Fuelling enmity between nominal citizens is integral to governance in the post-liberal democratic Sado-Malthusian regime. Politically licensed animosity provides some with the opportunity to show their loyalty to the status quo, while others get the psychic income from the expression of contempt for designated scapegoats and pariahs.

The unvaccinated include many self-directed types or people who feel no such need for approval from the regime.

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Psychic income <-- quite packed a concept, neutron-star-grade packed 👌

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It is integral to the regime's mechanism of control. It supplements the material rewards of compliance and in some instances is a substitute for them. Psychic income includes recognition (the central act of identity politics) and is awarded to motivate and direct followers of the regime. Much of the woke phenomenon is about distributing psychic income or awarding the right to collect such via tithes levied across routine social interactions.

Psychic income has a material foundation: dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin etc.

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Furthermore, psychic impoverishment or pauperisation is a means of suppressing the subordinate classes. The denigration of the deplorables (including constant incitements of contempt) aims to reduce their sense of confidence, wellbeing, entitlement.

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Tell me more about Guilt and how, without it , Capitalism and the Christian West would crumble (Would never have come about)...

Saving Granny was a Guilt Trip...Saving The Planet is another Guilt Trip campaign...

And how do i get to spend my psychic income (on what) ? Surely there's more to it that just Feeling Good ?

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If the state's enforcers didnt each have a burden of unconscious Guilt they'd not be very good at their jobs, would they...Ever been interrogated (aka questioned) by one , notice how they fish for some hint that you're guilty of Something ? Everyone is Suspect...They unconsciously project Guilt onto you...

There must be psychic income when you unthinkingly confirm their suspicions about you...They certainly get psychic income when patted on the head and told "good boy !"...

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Desire for recognition as the ultimate human drive 😉 Hegelian Alexandre Kojève comes to mind.

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Exactly. Hegel is the key thinker here. Social credit is a very Hegelian phenomenon. Intriguingly, Hegel apparently gets plenty of attention in the very best Chinese universities. I have long thought that a re-interpretation of Hegel from the perspective of neuroscience would be very useful indeed.

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Unless diy, it's a chrestomathic pipe dream. The re-interpretation, I mean. What passes for modern-day credentialed philosopher is capable of canon's bastardisation at the very best 😒

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I am fundamentally uninterested in what any academic philosopher might have to say on the subject (or anything else) but would welcome the insight of a professional with an understanding of neurophysiology.

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Psychic income (reputedly) also has an etheric foundation too: loosh...

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At one point during this pandemic, the vaccinated were so vehement and nasty that many would have physically turned on the unvaccinated if given the nod by the government. Many suggested refusing medical treatment to the unvaccinated. Just shows how sick and compliant many people are, and how they would willingly carry out the punish on those who exercised their freedom and right to refuse a faulty medical treatment.

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And this was in a pandemic more or less indistinguishable from everyday influenza.

Imagine the degree of emotional arousal we may expect from such people during a pandemic with a higher mortality rate or more distressing symptoms.

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Scary as H-E-double-hockey-sticks! 😢

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I wrote about this study back in March when it was a pre-print:


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Nice coverage Josh! I haven't had time to do a commentary, just wanted to make the press release visible to readers.

I'll put your post in the article above so people won't miss it.

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Thanks! I agree it is important to bring the research to people's attention.

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What disturbs me is that too few people seem to appreciate that vaccination itself is a process, while a vaccine is a therapeutic product with a prophylactic character. It stands to reason that the development of new vaccines involves variation that needs to be monitored, tested and tested again. Being concerned about a particular vaccine (especially an untested one) is not even remotely about being anti-vaccination.

That elementary distinctions like this are now problematic is disturbing, as is the instrumentalisation of anxiety by the medical profession. We are entering a new dark age, constructed to suit the regime.

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Before mRNA vaxxes, the distinction you have made is 100% true. Now that they're planning on, if not already, embedding their mRNA poison in all vaccines, the game has changed...

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I respectfully disagree that magic shots are essential for a genome that has adapted to viri from it's inception.

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I'm continuously amazed by what passes for legit science these days. Plain common sense obvious at cursory glance masquerades as deep insights 😏

The findings square perfectly well with the fundamental attitude 'live & let live' that only one side espouses 🤷 One may want to also consider more balanced personalities whose sensibilities spread more evenly across six key vectors in Haidt's moral matrix. Or bring into picture the highly relevant dichotomy of Sowell's un/constrained visions, for that matter.

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Richard Feynman said it best: "science is the belief in the ignorance of experts".

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...relates to 🗨 [to yourself] you are the easiest person to fool 😉

The Great Explainer had much to say about nigh everything, while he never pretended to know more than he actually did—a most laudable trait vanishingly rare even among towering intellects 🙂

One of my favourites especially apt in our day & age ↓↓

🗨 I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.

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I learned from the pandemic response how the meaning of freedom is distorted when fear is the most prominent factor. Victor Frankl writes about this and his experience in Nazi concentration camps. What little freedom we have left is consumed by a desire to be safe and secure, which leads to demonizing others, or in the case of Frankl, he observed people willing to denounce others to save themselves.

Freedom becomes the power to decide for the many what must be done to others to keep the collective and the self safe.

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And in other news, the sky is blue and water is wet.

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Sure lotsa grant dough should be allocated to further research what's blue and what's wet.

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Damn skippy! I would be very happy to undertake such research ;)

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They will use any means and any reason to divide us against ourselves.

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They will use any means and any reason to divide us against ourselves.

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The government told them to hate us.

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