Every now and then I find a letter waiting for me from Mr. Charrington - an antique shop owner sympathetic to our plight. Let me share his latest thoughts with you…
Dear Winston,
Every evening I see and hear our local Health Officials, various Elected Officials together with fresh faced reporters encouraging me to “get vaccinated”. I confess I do wonder under this relentless pressure if I am doing “the right thing” by NOT getting injected. After all it is continuously being promoted as safe and effective by all those who have a voice in the Main Stream Media. I mean, who am I to place myself above these people and not follow their example even though I don’t have staff and visitors to my shop are rather infrequent these days.
I think my main issue is that over the course of my sixty something years I have found very few people in positions of authority and power who truly work for the benefit of others as opposed to being a mere by-product of their actions to benefit themselves. That’s not always the case of course. In particular I am thinking of the nurses and doctors who have cared for me when I have been ill. Here is the core of an enigma I am wrestling through. You see many, many of these fine people are refusing to take “the vaccine” even though it means their refusal will cost them their jobs. If this ‘thing’ is indeed safe and effective then why on earth would people I have trusted with my health, who are medical professionals and understand such things, be unwilling to do the right thing?
What I understand is that this thing is actually a new medical product that is still in its first year of being studied. So can anyone possibly know it is safe I ask myself. It can only be an unproven assertion as I know new medicines take years to be proven safe. I have tried to find out just what is in this stuff they want to put in me and other that a few disturbing reports of people who have analysed the contents, I can’t find anything definitive, which seems odd.
Then there is the claim that it is “very effective and our ONLY way out” of the current situation. I think there are two problems wrapped up in that statement. Its effectiveness is completely unproven and in countries where the vaccination rate is very high they continue to have people coming down with this lurgy. What more evidence do they want that it is ineffective? As to the current “situation”, well it’s clear to even us older people that this situation is one created by these same Health Officials, Elected Officials and don’t forget the fresh faced reporters. My solution is for them to stop what they are doing. Stop it now. Stop it all now. They are clearly making things worse. If they really want to make things better for others then all they need to do is STOP.
I conclude that the case for it truly being safe and effective surely is not resolved. When I search out the data from the medical authorities I find that in fact their own data tells the story that more people (meaning many multiple times more) have died from these injections over the last few months than over the previous years from every other vaccine combined. Then there is the data on the serious adverse effects with thousands upon thousands who have had their health damaged or destroyed beyond repair.
Really, now that I have written down my thoughts I actually think it is an insult to expect that I would accept an injection of an unknown substance, with unknown efficacy to “do the right thing” by people who have proven they care little for me but a whole lot more for serial felons like Pfizer. No, this isn’t about me doing the right thing at all, rather, I think THEY should do the ‘right thing” and STOP what they are doing.
P.S. Next time you are in I’ve a rather nice glass paperweight I think would take your fancy.
Winston this letter was wonderful. It feels as I wrote it myself.
I only recently found your substack and subscribed. Thanks to Margaret Anne Alice for opening this door!
This feels almost like a letter I could have written as it encapsulates so many of my views. Is Mr. Chariington a real person, I would love to use this content( modified of course) to prepare a year-end letter to my clients. Would you approve? I will be happy to give credit to you and your substack to help get the message? Thank again.
Thank you, Winston, for sharing this compelling missive from Mr. Charrington, and please relay my congratulations and warm regards for his wisdom, fortitude, and bravery in the face of mounting pressures to comply.
The glass paperweight sounds intriguing, although I’d caution you and Julia against renting a room from him ;-)