Untermensch was the German word for the ‘underman’ or sub-human. In 1930s Nazi propaganda the ‘underman’ was used in reference to enemies, namely the Russian Communists and the Jews who, if not defeated, would destroy Europe. In 1942 the Nazi Race and Settlement Head Office distributed a pamphlet titled "The Sub-Human":
The sub-human, that biologically seemingly complete similar creation of nature with hands, feet and a kind of brain, with eyes and a mouth, is nevertheless a completely different, dreadful creature. He is only a rough copy of a human being, with human-like facial traits but nonetheless morally and mentally lower than any animal. Within this creature there is a fearful chaos of wild, uninhibited passions, nameless destructiveness, the most primitive desires, the nakedest vulgarity. Sub-human, otherwise nothing. For all that bear a human face are not equal. Woe to him who forgets it.
We know what sort of results this propaganda achieved.
Are we seeing the emergence of a new untermensch? Let me take the lead from the Nazi Race and Settlement Head office and put it in a contemporary context. Let’s say it’s from the Bundesgesundheitsministerium:
The sub-human, that morally seemingly similar member of our society, is nevertheless a completely different, dreadful member. He/She/They/Ae/Co/E/En/Ey/Fae/Per/Sie/Tey/Ve/Xie/Yo/Ze/Zie is only outwardly similar to normal people, but is truly morally and mentally lower than any animal. These degenerates ignore science, are anti-vaxxers, deny life-threatening diseases, mock social distancing, keep us in lockdown, and willfully put their fellow citizens in mortal danger out of their own ignorance. They are sub-human, stupid, failing to recognise the wisdom of the collective, and if not forced to comply to societies reasonable mandates will be the destruction of us all. All who bear a human face are not equal. Woe to him/her/them/are/co/em/en/em/faer/per/sie/ter/vis/hir/yo/zir/zim who forgets it.
As a “neue untermensch” your “reality” doesn’t count. You can’t argue your point, because your point isn’t the “reality” of the New Normal. You and your selfish attitude and scientific ignorance are the reason for sustaining the pandemic…
We have watched as the New Normal transformed our societies into paranoid, pathologized, authoritarian dystopias where people now have to show their “papers” to see a movie or get a cup of coffee and publicly display their ideological conformity to enter a supermarket and buy their groceries.
We have watched as the New Normal transformed the majority of the masses into hate-drunk, hysterical mobs that are openly persecuting “the Unvaccinated,” the official “Untermenschen” of the New Normal ideology.
CJ Hopkins describes the New Normal ideology as the only “reality” that’s percieved by those under the sway of this mass psychosis - as the global totalitarian authors of “reality” have little to no ideological competition due to powerful suppression tactics of any dissenting voices. If anyone has had the experience of presenting data, government data, hard data, that directly contradicts the narrative of the technocrat overlords, and is faced with blank disbelief or (more commonly) outright hostility from the recipient, then they have had a taste of the reality of the New Normal “reality” (and I’ll resist inserting another allegorical reference to The Matrix).
For those in the New Normal “reality” there is a plethora of material to help them deal with the dangerous sub-humans. Here’s a Wiki How To (under “Social Activism”) for those unfortunate moments when some anti-vaxxer tries to tell you something other than “reality”…
How to Handle Interactions with Anti-Vaxxers
"Anti-vaxxer" is a slang term for people who oppose vaccinations. It can be upsetting to encounter an anti-vaxxer, especially if you are afraid they are hurting other people (like by risking their children's lives, or saying hurtful things about autistic people). Getting angry or starting an intellectual debate is unlikely to work, even if you are right. Here is how to handle an anti-vaxxer…
According to this guide anti-vaxxers are confused, misinformed, illogical, paranoid, and don’t have a basic grasp of immunology and vaccines, and are being very dangerous to other people. The anti-vaxxers are obviously unaware that “COVID-19 vaccines, including Pfizer and Moderna, underwent rigorous testing before it was made available to the wider public under emergency use authorizations,” or the government and big pharma are only looking out for our health, and if there are any side effects from vaccines they are minimal.
If you mentioned that in 2021 alone, the reports of vaccine damage by COVID vaccines is around 1,000X more than any other year in recent history of all vaccines combined1, you’ll be told that’s a conspiracy theory (otherwise it would have been on CNN, right?). If you mention that in a population like Israel that have a majority double vaccinated are now dealing with a massive surge of servere cases and death, that the ineffective vaccines may be doing more damage than good2, you’ll definately be called a conspiracy theorist (because it’s a pandemic of the UN-vaccinated, isn’t it?).
In the New Normal the anti-vacinnation/unvaccinated are at best paranoid crazy people and at worst a dangerous cult-like movement that ultimately kills people. They are the neue untermensch.
Dr Jessica Rose presentation to the FDA (see presentation at 04:09:48 in the video here: