AI: blah blah blah Me: incorrect. End of discussion.

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I've noticed an unsettling trend of personal friends of mine increasingly saying that they "consult" ChatGPT when they have questions. Some of them even have "debates" with it. Rather than do the legwork for research themselves, they boot up ChatGPT, ask the question, and have it spit out an answer for them. Nothing inherently wrong with that if you're just looking for a quick fact on, say, the population of Moldova (and you're too lazy to type it into the Google search bar), but the idea of asking a chatbot to answer a question, basic and simple or complex and nuanced... well, what could possibly go wrong with that?

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Their "Mighty Wurlitzer" has lost it's ability to make America dance, so they're desperate for anything that might restore that control.

Nothing like betting the farm on untested technology that goes "psychotic" when it incorporates AI generated content, and generated Looney-Tune styled answers because it also trained on shitpoasts in addition to "approved narratives".

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