This came to me recently from a natural remedy supplier talking about recent changes to the Australian TGA rules around marketing (giving personal testimony for compensation) non-therapeutic goods:
I read the most appalling article in the mainstream media today, and after I read it, I wanted to bang my head on the desk. This happens a lot, but rather than doing that again (it hurts), I thought I had better send out MY message, and declare that I do NOT consent to this madness.
The TGA has declared that we can no longer discuss online how a non-therapeutic, natural remedy is helpful. Specifically, they are targeting influencers in the wellness industry, either paid with money or product, but as you can imagine, this is getting very close to my doorstep. For the longest time, I have been quietly making my balms, and sharing testimonials from all my customers about how well they work. These are not paid for, they are genuine stories of delight! And this has always been legal, because we used to have robust rights to FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
The TGA are now starting to declare war on your right to say how a product personally benefited you, and share it. Initially, they are going after people being endorsed, or sent products, but the next step will be if you purchased a product that does not fall under the TGA, you will not be able to share online that it benefited you. This is literally shutting down the Wisdom of the Masses.
This rule comes on the back of every tightened screw, every eroded freedom, everything society has complied with, in order to meet the ever changing rules around natural medicine.
This rule protects one industry: Pharma.
What people have complied with over the last 2 years has opened the door to the government taking more ground with what you can and cannot say online. It also protects the chemicalised medical matrix from losing ground to the people who are turning to God Food and Medicine to heal. I personally believe that the way the government handled the pandemic, the utter failure of the health advice, and the evidence now overwhelmingly supporting natural immunity, a healthy diet, and low impact natural remedies like zinc, vitamin C and D, means that more and more people are walking away from applying toxins to a symptom. People are learning to make better long term choices, and I have been so happy to see the numbers of people waking up to this! It is wonderful!
But as the government moves to control what we can and cannot say about natural remedies, I urge you to throw your support behind the small businesses that are making beautiful non-toxic products.
The rules around testimonials and endorsements in advertising have been clarified. Following extensive stakeholder consultation, the 2021 Code retains the 2018 Code rules allowing genuine unpaid testimonials in advertising. The 2021 Code clarifies that paid or incentivised testimonials cannot be included in advertisements, including from anyone engaged in the production, marketing or supply of the goods. This includes paid or incentivised testimonials from influencers. Clarification has also been made that the prohibition on endorsements from health professionals extends to former health professionals.
So the TGA is still “allowing genuine unpaid testimonials in advertising,” but not ‘health professionals’ and ‘former health professionals’. So health professionals are not allowed to promote a non-pharma endorsed treatment? This is a bit more than the thin edge of the wedge and will probably do significant damage to the natural health industry that does rely on sponsored advertising to get the word out (as does any other consumer product line).
The germ vs Terrain theory war rages - with germ theory decidedly in the lead thanks to the Rockefellers and the Big Pharma consortiums.
FACT CHECK!by Wikipedia
The Big Pharma conspiracy theory is a group of conspiracy theories that claim that the medical community in general and pharmaceutical companies in particular, especially large corporations, operate for sinister purposes and against the public good, and that they conceal effective treatments, or even cause and worsen a wide range of diseases for the only purpose of profitability. Specific variations of the conspiracy theory have included the claim that natural alternative remedies to health problems are being suppressed, the claim that drugs for the treatment of HIV/AIDS are ineffective and harmful, the claim that a cure for all cancers has been discovered but hidden from the public, and claims that COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective and that alternative cures are available for COVID-19. In each case the conspiracy theorists have blamed pharmaceutical companies' search for profits. A range of authors sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry have shown these claims to be false, though some of these authors nevertheless maintain that other criticisms of the pharmaceutical industry are legitimate.
Consolidation of knowledge into the machine, nothing but control here.
I can build a shovel, or I can dig with my hands.
(Technology) vs (Lived)
When the means to produce a shovel are controlled, you will be made to feel like a savage to dig with your hands. How many manual things have changed in the last while that are now seen as unclean or dirty?
Do what is meaningful, not what is expedient.
There are ideas in my own stack about how to begin the counter push to this construct, starting with finding our heralds of truth. It sounds absolutely nonsense I know, but when you scale the psychosis to encompass everything you suddenly see the cage around us.
I ask everyone just try a simple task here, because you can't see it as you are stuck in a loop of your physical self rising to meet your intellectual self (catching a ball tossed to you.)
Sit in silence cross legged on the floor, hands on your knees and close your eyes.
Imagine the concept of Good, and find within yourself a place of bliss, of happiness.
Your hands can feel your knees, your mobility, but you are presently sitting - You cannot move.
Do not be distressed, the trick is in moving your orientation and not your position.
Spend time here, peel back the layers in your self. Settle in on feelings that are strong, familiar, and most of all bring you joy.
Remember your hands?
Bring them back to your knees. You have journeyed within yourself, within your own temple - your house, and this must be done. It is time to go now though.
So then I ask you, in that moment of focus and with that realization. Take your dominant hand and focus entirely on it. Reach it forward slowly, and grasp the air.
Nothing there right?
Grip that nothingness. Close your fingers tight around your palm. Now you have it.
Slowly expand on what you are holding in your hand, the absence of nothing does not mean there is nothing.
Feel the cage, the psychosis.
Now GRAB it, and be shocked as to what happens next in your mind.
Consolidation of knowledge into the machine, nothing but control here.
I can build a shovel, or I can dig with my hands.
(Technology) vs (Lived)
When the means to produce a shovel are controlled, you will be made to feel like a savage to dig with your hands. How many manual things have changed in the last while that are now seen as unclean or dirty?
Do what is meaningful, not what is expedient.
There are ideas in my own stack about how to begin the counter push to this construct, starting with finding our heralds of truth. It sounds absolutely nonsense I know, but when you scale the psychosis to encompass everything you suddenly see the cage around us.
I ask everyone just try a simple task here, because you can't see it as you are stuck in a loop of your physical self rising to meet your intellectual self (catching a ball tossed to you.)
Sit in silence cross legged on the floor, hands on your knees and close your eyes.
Imagine the concept of Good, and find within yourself a place of bliss, of happiness.
Your hands can feel your knees, your mobility, but you are presently sitting - You cannot move.
Do not be distressed, the trick is in moving your orientation and not your position.
Spend time here, peel back the layers in your self. Settle in on feelings that are strong, familiar, and most of all bring you joy.
Remember your hands?
Bring them back to your knees. You have journeyed within yourself, within your own temple - your house, and this must be done. It is time to go now though.
So then I ask you, in that moment of focus and with that realization. Take your dominant hand and focus entirely on it. Reach it forward slowly, and grasp the air.
Nothing there right?
Grip that nothingness. Close your fingers tight around your palm. Now you have it.
Slowly expand on what you are holding in your hand, the absence of nothing does not mean there is nothing.
Feel the cage, the psychosis.
Now GRAB it, and be shocked as to what happens next in your mind.