Historically, people have had a lot less means of communicating with eachother then we do today. Let's hope it will result in a lot more August Landmessers then we ever had.

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Do not comply.

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Yes! But is the population capable? They're a docile, heavily medicated, propagandised, discomfort fearing lot. I fear most will just go along to get along.

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This is wise counsel. I fear the country is on the verge of violent upheaval if this mindset is not propagated.

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Speaking of ramping up the current psychosis it seems to me that if the deeply psychotic ghouls promoting the Project2025 gain the political power to instrument/enforce their all-the-way-down-the-line-agendas then you aint seen nothing yet re the resulting breakdown of quite literally everything especially the resultant systematic destruction of the biosphere

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I agree with what you say Winston, but what does one do when peaceful tactics don't bring about the desired change from oppression. Even Jesus said "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." - Matthew 10:34 (KJV). Sadly, sometimes force only understands force. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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I think things have to get much worse, where the people feel more pain, more struggle, more hardship… more desperation. The reasonable people are already feeling this but it is the others who haven’t yet been affected in they still have their good jobs or careers, they make a good income, they’re not vaccine damaged, and they have the attitude of “I’m alright Jack.”

Canada Health just announced they approved the “new” Moderna vaccine today and are so far only “recommending” everyone age 6 months and up to get it! They are beginning covid hysteria all over again with the scary new variants and Ottawa our capital their hospital are the first to mandate masks AGAIN started yesterday September 11. You already know others will follow suit.

I have a good friend who works in healthcare in a senior’s residence and she said the facility already has a list up for staff to check off for both the influenza and covid shots and the Filipino’s are lining up for both as they see getting the covid shot being the same as getting the flu shot. They are not willing to risk losing their jobs. My friend has already looked into the future and decided that she will have to work for herself as anywhere there is government funding the same protocols will be in effect and she is not complying.

The mRNA covid 19 vaccines of the past have already killed too many to count, and injured so many others and still are! Now they’re ready to resume their killing and maiming with their murderous new just as toxic mRNA in Canada’s case Moderna this time around. The prior toxic mRNA “vaccines” that were used here were Phyzer.

This is soooo depressing to learn from her. Everyone who is awake now knows we have to push back hard right now at the very beginning with the masks because they are very obviously testing the waters. All those that comply this time around with both the masks and the shots likely won’t make it through as the more jabs you take the more spike proteins and toxicity you add to your poor body and the highest causes of deaths right now are the brain being damaged and turbo cancers.

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Studies have shown that positive changes in the past have BOTH used non-violent non-compliance like Ghandi AND also sometimes violent resistance can do this too, like the IRA changed things over time. However, although non-violent non-compliance resistance works better over the long-term and brings more lasting change, over the short term, violent resistance brings quicker change. Both forms of change tend to lessen over time, positive change dwindles, and this cycle repeats, where we are now on the brink of worldwide tyranny. The average person does not have the killing toys of governments today. Another 1776 American revolution probably won't work, if the bully governments and their order followers are pretty united in following orders, despite any personal misgivings of the average soldier. Different and more creative solutions may need to be employed. I favor combo courageous actions, intensive true education about what on earth is happening, AND violence only in self-defense, despite the odds, as it can inspire change in ways never done before. Check out my parable here for a short story that explains better than any long dissertation: https://theredpilloftruth.substack.com/p/the-parable-of-mark-passio-and-dennis and this short story is my attempt at "intensive education".

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Hi Winston,

I don't think the Winston Smith in this video is you, is he?



Brett Wilcox

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