One of the most remarkable characteristics of the bugman is indeed his steely certainty that his model of reality is both his, and the correct one - this in the face of a continual stream of evidence that it is not. It does not matter how often his expectations are violated; contrary models, no matter how prescient their predictions, are rejected out of hand as conspiracy theories, not only delusional but morally monstrous. This obdurate blindness is strong evidence that the bugman phenomenon is related to extreme left hemisphere dominance.

Then of course, there is his delusion they his model is 'his' model - when it is in truth a model that is inserted into his psyche whole by the powers that be, who then modify and update the model at will. This points to the bugman's brain being not only one large left hemisphere, but a hijacked left hemisphere - or perhaps, more accurately, it might be more accurate to say that the bugman's right hemisphere, the seat of reality comprehension, has had its functions taken over by the Net ... with the left hemisphere none the wiser.

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A couple of decades ago it occurred to me that people who are not in control of their own minds - whose beliefs, values and consequent behavior were installed in them rather than chosen and adopted by them - do not possess the power of free will. They are programmed automatons - behavior machines - not rational human beings. Without free will there can be no morality because there is only what is and people have no power to change to what "should be", or even to see that there is a really possible alternative to what is. Which implies that while bugmen may well believe in obvious falsehoods and be emotionally driven by perverse values, they are not morally culpable because their programmers "made them do it". I blame the bad shepherds, not the pathetic sheep.

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Absolutely. Not everyone has a moral endoskeleton. In fact most have a moral exoskeleton, depending on external sources for their understanding and guidance. Programmed, as you say, and moreover necessarily so. As such the problem is bad programmers.

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This seems to me to be the ultimate nihilism. As someone who is herself extremely pessimistic about our species' intelligence and moral capabilities, this strikes me as the ultimate cop-out. It brings up the obvious question: Did the Nazis who followed orders, acting as "good patriotic Germans" have any culpability in the crimes in which they participated? And what about those who consciously decided to create the genocide, not because they'd been programmed to do so, but rather out of pure evil in their rotten hearts and sick minds? Would you excuse them too? If not, why not? Using your framework it seems you could argue that they'd simply been programmed to believe in monstrous lies about the people they sought to eliminate, and in their own minds were doing the world a great favor.

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Are the good citizens of North America and Europe who blow to hell the people and infrastructure of countries like Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, etc guilty of evil crimes against humanity? Or are they virtuously spreading freedom and democracy? Are the good citizens of those countries who pay for the wars with their taxes, and morally support "spreading freedom and democracy", guilty of enabling crimes against humanity? Are all the NATO enablers of the Nazified regime in Ukraine "nazis" themselves, for supporting this regime's crimes against its own culturally Russian citizens? Would you subject them all to Nuremberg trials and hang them all as guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity? I believe most of these people have been brainwashed by their "shepherds". I also believe, as I said in my comment, that I believe these people are not capable of moral action because they do not possess independent minds so are incapable of making and acting on their own informed rational choices, which makes them incapable of exercising free will. If all these citizens of Western nations are brainwashed to support war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by their rulers and militaries, are all the people guilty? Or are only the brainwashers who perpetrated the whole campaign guilty? Would the people of Canada, US, Britain, France, Germany have blown up other people and their countries of their own free will? Or did some motivating power induce them to participate in and support these crimes? That is the question I am addressing.

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That's exactly how we treated the situation. The leadership, who were most culpable, were put on trial and largely executed. But the majority of Germans were allowed to go back to their lives and rebuild, with a 'don't ask don't tell' policy prevailing in the postwar years. Partly for practical reasons, but I think partly out of realization that most people will tend to go along with whatever they perceive to be the consensus norms of their social order. If those norms have been perverted by sociopaths, it's to be expected that people will do horrible things.

It's a messy situation, though, as obviously there are some actions so awful that they can't be excused. But my point wasn't really about punishment. It was more to note that most of the people in our social order going along with awful things are doing so because they've been badly led, fed toxic propaganda and driven deliberately insane. Change that, and they'll start behaving more like human beings again. Most of them at least.

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May 1, 2022
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So sorry to hear about your injury. Your intuitive sense (requiring right hemisphere dominance) was correct but you were bullied by the most potent bullies on the planet - your own family - to go against your better judgment. However it's good to hear you are fully awake to the propaganda and evil afoot.

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Certainly you would not excuse the authors of genocide, even if you could argue that they were psychopaths of no fault of their own - they are still guilty - pure evil as you say. Same with those who at the time were assisting the genocide believing they were doing the right thing - guilty, even with the argument that they were brainwashed. My point would be, the psychopath leadership, the social engineers, should be at the top of the list of those responsible.

Just as now with the whole jab issue - countless stories of vaccine injured people going to their doctor wanting an exemption from further jabs only to be told they can't get an exemption, they will be OK, and basically performing malpractice. It's not the Dr who created the mindset that would cause him to perform malpractice, it's health officials, corporations, etc - they are the more guilty ones, but the Dr is not off the hook either.

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There is certainly a majority of blame to be laid upon the social engineers who know exactly what they are doing to the population for the sake of control. The engineers themselves are probably myopic in their outlook - one left hemisphere propagating more of the left hemisphere world for a society of left hemispheres. (that's probably overstated but you know what I mean).

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Yes, doesn't it all fit so well into McGilchrist's thesis? This is why I'll be studying his "Matter With Things" for a long time to come - not that it's gospel, but it certainly fills in a big gap in our understanding of why we are the way we are - especially now.

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"The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one’s mind, is the condition of the normal man. Society highly values its normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal. Normal men have killed perhaps 100,000,000 of their fellow normal men in the last fifty years."

R.D. Laing

The Politics of Experience - pub. 1967

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This echoes the sentiments of the mystic Gurdjieff, who claimed that most men are permanently asleep, will violently resist being awoken from their pleasant dreams, and who, lost in those dreams, will regularly walk off the cliff like lemmings into the mass slaughters of wars and violent revolutions.

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Yes. Laing had somewhat of a mystical outlook.

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Great quote - metaphorically asleep, but practically caught in a narrow field of awareness, like the right eye (left hemisphere) of the sparrow fixated on the seed in the gravel, yet not utilising the left eyes broad vigilance toward the rest of the world.

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The west stopped believing in god because they found another god to worship.

The key issue is that in both cases they require something to follow.


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