A great speech about the follies of central planning and rule by fiat.

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Just wondering do you know of any Labor or Green Senators/MPs who are on the right side of this issue?

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

It's difficult to tell given that in Oz, Labor politicians agree to never disagree publicly with Party policy. I think Greens and now Teals have only one Policy 🙄

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Teals are even worse. Make Simon Holmes a'Court money is their policy.

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I'd like to buy Alex an ice cold Fosters. A couple hundred more like him and you get your guns back.

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Pretty sure Fosters was brewed in Canada last I checked.

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I'm a red wine man myself - So I'd offer him a nice merlot from the Barossa!

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That was fire.

I see the good senator is a proponent of subsidiarity. Man after my own heart.

Out of curiosity, how do Australian senators obtain their seats? Is it like Canada and modeled on the House of Lords, where it's a lifetime appointment from the prime minister, or are they elected?

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

No JC, they are elected by achieving a % of each State & Territories votes.


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I see. Interesting. So it's a way for smaller parties to get representation?

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

Technically, it's seen as a way for smaller divisions of the Country (States and Territories) to get a 'fairer' representation. State boundaries are rather arbitrarily drawn and what do they really represent.

But is there a better way than voting for 'parties'? The leader of a 'group' called Australia One, which is not a registered party, argues strongly that representation should not be along party lines and they endorsed a number if Independent candidates on the basis of what the candidate stood for, not what the party stood for. BUT the Party machines and funding overwhelmed all independants.

Understandable when registered parties that achieve a certain percentage of the vote are rewarded by a payment - kinda skews the fairness of the system.

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

He is Great (note the Capital 'g')

Such a shame/disgrace that even now, we only just need one hand to count the number like him.

Surely we must be truly despicable people if we have received the "leaders" we deserve, it's either that or the recent 'election' was rigged!

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Morrison made plenty of nods to the woke in his last speech acknowledging that they'd lost

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All is not lost when we have blokes like these. If he means what he says.

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Bravo Alex Antic.

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I'd give a month of my pension money to hear just one of the gutless wonders in our UK parliament stand up against the all-party conspiracy to destroy our great country and freedom itself.

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

Senator Antic appeared on the Darkhorse Podcast with Bret Weinstein back in February. Frankly he sounds like a level-headed moderate who understands the importance to society of protecting individual freedom and diversity of thought. I shudder to think what will happen if the statists' power continues to grow unchecked. China won't need to lift a finger. The country will be hollowed out and waiting for the social credit scoring system with new overlords. Apologies for stereotypical American brusqueness.

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