What is the voting system like? Is there an opposition party to the current ruling group? Do people not vote? Does it matter? We have finally turned the tables here is the US, but who knows how much change will "stick?" Voters tend to vote "for the moment," not for what is good on a longer term. Many of us in the US love and admire your country. Your essay is sad and disheartening. Good luck. There seems to be a"world change" regarding migration and it doesn't look like it will work out well.

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People do vote, there is an opposition party, but to be honest there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two (and the smaller ones, and independents, don't have the numbers to make much of a difference, as much as they try).

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Same problem here. Good luck, sir.

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I have been saying for awhile the immigration is dangerously in excess of the housing rate = housing/cost of living crisis.

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Thank you, though the picture your overview presents is indeed grim.

Despite the severity and negativity in the social and economic prospects for Australia, Australians seem to be oblivious to their predicament, or they are determined to carry on with their consumerist dream standards of living judging by their motor vehicles. The future may look bleak, but that doesn't deter Australians from upgrading their utes - without a local motor vehicle manufacturing industry, the fully-imported Chrysler Dodge Rams, Ford F-150s, and Chevrolet Silverados are proliferating - and family urban 4WD, grotesquely also including those from Maserati and Jaguar. The subsidies on EVs must also be substantial too owing to the mushrooming Tesla models on the roads. It was said that Aussies love their cars, but in light of this state of affairs of collapse and the nugatory economic prospects for their children, this is more like a destructive compulsive abusive obsession.

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"Australians seem to be oblivious to their predicament" - this is probably applicable to the many negative predicaments we find ourselves in (or rather haven't yet realized). There are, however, a quickly growing number of Aussies who are waking up thanks to the COVID thingy (haven't yet met someone who doesn't know someone relatively close who's been injured, died, or inexplicably dealing with unusual and multiple health issues since the jabs).

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"There are, however, a quickly growing number of Aussies who are waking up thanks to the COVID thingy"

Yes, insofar as the injection goes, many if not most are convinced that something has gone terribly wrong. That's really all that most believe, and unfortunately it doesn't amount to anything substantial that might effect change. Some are even of the opinion that Big Pharma has called the shots (not a pun) while government has shielded them, perhaps after being threatened with a Big Pharma exit should they be brought to account by government.

But this is all decoy, it is a mischaracterisation of the problem, or it scarcely scratches the surface and this so -called "wake-up" is a completely negligible comprehension of the real problem and what is required of us.

I'll even allow that there now may be a widespread admission that covert power groups of the west, for instance the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, World Economic Forum, etc. and perhaps even the recognition of the Bank for International Settlements, World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, all exert too much influence on the UN and in turn, the government.

But just admitting any or even all of this won't and can't change a thing.

People will only just start to perturb the state of affairs in their own countries when there is a large-scale walk-out, a withdrawal from the system, a refusal of further participation. People must refuse to turn up for work, refuse to pay their taxes, their mortgages, and all the myriad expenses that generate the corporate profits. The country, and more importantly for the oligarch financier class that is indeed behind everything going against the people, the economy needs to be brought to a halt. It will hurt everyone, but the difference is that none of the know-how, none of the labour, and none of the solidarity that was supplied by the people would be lost by the people. It would all be retained and it must then all be redeployed in the creation and maintenance of alternative services and alternative systems to support society. The government and their oligarch financier class bosses, on the other hand, would be deprived of everything they need to survive. At that point, and only then, would the government and its oligarch financier class bosses be prepared to listen.

Well, it's nice to think of these things. It's a pity none of it will ever come to pass. Those shiny new Telsas that have the aesthetics of a well-worn bar of soap and those boorish and vulgar Dodge Rams are just too irresistible. And so the New World Order Juggernaut will lumber forward without deviation or letup.

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While it's often said that Australians are descended from criminals, that is only one part of the population. A different portion are descended from prison guards.

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No doubt an extremely exaggerated saying given the free settlers would have outnumbered the prison guards and convicts many times over. Nevertheless, a humerus characterization of Australians, who are quickly becoming a minority in this country.

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It's a lonely place to live Australia, if you're a critical thinker.

A sporting nation with the attitude of she'll be right mate. Distracted and programmed by MSM.

I've been telling anyone who might listen what's been coming for probably 10 years and a decade prior to that, had that irritating itch that something wasn't quite right.

No one listens, and whoever has tried doing the same knows the label you get stuck with if you try.

This false economy that Australia is floated on will be coming to an almighty screaming halt very soon.

I also tried to mention to the same people who don't listen that Covid was a global coup detat, and if you don't own your property or close to by 2025 , you are more likely going to lose it to the banking cartel.

The privatised facist plutocratic psychopaths that our government seem to kneel to have economically destroyed this country making it a very unstable future for all who live here.

Good luck all and hopefully I'll see you in the surf somewhere..

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Canada being purposely destroyed in a similar manner. Now the US wants it as the 53rd State.

Lebanon's economy has been holliwed out in similar ways and can now not protect itself.

What do the International Banking Cartel of Central Banks have in mind for Australia?.

This isn't just a random occurrence.

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As my cousin remarked on a recent summer holiday. We would have instantly picked up a gun and fought for our country (Australia) in the 80s, no chance we’d do that now nor would we want our kids to do it. Trump helped inject some patriotism for Australia Day this year (Jan 26th) - we need our own business minded nationalist!

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