As an Australian I can confirm much of what is said here. In fact, just today my husband was chatting to a fella in the line at the supermarket in the small regional town which we live half an hour from. This town, prior to Convid, had an extremely low unemployment rate, far lower than the national average in 2019. This was a result of the town having three large industries: a well-known ice-cream dairy; an abattoir (lamb) and a timber milling company with three mills. Since Convid, and the huge government payouts that were made for ‘not working’, these industries have been having trouble getting workers so they’ve been importing unskilled workers from China, The Solomons, Africa and elsewhere. The fella in the supermarket line, who happened to work at the abattoir, said that these imported workers are paid at a higher rate than the Australians who’ve been there for years. He told my husband, “It’s about to kick off.” What that means, I’m not sure. But I’d say tensions are running high.

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It seems the Commonwealth countries know how best to destroy their culture and economies. We used to be smarter than that!

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So many decades of UN/Zionist infiltration and of lulling (dumbing down) the population via an array of psychological and chemical techniques 😞

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Brilliant article, Obrien.

I want to put in my 2 cents, and suggest that this Indian immigration deal may be partly motivated by a desire to ensure India is allied with Australia if ever it gets in a war with China, since India has a certain animosity to that country.

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I think this is all about to get much more real for everyone. For the last few years our country has been papering over the cracks with fake money.

The last week or two I've been hearing people saying things are slowing down, people are calling them chasing work etc.

I'm actually a bit scared about what's going to happen. It feels to me that we've kicked the can so far down the road that there's no more kick left in it. I don't usually buy into all the doomsayers, but I get the feeling they've really fucked everything up badly this time. I hope I'm just imagining things after a long day at work and a few coincidences.... but I've had like 4 other tradies/suppliers just in the last week or so saying things are slowing down/ not enough work etc.

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Literally importing 'shit'.

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No borders globalist agenda in play here.

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