Dear Mr Smith,
There is a situation with the Christian Church that weighs heavily on me and I thought writing to you may be somewhat cathartic.
Things seem to be changing rapidly in the west. There is, finally and thankfully, increasing push back against the mainstreamed ‘woke’ ideology. During this period of change, people have to keep their heads and also remember who lead them in to this mess to begin with.
Something which has troubled me since this began has been the weak stance of the mainstream Christian church regarding these issues. Having been in the church for some time this isn’t surprising to me, but it is nevertheless a worry. To clarify, when I say ‘mainstream Christianity’, I am referring to the modern iterations of Christianity popular in America and the west. There were many Christians within these groups who did speak out or at least stand firmly, but these brave individuals - or should I say believers - unfortunately make up but a fraction of a percent of the modernist church. I see that a good deal of this “modern Church” has become most unhinged in its addressing of social issues, as its followers seem to have no proper grounding. Of course, there is also massive compromise within the Catholic church, and even amongst the Orthodox, but the greatest reach in modern America comes from the mainstream churches, and thus these churches need to be addressed first and foremost.
The past two years presented many challenges to the average person. It can best be summarised as a unified push for the collectivisation of society and the centralisation of power under a global communist system. During this time, many had the opportunity to speak up, yet few did. As I said previously, among some of the weakest, and quickest to fold were the mainstream Christian congregations across the west. I mention this because it is so quickly forgotten as new distractions pop up from this place and that. It cannot, however, be forgotten; it needs to be addressed.
I see many mainstream pastors and churches have willingly offered their hand in the push for socialism in the form of intersectionality and woke ideology. Many church leaders were not only willing, they went out of their way to platform generic social justice issues such as race Marxism, normalisation of pronouns, etc. But most importantly, I think, they often said nothing or actively participated in such things as the state-backed mandates and vaccination schemes, ignoring individual sovereignty, and prioritising ‘the collective’. Now the latter can often be rationalised, since many people had no idea what was happening, full of fear, and resorted to the lowest common denominator; “be safe”. But what about the countless churches who have said nothing regarding, or supported the ‘pro-choice’ re emergence? Practically every mainstreamed ‘issue’ (read: socialist power grabs) in recent years has either been platformed by the mainstream churches, or deliberately ignored in wilful ignorance. This, as a fellow Christian, is simply unacceptable.
In these churches, the responsibility technically falls upon the pastors and leadership to address the issues emerging in society and within the congregation. In my experience, these social issues have continuously impacted the congregation for years, yet I’ve not heard any mention of them from the pulpit... Until now. I have been hearing Christian leaders begin to ‘renounce’ woke culture since the beginning of the year. That’s rather odd, isn’t it? Practically none of these leaders were speaking out against it when it was on full display. In fact some of them were actively supporting these movements.
It seems to me that these are deceivers, taking advantage of the changing tide to solidify their position and hold on to the approval of man. These people are - as the biblical phrase goes - ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’. They have avoided any controversy, remained politically correct, and now they are attempting to cover their tracks and take advantage of the Christian virtues of forgiveness and acceptance. Now what was that rubber band thing I used to have on my wrist? Oh, that’s right: What Would Jesus Do? Certainly not this. These leaders have lead their congregation astray, or at least let them go along with the issues, either out of fear of man, or out of a wilful support for what is happening.
What I would really like to say to you is that these manipulative leaders represent a type of parasite within the body. Their true nature may go unnoticed the majority of the time, but they are always drawing life from the body. Likewise, no matter where the body goes, the parasite will be attached. This parasitical force will negatively effect the church during good times, and disable it during times of testing. It is always damaging. But that sentiment may seem overly unkind, don’t you think?
Maybe the analogy of a corrosive force, in that it only ever reduces, but never adds value, is more palatable? The goal of social Marxism, technocracy, whatever you want to call it, is to eventually overturn the existing structure and replace it with a type of ideological system disguised as a church. It is a corrosive force and it’s been actively eating away at our Christian foundations for a while now with the consent of the leadership.
So is all this parasitic, caustic action (or inaction) of church leadership deliberate? I was made aware of the antics of the Southern Baptist Convention by someone I know, and soon found Michael O’Fallons lectures on the subject, which are insightful. To cut a long story short, the SBC has been among the leading organisations pushing for a subversion of the church. This includes the push to include Critical Race Theory and other forms of equity justice in training and teaching. The SBC has incredible reach and influence amongst other Christian organisations, and has deliberately planted leaders in positions of power to move forward with the subversion process.
Among the various antics of these Marxified Christian organisations includes a push to systemically remove those in positions of power who have either publicly or privately voiced disagreements with ‘the agenda’. Then, after solidifying this position, other potential leaders that do not adhere to ideology are barred from progressing upwards, regardless of competency to fill the role. Just how far the second hand influence goes is hard to gauge, but it does seem that there is pressure on most churches beyond a particular size to enforce these ideologies or risk being outcast. Large international missions also suffer greatly from this. I have personally witnessed those at the tops of these organisations go into churches or conferences and speak nothing but ‘biblical’ social justice, and a call for ‘transformative change’.
Christians (and indeed all people) must remember what their appointed ‘leaders’ have done over the past two years regarding these pressing issues. Have they stepped up and renounced them? Have the actively promoted them? Do no forget these choices, as so many others have.
I am not suggesting unforgiveness, we all fall short after all. But I am advocating for clear opportunities for repentance. This issue must be addressed, and now, lest these leaders render the church ineffective – salt that has lost its saltiness. I personally would have them removed from leadership positions and stripped of their titles – but I probably lack the patience of Jesus for their reform. I do think the church should not tolerate compromise during these trying times.
The responsibility now falls on those who understand, and are aware of these issues. Naturally, every one who is aware stands against a hundred who are not, and this may seem to be overwhelming. But the bible says ‘do not fear’, so one must take it upon himself to address these issues, and do so without fear or compromise. The future of the church - and indeed the lives of many who are walking blindly - now rests on the shoulders of these few true believers. Their time is now.
Moreover, if one attends a church or is part of a Christian community which he feels is being manipulated (now or in the past), it is worth questioning the leadership. If one feels up for the task, ask the hard questions; what is the leaderships views on social justice? On Critical Theory? On ESG and the SDGs? On individual sovereignty in the face of the state? These questions alone will give one a better understanding of what these Christian leaders do in fact believe.
The church should be a place of upholding the truth. All I’m saying is that it has gone along with a Lie of late, and this ought not be so, and should compel the faithful to demand better of their leadership and congregation.
Sincerely yours
I’m so saddened we believers find ourselves in this kind of timeline, as the Lord put it once in the book of Hosea:
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”
Life is so seemingly complicated now, with many minefields waiting for the unwary to trod upon. I’m thinking that as all this continues, it will actually become simpler as the tough times continue to unmask the wolves and God starts shouting for our attention. Good vs Evil. Right vs. Wrong. Truth vs. Lies.
Thank you for lifting up your voice to point out what will likely become the destruction of the western church inc. Which may not be a bad thing actually. Small groups of believers meeting together is what Christ used to turn the known world at the time upside down. Of course the rot sets in quickly from a historical viewpoint. But I think we need this type of awakening again. And we definitely need to know how the leadership is thinking about the trajectory of a lot of the garbage out there. Covid and Woke-ism really have revealed a lot.
All your observations are correct O’Brien: the Christian Church has betrayed and used their faithful, terrified and trusting congregations to advance their mean and materialistic agendas. As a disillusioned catholic I have left the church and I am a firm proponent that this is what majority of church goers with self respect should be doing in numbers.
The Church is not the God and the God no longer is being represented by the Church. I know a lot of of naive and faithful people, including my parents, who got themselves injected with “genetic concoctions” only after the Marxist/Satanic pope Francis announced the “vaccination” as “a moral obligation of all Catholics”. Which of course was a great lie. And it applies not only to the main leader of the Church but also to a huge number of its hierarchy. The churches were closed in the darkest times of plandemia scare while confused “flock” had no place to find spiritual support. And look what the pope is doing for the ideas of “new world order” and great reset openly supporting its very existence and main agendas.
The Vatican is one of major forces and co-conspirators in constructing of this materialistic, anti spiritual, centralized enslavement plan called the fourth industrial revolution. No wonder Schwab proud himself openly in: “penetrating ze church people” statement.
It is not for nothing that The Johannes's Apocalypse calls Chuch the harlot of Babylon full of impurity, wealth and treason.
There are many Church leaders who not only don’t deserve any forgiveness and reconciliation, they should be expelled from its ranks for their actions and lies.
Disillusioned Catholic Bob