Astroturfing is a huge issue and I wouldn't doubt a bit if governments were behind it via some "public/private partnership."

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-- An important corrigendum below at end of comment. --

On Marcuse and his friends wanting to uproot civilization and destroy it until nothing remains:

That is all too eerily similar to the shattering of the vessels (Shevirah) in the creation myth of ancient Judaic mysticism (Lurianic Kabbalah). As also the pandemic with ensuing Great Reset is too eerily similar to that. The shattering of the vessels is followed by Jews picking up the pieces and rebuilding the vessels more beautiful than before = tikkun.

"Build back better" is the innocuous-sounding translation of Tikkun. In my perception, this Tikkun motto was dog-whistled to all conscious supremacists by the omnipresent simultaneous proclamation of "Building Back Better" through all politicians in power, media channels and talking heads at the time. And thus the project IHR, One Health, Perennial state of exception, was kicked off after its final Event 201 dress rehearsal.

What is also important is that Tikkun has traditionally been focused on taking the appropriate measures to preserve the social order... Think a while about that one.

About Tikkun Olam and Shevirah, the Shattering: https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/32246?lang=bi

I find it also noteworthy that in this creation myth, God steps back, limits himself to make space for an Other. Remarkably, people like Harari self-identify as God's kind. They may, with the collectivist frugalism that they plan for us and that a version of which is also referred to in this myth, be seeing themselves as the Godhead that puts the earlier part of its creation aside to make room for "Their next creation": transhumans, or robots, or androids, or any AI based non-life form -just whatever they can actually manage. Btw, what they are aspiring at, will in any case need lots of energy, for the servers etc. I sometimes wonder if we are to be put on such a stone age regime exactly because they will be needing nearly all energy for their calculations, simulations, data storage etc. So that we won't actually be using any less energy than now, it will actually still be required and generated, but will be so discreetly reallocated that we may even be unaware we are still "polluting" as much as always. An lack of efficient energy sure helps preserve the social order, as do QR or later quantum dot vaccine passes. See recent WHo EU collaboration on digital laissez passers.

I think the Build Back Better dogwhistle slogan shows a lot of chutzpah and shows clear Claim of authorship in this global coup.

Tikkun is also mentioned openly by at least one powerful individual who explicitly wields the weapon of the antisemitism accusation. Peter Hotez openly touts his concept of "science Tikkun". He wrote several papers on several aspects of that ( i.a. reaching all humans with medications, which is quite in line with equity and inclusion of the new IHR where at the same time however the respect, at all times, of individual human rights was cancelled from the previously valid version. which makes Hotez aim of inclusive and equitable medication of all humans potentially dangerous, and since the potential dangers of everything under the also.dangerous sun, are paid a lot of attention to by the WHO going forward, so they can be pretexts for precautionary emergency measures, so why shouldn't we do so too). In another article, linked below, he calls for countering "antisemitic anti-science" e.g. anti-vaxxers (= who are anti-mrna transfection), whom he sees as more dangerous than regular terrorists. Yes, all that is really putting HHR social order at risk that they have gotten used to and are about to tikkun-optimize with One health turnkey totalitarianism. I guess that also the published scientific paper is anti-Semitic science in his eyes, which showed that the engineered SARS CoV 2 pathogen, that among others the Ukrainian Jewish origin Baric and Daszak were closely involved with, by its electrostatic characteristics, targets maximally Gentile European descent specimens and spares exclusively Ashkenazki specimens of the human family. I will add the link to that published article later. (It is not anti-semitism, but will be banned assuch, to recognize the pattern that also some decisive Ukraine hawks are of Ukrainian Jewish ancestry. Nuland, Kagan, Freeland also.) Hotez fittingly calls for global suppression of all "anti-science" through appropriate mechanisms which in below article he announces to propose, and notably through the UN, whose organization the WHO already has such plans and mechanisms in place, as have the EU, US and everyone else, and which will be implemented probably starting December 2023 if nation states fail to have dutifully opted out of the IHR by the deadline, end November 2023, when the 18 months will have passed which gave the opportunity to opt out. And this suppression will be implemented with a thoroughness that we have not seen to date and therefore cannot imagine. Mentioning all that, like I am doing here will be a thing of the past. UNLESS our representatives explicitly pull out of that agreement, which they had been coopted into by a passive mechanism. I believe you would have had to actively object at the time, and who in power likes to expose themselves like that nowadays.

If it is anti-science to call out the harms by the COVID mRNA of whatever injectables, you can perhaps imagine what level of harm is feasible by switching the entire childhood schedule to the mRNA platform, and obligate each human inclusively and equitably to get injected with several rounds of injections supposedly against other upcoming pathogens. It will be crucial indeed, to preserve social order, to have a very robust suppression of discourse around what will be unfolding. Schwab too frets about last pockets of unrest in his book about the Great Reset.

The most obviously aggressive of the Hotez articles, and the one containing his most dangerous plan, as its implementation is a necessary precondition for all else to go down with social order intact, is here; you will find the rest if you search for Peter Hotez science tikkun:


Please read the beginning of that one to realize the worldview of individuals in power...

Corrigendum: above article is not mentioning antisemitism although I could have sworn it did. The one that does is paywalled. It has an aggressive introductory sentence but at least that sentence is available; and I will add link to article here. Sometime a few days back I had been able to.actually open a well readable copy of that article buy more I only see paywalls with no abstract. Right now to otherwise corroborate my claim about Hotez perception of antisemitism I am therefore instead adding an interview with Hotez where it is mentioned hag he too has Ukrainian Jewish ancestry, I guess Ashkenazi then, and that shows his perception of antisemitism:


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Good article, Winston wasn't that aware of astroturfing that much as I am sure a lot of people aren't. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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The guy making the videos migrated to The Netherlands and is apparently happy there. Good for him. Somewhere along the road he will realize that apartment buildings and town homes have their own problems, like noise disturbance day and night. People biking to work are not the happy campers he implies: if it is sunny you sweat, if it rains you get wet, if there is snow and ice people have accidents. And yes, The Netherlands has sidewalks all-over - with a lot of dog-shit.

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Yes a very good article Winston, I didn’t know anything about astroturfing so yet another tactic used to push their ideology and to shape public perception their way! 15 minute cities sound like the globalists’ plans to contain and restrain (imprison us) which is why no one ( in their right mind ) would want to live exactly like living in a jail cell! Thanks for sharing your insights on this subject, the more we know the better in order to defend ourselves from all forms of brainwashing!

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