All your observations are correct O’Brien: the Christian Church has betrayed and used their faithful, terrified and trusting congregations to advance their mean and materialistic agendas. As a disillusioned catholic I have left the church and I am a firm proponent that this is what majority of church goers with self respect should be doing in numbers.

The Church is not the God and the God no longer is being represented by the Church. I know a lot of of naive and faithful people, including my parents, who got themselves injected with “genetic concoctions” only after the Marxist/Satanic pope Francis announced the “vaccination” as “a moral obligation of all Catholics”. Which of course was a great lie. And it applies not only to the main leader of the Church but also to a huge number of its hierarchy. The churches were closed in the darkest times of plandemia scare while confused “flock” had no place to find spiritual support. And look what the pope is doing for the ideas of “new world order” and great reset openly supporting its very existence and main agendas.

The Vatican is one of major forces and co-conspirators in constructing of this materialistic, anti spiritual, centralized enslavement plan called the fourth industrial revolution. No wonder Schwab proud himself openly in: “penetrating ze church people” statement.

It is not for nothing that The Johannes's Apocalypse calls Chuch the harlot of Babylon full of impurity, wealth and treason.

There are many Church leaders who not only don’t deserve any forgiveness and reconciliation, they should be expelled from its ranks for their actions and lies.

Disillusioned Catholic Bob

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The Malachi prophecy said any Pope after the Benedict would be an antichrist. You have danger, Satanic shepherds, etc. I offer you some comfort:

That marvellous archbishop or cardinal Maria Vigano.

Over 100 years ago, a Russian Orthodox bishop was asked about another bishop who had committed crimes. The bishop said it was not a crime BY the Church; it was crime AGAINST the Church.

The Bible says these times are like childbirth--just wait til the "baby" comes, and we will forget all the pain. WONDERFUL times are ahead. Ask Jesus to help you through.

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I’m so saddened we believers find ourselves in this kind of timeline, as the Lord put it once in the book of Hosea:

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”

Life is so seemingly complicated now, with many minefields waiting for the unwary to trod upon. I’m thinking that as all this continues, it will actually become simpler as the tough times continue to unmask the wolves and God starts shouting for our attention. Good vs Evil. Right vs. Wrong. Truth vs. Lies.

Thank you for lifting up your voice to point out what will likely become the destruction of the western church inc. Which may not be a bad thing actually. Small groups of believers meeting together is what Christ used to turn the known world at the time upside down. Of course the rot sets in quickly from a historical viewpoint. But I think we need this type of awakening again. And we definitely need to know how the leadership is thinking about the trajectory of a lot of the garbage out there. Covid and Woke-ism really have revealed a lot.

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You are talking about the same church which has collaborated with the Germans in WWII, looked away and even protected it's members when they horrifically abused children left in their care? And now we are to be surprised, and forgive them, that they embrace a death cult again? Enough is enough.

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ame church exactly. Inquisition has been established in the 13th century with one and only one goal, to centralize and protect the papal absolute power and riches. Has been in existence until today, only the name changed and methods softened. Times change, heresies are constantly reinvented, the “interrogation” methods civilize but taking favorable positions against alleged powers to be, unchanged.

Katars, Templars, witchcraft, Islam and Judaism, Protestantism skillfully used in the past. What’s coming in no too distant future? Vaccine hesitancy, anti-wokism or just brave rejection of the ubiquitous lie?

Anything to serve the current masters, not to save the poor people’s souls.

Just in line with masterful teachings of Jesus. Nothing changed in 2 millennia.

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I'm so glad to see this article and comments. I don't go to church anymore because they have the same power systems and hierachy in place. The AGW (climate change), masks and vaccine pushing all for money and power.

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The pyramid, top to down structure of secret societies has dominated all social structures of modern civilization, from criminal mafia to politics to religions to media. Invented in ancient times, carried over the centuries by all sorts of totalitarian powers, perfected by mafia structures and criminal ideologies of 20th century. Add to it pervasive bribery, blackmail and greed. Cook it slowly on the fire of psychological programming and relentless propaganda. Wait a couple of hundred years or a dozen or so generations and collect the effects of the final product. A perfect recipe for the question of how few can globally control the overwhelming majority.

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Well put

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When western religion has a Pope that is an antithesis of what he is suppose to be, this is what happens to western religion. If you can't recognize that Sodom and Gomorrah are against God's will which the current pope obviously doesn't by his stand on some issues, then you shouldn't be a Christian Pope. When you can't say "Father" in reference to God then do you really want to say you are a believer in said religion?

Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thanks again O'Brien for your thoughts. I don't really follow the Catholic church but here's an interesting piece on the St. Gallen Mafia...


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Thanks for this link, absolutely love it! Plenty to dive into.


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Excellent letter. Those parasitical, corrosive forces (line running through the heart of each & every individual) form the arsenal for Toadpipe et al. Weapons of Mass Subversion, with reflexive destruction baked in as the Temptation to temporal power & new Authoritarianism becomes irresistible for those caught up in such Snares as ‘Christian Nationalism’ etc. Toadpipe must be very proud of that landmine.

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Mans churches are failing as we enter the end of days of which we have been forewarned. I started to write a letter years ago to my family which turned into a website. Your money has no value there. If nothing else at the top of the home page read from: GOD’S FAMILY, GOD’S CHURCH, REBUILD-RESTORE-RENEW. Your money has no value there, no trips to Alaska, no books to buy, no - none of that.

What is God’s Church? It’s Jesus Christ and Born Again Justified Believers having the indwelling of the Holy Spirit our True Guide, our True Teacher, our True Comforter along with God’s Word and the Testimony of His Creation. They are the living breathing Church Of God, adopted Sons and Daughters of God destined to be with Him throughout eternity.

Mans Churches have assumed to themselves priesthoods, and supposed authority dividing believers one against another, and took upon themselves

responsibilities which God ordained for Men and Women – not men’s churches.

See for yourself. At the top of the home page read tabs from left to right especially Gods’ Family and Gods’ Church and be prepared to think think for yourself.

Best to all in Christ – Daniel https://www.knowingforyours...

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Mans churches are failing as we enter the end of days of which we have been forewarned. I started to write a letter years ago to my family which turned into a website. Your money has no value there. If nothing else at the top of the home page read from: GOD’S FAMILY, GOD’S CHURCH, REBUILD-RESTORE-RENEW. Your money has no value there, no trips to Alaska, no books to buy, no - none of that.

What is God’s Church? It’s Jesus Christ and Born Again Believers having the indwelling of the Holy Spirit our True Guide, our True Teacher, our True Comforter along with God’s Word and the Testimony of His Creation. They are the living breathing Church Of God, adopted Sons and Daughters of God destined to be with Him throughout eternity.

Mans Churches have assumed to themselves priesthoods, and supposed authority dividing believers one against another, and took upon themselves

responsibilities which God ordained for Men and Women – not men’s churches.

See for yourself. At the top of the home page read tabs from left to right especially Gods’ Family and Gods’ Church and be prepared to think think for yourself.

Best to all in Christ – Daniel https://www.knowingforyours...

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