supremacy within the Mid East to control Europe's access to hydrocarbons.

The JCPOA talks were a Trojan Horse. The focus of tbe negotiations was on energy and finance, not nuclear weapons. The only concrete result so far has been the partial lifting of US sanctions and the release of funds to Tehran. A portion of these funds were used to finance October Surprise. The JCPOA is now obsolete, largely because of the latest Russia-Iranian gas deal. The use of Russian intermediaries by Washington appears to have been a miscalculation of epic proportions on the part of Washington.

US policy in the Levant is pretty clear. The Biden Admin has reverted to Obama's preferences. The US position on the Lebanese/Israel maritime border, the Sheba Farms and the Golan no longer favour Israel in any way. The US has been sponsoring a Colour Revolution within Israel at Netanyahu's expense. Meanwhile the Five Eyes are intriguing in Gaza behind Israel's back: the report by Biskin into the death of Zomi Frankcom protected the identity of the liaision people who misled the Israelis, suggesting that the Five Eyes were involved in moving weapons into and around Gaza. Given the historic role of US and UK intelligence in Egypt and the Levant and the residence of so many Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood networks and leaders in the US, UK, Australia, Turkey and Qatar the balance of probabilities suggests that the West increasingly treats Hamas much as they did Al Fatah.

The Israelis told Washington that they were planning something for Hezbollah, but did not specify what. Note that the US assisted Lebanon in rounding up Mossad assets a few years ago, leaked Israeli military secrets to Hizbollah, now picks up the entire budget for Lebanese military intelligence and is building the second largest US embassy in the world in Beirut (with kickbacks going to Hizbollah adjacent businesses) it is unlikely that there is much trust between Jerusalem and Washington, but you never know.

It is worth remembering that the US has form when it comes to playing games at the expense of its allies. The fog of war has descended. The only thing that is clear is that the US has lost the will/capacity to protect shipping in the Bab Al Mandab...shades of '67 and the Straits of Tiran...complacency, treachery or four dimensional chess?

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It was a ingenious plan by the Israelis.

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What do you mean by "The Revelation prophecy is real"?

Do you mean that the prophecy exists and as people believe in it, it has an influence that must be taken into consideration?

Or do you mean that the prophecies (such as those concerning the coming of the Messiah / Moshiach / Mahdi or the End Times) are true revelations from God and will inevitably come to pass?

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