QLD is quickly becoming a police state ruled by heavy handed midwits, that's what decades of Labor government does with a useless opposition and no upper house of parliament.

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Heartbreaking to read! Thanks for the focus on this

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Check out freedomtraininternational.org

On Twitter/X and also on youtube

International freedom fighters uniting across all western countries.

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When "The State" actively collude and conspire to cover up a long history of vaccines causing death and injury, lest it might make one "vaccine-hesitant" - they've descended about as low as they can go.

Big Pharma and their sycophants are clearly panicking that word has got out, about their billion-dollar cash cow.

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Unspeakable tyranny!

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If the parents are keenly aware of Big Pharmas dangers, and rightly so, then what the hell are they doing in one of their murder factories (hospitals)?

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