Brilliant analogy. (Metaphor? Always been confused by the two.) In any event, brilliant.

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You are probably right - analogy more than metaphor - need to hear from a literary expert 🙂

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Confabulation is fabulous - for some!

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So that's what good old fashioned brain washing does.

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Great post Winston

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Great post. I'd never heard of this effect from a medical-physical standpoint, only a psychological one. It makes so much sense today. Yet while those who block out one aspect of life - for example the truth about vaccine efficacy and injury - do not have strokes or physical ailments, is it just the predication to the left hemisphere that leads to this? I would suggest that mass-media hypnotic suggestion plays a massive role in training the mind to block. And then the tribal loyalties of mass formation that follow suit. But many of them per se will be aware of the hidden, so it becomes the emperor with no clothes. There are many ways into all this, all of which I assume the architects of this fiasco have researched thoroughly and have committed time, money and manpower in utilising their effects.

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It would be overly simplistic to suggest that the mass psychosis is a bunch of people just operating out of their left hemispheres, but given the propensities, actually the very nature of the left hemisphere, I think it's a telling piece of the puzzle. Certainly hypnotic suggestion, tribal loyalties, and a host of "traditional" propaganda techniques are playing a huge role as well. But it all works so well (for the propagandist) because of the nature of the left hemisphere - at least in part. I've got a lot more to talk about in regards to this left-hemispheric nature of ours and the Western world.

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I look forward to it, Winston.

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What's scary, besides all of it, is that the entire western world could even be capable of shifting together in ways of reason or unreason, like one giant school of fish, one mass melded borg. Another consequence of greater interconnectedness? Or perhaps I'm using my left hemisphere too much here. "Paranoia, blame shifting, making up stories to explain stuff without having a clue, and denying the existence of half the world."

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That is one of the points McGilchrist highlights in his work - the mass shifts from either a left or right hemispheric bias across the ages - it’s been going on since the beginning- technology, I’m sure, amplifies the effect.

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Great post Winston.Good morning.

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"Paranoia, blame shifting, making up stories to explain stuff without having a clue, and denying the existence of half the world. These are some of the hallmarks of the left hemisphere if given free reign without the wisdom of the right hemisphere."

This sounds precisely like a person who has gone into a mind-snap, such as the walking zombies of COVID-mania attacking the un-vaxxed, or an individual who has just had a Narcissistic Collapse which has rendered them cruel and paranoid and delusional. Jekyll and Hyde.

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The power of ridiculous confabulation was the story of the False Memory Syndrome of the 1980s/90s.

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