Excellent piece. For some time I have wondered how a severe economic downturn, as in a 1930s style depression with mass unemployment, economic desperation etc., would play out in the multicultural west with competing, antagonistic groups in close proximity with little in common. Could get very ugly. Maybe we will find out, sooner rather than later.


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The short answer is no. One man cannot save any western country. Yes, Farage winning would be similar to Trump's victory in 2016. While Trump tried to do some good things, he was ultimately foiled and America is now in an even worse place. Even if Farage and Trump win this year, the West is doomed. Its too late. Our economic system is based on nothing more than smoke, mirrors and unicorn farts. Fortunately, the entire corrupt system is about to collapse. When that happens we will have an opportunity. The only thing that will save us will be massive revolutions that will be the bloodiest and most violent in the history of the world. Good luck and God speed.

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Good piece. When I was marching from Sunderland to Parliament to demand the implementation of the Brexit referendum result, I was heartened by the high level of support from we got from youngsters. They are the future, and are not so easily fooled or indoctrinated by woke teachers as we imagine.

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There's many things that we had in the 1700s, we've discarded as out of date now. Political parties are well past their sell by date and I have no doubt there are so many better ways of doing things. If a genie gave me one wish it would be that, for every 'thing' invented, there must also be a correlating Sunset Clause connected to it that forces reflection and review as to whether it works as intended.

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No more then Trump can fix America

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Very well argued. However for England to be reclaimed the electoral system has to change. The first past the post constituency based system almost ensures that third parties cannot win seats in Parliament. The system is designed to maintain a two party hegemony ensuring that two completely discredited parties without the ability or the intention of representing the English people will, between them, still retain the vast majority of seats in Parliament. England needs proportional representation and the perhaps we can repeat the results in the recent Dutch elections. However, the two hopelessly corrupt and corruptible parties which constitute the political establishment will move any number of mountains to prevent this from happening. At least 4 million Muslims have to be removed from the country. If this is not done, and currently the political will does not exist, then England is lost.

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Huh, so support for gay marriages has grown in the older generations in the UK? Strange, over here and online in French circles, it has decreased amongst Gen X, Y & Z, and on top of that in some English speaking places I know of, it's the same.

Also, anti-semitism for possibly the first time has begun to take root in France, where once for 1000 years it was not only tolerated but respected (yes, even in WWII it was, as the French tended to hide a lot of Jews from the Nazis). But now, about 40% of the population want Jews out or baptised, and Muslims deported en masse.

It is interesting that the UK is veering in the same direction generally from what I can see as the rest of Europe and also Quebec.

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I’ll be moving to France then…

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Move to the countryside of Bretagne or Normandie, or Toulouse, they’re uber traditionalist and suspicious of others. But if you learn French and intend to become French, then they’ll welcome you with open arms, my best friend from England has moved out there and is happier there than in England. I only wish I could move to France I miss it.

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I would like to see all Muslims expelled from Britain and Western Europe in general. It’s a vile, totalitarian ideology which makes no secret of its ambitions and is entirely antithetical to Western values and traditions. Any ideology which not only allows but advocates for female genital mutilation, child brides meaning pedophilia, stoning to death rape victims, throwing homosexuals to their death from a high place and a host of other insults to humanity should not be tolerated. As for waffle about diversity you cannot have diversity if you include Islam because Islam does not tolerate diversity. It is an absolutist ideology and death cult in which failure to obey will bring immediate a terminal punishment..

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Exactement! I fully concur!

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No, and as much Reforms policies are more reflective of the national consensus, the institutional and electoral system of the UK will stifle their policies.

Direct democracy is the only way nation states will regain control by meaningful representation.

Referenda is majority consensus led, it bypasses political party pressures from the financial markets, global governance structures, vested interests and flawed elitist conceptions.

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England desperately needs devolution. When all political power, all economic power, all media power and all cultural power is contracted in one place then the development of an inward looking and narcissistic elite is inevitable. DC, London and Brussels are just self facing images of one another. The days when the peasants march up the hill with pitchforks and torches are rapidly approaching and lynching is all that they deserve.

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Farage is not ‘far right’…he’s ’just,right’

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Astro Turf...

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