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Jun 26, 2022
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Could only tease out a few strands in a short piece like this (and quirky to my own take)- the idea was to stimulate conversation - so thanks for mentioning von Braun again - I do bring him up and that quote but I could have said much more.

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An extremely remote possibility. And the story of the flood in the Bible has antecedents through the Greek version (Deucalion) to Atrahasis


and Gilgamesh


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Fascinating story telling all around starting so many thousands of years ago!

These people who claim us as their resource are just bullies and would rather us blame aliens in the event a rebellion occurs. These fascists have become experts at causing the pain and passing the blame.

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They certainly are good at passing the blame!

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It's all inversion. The heavens are not above us, they are underground. And it is from the underground, usually after great cataclysms on the surface, from which the "aliens" arrive as gods. (And the aliens are/were us!)

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That’s different - haven’t heard that take before 🙂

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Mac Tonnies wrote a great little book somewhat along those lines. The Cryptoterrestrials.

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I'll add to the to-do pile!

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Oh my! I am only 5 paragraphs in and... well, we have got to talk!

Oh, man. we are both going to be sorry we can't sit down and compare notes and laugh.

Ok, let me read the rest...a.c.

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I'll say, indeed, "there is a lot more to say".

Firstly, the question is excellent: Are we being groomed to believe Alien Invasion is upon us and ratcheting up their presence?

I have been asking myself this question: Am I being funneled into believing we humans are sharing (and have been for thousands of years) the Earth with - gosh, I find "Alien" no longer is a sufficient word, according to the bazaar sources I have been encountering for the last couple of years - other worldly entities?

As one who has time and access to the internet I confess I have spent more time following internet links that lead to links that share links that point to links that take me so far from reality that I stun myself with the grotesqueries that I have allowed entry into my psyche. I didn't used to be like this...

I also have completed a 4-year biblical study (which, if I had been willing to pay the extra $1000) would have been fully accredited at a Major Seminary - and, yes, priests did participate in a few of the segments. (I did not care for the credit). Full disclosure: coronadoom hit us just as we were beginning Revelation and we had to complete that on our own. I mention that only to give some context to my character.

Also, I was the first (I swear it feels like it) to say "no effin way am I wearing a mask" "you put it on now, you will be wearing in a year from now" "they are trying to keep us from associating with one another so we cannot talk and share good information" -- that is me, i am that person, that vilified and hated pureblood defector from planet stupidity.

So these last couple years especially, the algorithms on my computer seems to have narrowed to offering me a "spiritual" banquet. Catholic Apparitions, Prophecy, Financial preparedness for doom, transhumanism science, alien encounters, light and frequency and energy, secrets of enoch and the gospel of Thomas and such.

I have discovered brilliant people and have learned a lot. Somehow I stumbled upon a case of "Bad CIA" and before I knew it I was inundated with so many horror stories of decades of CIA bastards giving it to mankind that I can hardly look some people in the face because every thing everywhere seems like lies.

(I've known a lot of bad for a long long time but liked to pretend that America was "good".)

I've listened to hours of Alex Collier (still not entirely convinced, but he is a sweet man). Hours of Catherine Austin Fitts (love, love, love and she is the one who mention Bohemian Groves and sent me on that sick tangent) and did a deep dive on the Hadrian Collider and the selfish work done there by scientists - many who would appear to be "Catholic" but I sure are not at heart. hours with Illuminati and MK Ultra escapees.

Just these last couple nights we binged "God's Favorite Idiot" on Netflix (my husband gets it for a month and binges some show about Utrid or something and then cancels). Anyway, eight episodes and I am watching with sharp eyes as always - yep, lots of CNN logos, Pepsi, a Starbucks, others -- but here's the real thing about the series: ALLLLLL of the "conspiracy theories" that have been cooked up over the decades were included, including The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It was pure New World Order/One Religion b.s. (But funny as hell with a slight buzz, if you get my drift.)

The thing is and I have been saying this to may friends and family for months now: "They - who ever trained our algorithms - are funneling me into "crazy" but wherever I seem to go it all winds up with ALIENS and END OF WORLD scenarios.

Everything is a psyop. Be sure to walk barefoot on the earth frequently.

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sorry that was so damn long.

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Oh, and then there is this:


Written in the 1600s and not translated into English until early 1900s. I am nearing the end (2,500 pages). But if you are unfamiliar, Winston, I encourage you to take a honest look at it, including review on amazon in a "don't take my word for it way".

Mary of Jesus in Agreda is believed to be a "bi-locator". The state flower of Texas is the "blue bonnet", named after her because she converted the Jumani Tribe of Native Southwest America, although she never left Agreda. So, alien transport?

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It certainly does seem that everything coming out of MSM, search engines, pop culture, is a psych ops (that might be a bit too cynical).

Eyes wide open Amy!

Stay grounded 👍 - gardening and bushwalking does it for me 🙂

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That was absolutely fascinating, many thanks!

If they can indeed telepathically control minds, imagine if their deception extends to much that is going on in the world right now?

It's comforting in a way. Who wants to believe that people like Maxine Waters are actually that dumb?

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What? No Anunnaki or did I skim over it?

Good read Winston will be linking @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

I have been fascinated by all aspects of this subject since I was a child. In the late 60s I read everything available on what they basically just termed UFOs back then. I subscribed to Fate magazine, that's a blast from the past and bought countless paperback books about the subject. My eighth grade science project was even about it.

I've looked at the religious aspects as well. The options are endless as are the reasons.

Is it now being used as a control mechanism, probably, but what isn't. Will it unify us to have a common enemy. Doubt it, because we don't have common beliefs. If you consider aliens as fallen angels then Satan could give 2 shits about us being unified. I think the demons are already here and have been.

Do the aliens even exist. Of course they do, common sense, logic and above all, real science should tell you that. How could there not be other civilizations in a heaven filled with galaxies that are filled with stars, that are surrounded by billions of planets. It's called infinity. And was there a God who made all this? More than likely because there isn't a shotgun big enough to make that big of a bang!!!

One other note an interesting read if you can come across it is: Old World Secrets: The Omega Project Codes by a Brandon Levon

It is a different theory but very interesting, Copies are rare and supposedly the author disappeared after writing it. There is very little info on this person.

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Ah yes Anunnaki - well I’d throw them in with Watchers - supernatural beings overseeing a people group, masquerading as gods. I guess they would be called aliens today.

As you say the opinions and reasons are endless - it’s a vortex I can’t afford to get sucked into, simply for times sake, need to stay on the edge - but soooo interesting!

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Actually, I did mean options not opinions. It wasn't a misspelling. But both are endless!

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Twilight Zone with the great Rod Serling did a lot with aliens....don't want to spoil it for some who haven't watched it but this one is my favourite episodes of all time.....and VERY fitting for today....."The monsters are due on Maple Street" .......https://www.fsd157c.org/apps/video/watch.jsp?v=328834....

he was soo prophetic....enjoy!!!!

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Classic episode on crowd psychology. Great series.

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Yes, early example of mass formation psychosis.......

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Thanks for the link - Twilight Zone used to draw me in and scare me at the same time as a kid - I’ll have to revisit.

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Superb stuff Winston. Did a paper on the hills and twins around the world who had been reporting the same events (never met the others or read about it yet had exact details) for undergrad writing course long ago to the snickering of classmates. Didn't give a damn then or now. No subjects should beneath discussion in any setting. Enjoyed the different connections you offer to consider here. Need to re-read and share with the old man. He's been into speculating about all this for fifty years. You've made his Sunday.

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Awesome - love for you to bring his take to the table, especially given he’s been looking at this stuff for 50 years!

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Could there be a link to Covid which affects humans with Neanderthal genes more?

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I don’t know about Neanderthal genes but there are some interesting thoughts about messing with DNA that’s tied in with a fallen angel agenda (for those in that camp) and/or the continuation of the eugenics program (for those who believe that program never stopped, just hid in plain sight). I’ve got a foot in both camps.

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Most ufologists would consider me daft for it, but I still think John Keel was the world's best ufologist. Operation Trojan Horse. The Eighth Tower. Mothman Prophecies. Not only was he a great writer - and funny - he was one of the most original thinkers of his generation. (And most film crits would think I'm crazy, but I think David Lynch best captures the nature of this otherwordly evil.)

My views are very similar to yours, Winston. But rather than say aliens are demons, I'd say that aliens and demons are both inadequate or approximate descriptors for the same thing, but which nevertheless capture certain features of whatever it is. "Alien" is the modern, mechanistic/technological descriptor. "Demon" is the traditional/spiritual descriptor.

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Will have to look into John Keel - I’m familiar with the mothman prophecies.

Agreed on the terminology but that is also the point about a psych ops - “alien” comes with a whole different set of assumptions than “demon”, or “angel”, or even simply “entity”. Assumptions I believe we have been conditioned to automatically think and which will play into the bigger picture of control. I’m sure the Sumarians were under a similar psych ops and control from their understanding of their Anunnaki gods.

Anyway, the way things are going I don’t think we will have to wait too long to see how the alien agenda manifests itself. Those who have not considered all the possibilities and have just passively been conditioned will fall for whatever is presented - those of us who protest will be the “crazy” ones… again 🙄

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Winston, great coverage. Thank you for having the courage, as an academic, for putting this out there. As a Catholic, (yes, we still believe in demons, and even possession) I would agree with most of your position. This appears to be a massive spiritual psy-op to control humanity under a perceived global threat.

There are several books and blogs devoted to this theme. One is by Brian Rossiter who has an excellent website you may want to explore.


Another book is:




The pre-eminent UFO researcher who has written about alien-human hybridization is David Jacobs: but his position is that the aliens are real physical extra-terrrestrial entities.



Marc Mullie MD, Montreal


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Thanks Marc.

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Based on reading your other writings for awhile I was surprised to read your views on this.

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That's interesting. What surprises you?

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I usually pretty much agree with you or come close.

I don't think that all visitors come from the same place or that all are bad or all good.

This may seem a bit out there but I think the overwhelming majority of abductions are manifestations of a collective unconscious nightmare related to abortion which is why there are reproductive aspects to most accounts and why most descriptions of the aliens are very fetal like.

I think that even the not so nice aliens are more or less just mischief makers and that the good aliens are where the concept of Angels comes from. It's pretty well documented based on very credible witnesses that they have shut down nukes on several occasions. Looks like that was sending some type of message.

As for the recent government 'disclosures'. They aren't disclosures. Disclosure happened long ago. It hasn't been a matter of do they exist for a long time. It's more who are they and where are they from. The recent gov stuff is just acknowledgement. They have known of their existence for at least 70 years. I think that recent gov 'disclosure' is in part due to it being at a point where it is undeniable as well as some worry over possible intervention in the diabolical plans of the master planners especially if those plans include the use of nuclear weapons.

I had a close encounter almost 42 years ago. I wasn't alone. There was someone else with me so it definitely wasn't a fantasy or mental aberation. And it wasn't just a light in the sky. It was aware of us as we were aware of it. I felt that it was peaceful. It made the sign of the cross. The person who was with me was very afraid. Afraid to the point of crying. The encounter was interupted. In brief, it was chased away by something quite earthly that came to investigate it. The speed at which the visitors vehicle moved when departing was way beyond anything I've ever seen. Overall the experience had a positive impact on me. I think they see earth culture as primitive with much of the planet's economy based on war. I think they view us the way we might view cannibals.

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Wow that's an awesome experience you had and so interesting the two very different responses between you and the person you were with.

I appreciate your collective unconscious take on it all - Jung would agree with you - and there are some very strong and repeated themes with the abduction stories (I've been reading/listening to a lot of them recently). The sexual/reproductive theme of course could be related to abortion so I get your point. There also seems to be a heavy spiritual/religious theme as well which may or may not be so closely correlated - as you say they may be trying to help us out, stop us from killing ourselves.

But if there is coming "a strong delusion" as the Bible warns about, then an alien deception could be just that - but if someone has had a positive encounter of the 3rd kind then I imagine they will be offended at such a suggestion. As you would know, many in the New Age movement have had angelic encounters, mix up aliens and angels all the time, and channeling supernatural beings who bring messages of hope and love and a new age.

But let me say again, I'm no expert, I'm offering a perspective that many shy away from because it's "religious" and not "scientific", so I thought it worth bringing to the table.

Anyway, thanks for letting us know your take on it all and your experience.

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I coined the term angelthropolgist to describe those who I think are observing/studying earth culture(s).

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Skimming very quickly (for now) - I was half expecting to come upon the name : CG Jung .... you are aware (?) that he "wrote the book" on UFOs (from a sort of shared unconscious perspective)? "Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky" - originally published in 1957. I have long assumed it formed something of an impetus, even a "how to manual" for those elements in the (US) Intelligence Community who have been running the UFO PsyOp - (I am a complete skeptic).

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Winston, not sure if you are familiar with Steve Quayle or not, but I have followed Steve for years. He just had an interesting interview with Greg Hunter that kind of goes along with your article. Here's the link if interested:

Alien Link to Human Destruction – Steve Quayle by Greg Hunter On June 25, 2022


I'll also be linking this one today as well @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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I read a couple of books on aliens, UFOs and the demonic deception involved many years ago - incl the point that they were halted by calling on the Name of Jesus - and the fact that no-one who was a true follower of Jesus had such experiences, but those who followed other religions did.

What you write is exactly what I have seen the world being prepared for. When the Rapture takes place, those who are not taken will be persuaded that people have disappeared because the aliens have 'expunged' them from the earth for re-educational purposes, and to 'cleanse' the earth of undesirables. Demons have been informing those open for such deception of this for a v. long time. See. the Lucis Trust aka Lucifer Publications, Mme Blavatski, Alice Bailey and their cohorts.

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Those characters - Lucis Trust, Blavatski, Bailey, all implicated in this thing I'm sure.

However the deception shapes up it will be powerful I'm sure - just as so many fell for the covid/lockdown/mask-up narrative and considered those who did not go along as insane, dangerous, deluded conspiracy theorists, so will be the 'alien deniers' - well, maybe, let's see how it pans out.

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We made it to https://expose-news.com/2022/06/28/alien-deception-weve-been-primed-for-aliens/

Touted as one of the most successful sources of misinformation in the UK - totally stoked!

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