One of the most remarkable characteristics of the bugman is indeed his steely certainty that his model of reality is both his, and the correct one - this in the face of a continual stream of evidence that it is not. It does not matter how often his expectations are violated; contrary models, no matter how prescient their predictions, are rejected out of hand as conspiracy theories, not only delusional but morally monstrous. This obdurate blindness is strong evidence that the bugman phenomenon is related to extreme left hemisphere dominance.

Then of course, there is his delusion they his model is 'his' model - when it is in truth a model that is inserted into his psyche whole by the powers that be, who then modify and update the model at will. This points to the bugman's brain being not only one large left hemisphere, but a hijacked left hemisphere - or perhaps, more accurately, it might be more accurate to say that the bugman's right hemisphere, the seat of reality comprehension, has had its functions taken over by the Net ... with the left hemisphere none the wiser.

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May 1, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

"The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one’s mind, is the condition of the normal man. Society highly values its normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal. Normal men have killed perhaps 100,000,000 of their fellow normal men in the last fifty years."

R.D. Laing

The Politics of Experience - pub. 1967

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The west stopped believing in god because they found another god to worship.

The key issue is that in both cases they require something to follow.


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