Dumb Down the Sheep!
Or, The Incredible Stupidity of Silencing Warnings From Smart People in a Time of Crisis
YouTube in all it’s great wisdom decided the other day to go all out in censoring any contrary voices from their narrative that the vaccines are completely safe, effective and unquestionably necessary. No other opinion allowed, thank you very much!
And this congratulatory post from a sheep leading other sheep1:
Sorry to those of you who just threw up. I know, it’s not pleasant. But these people are really out there and they really believe the government (sanctioned by the Almighty apparently) is telling you the “Truth”. That truth being things like: the vaccines are completely safe2, they are extremely effective3, the unvaccinated are a great risk to society4, there are not other cures for COVID5, anyone who resists or protest about being locked down and gagged is just selfish6, and anyone who says anything different is “anti-science”7 (not an exhaustive list but you know the narrative).
One this truth has been declared by the completely trustworthy government (and associates), there is no need for any other opinion that may alert us to a different perspective on reality. There is no need for virology and immunology experts with a lifetime of experience to voice any concern, there is no need to hear from the thousands of vaccine damaged people or relatives who have lost loved ones because of the jab8. No, that would be a bad thing. We can’t have people talking about a majority of vaccinated people getting COVID and even dying9, we can’t listen to the nurses, paramedics, doctors, undertakers, hospital administrators, and everyday people who are saying there is something very wrong happening here10. That just won’t be helpful. How is that going to help get everyone vaccinated as quickly as possible!
(and if you don’t comply you will be an outcast of society)

Not only is the attitude and the censoring more like a religion now than ever before, it’s also extremely dangerous. There are a multitude of very smart people who are calling for an end to the vaccines, the lockdowns, the madness in general because they see massive destruction ahead. But just like any prophet of old, these voices are ridiculed and silenced - crazy, deluded liars.
But there are crimes to cover up and money to be made - big crimes, and even bigger money. Censorship of any dissident voices is absolutely necessary to keep the criminal money making machine going (and increasing the totalitarian control that, like a mafia, protects its own interests). We recently saw some very convincing evidence against the vaccine, it’s efficacy, and the lack of evidence that it’s doing anything good, presented to the FDA as they considered booster shots11. The FDA considered the evidence and decided to reject the need for boosters. Not long before two head FDA scientists resigned over the issue of pushing for boosters. But what did the White House do after the FDA decided boosters were not a good idea? They announced that booster will be happening, completely ignoring the FDA.
In the USA, Europe, indeed across the globe there are numerous organisations that have sprung up by medical professionals, mostly doctors, many experts in the field of virology, neurology, immunology, who are standing against the global push for vaccines and draconian lockdown strategies and vaccine passports. But we don’t see them on mainstream media, they are not being reported by journalists (unless it’s a report about these experts becoming ‘conspiracy theorists’ and ‘anti-science’), they are being suppressed and shut down on big tech platforms. All because the government has the truth and therefore any other voice is just unnecessary, nay, dangerous!
And the more disturbing thing is the everyday sheep (as with our example above) who back the government narrative to the hilt, won’t listen to any other voices, and would be happy to see the unvaccinated shipped off to the COVID gulags so they don’t need to listen to their ridiculous notions any more.
Nevertheless an alternative truth cannot be completely obscured nor the truth-tellers completely extinguished. Other platforms and avenues are hosting dissenting voices12 with a groundswell of support, whistleblowers13, and ever bolder rebel news outlets14. They are doing their research. They are thinking for themselves. They are seeing the Wizard of Oz for who he really is.
Don’t support the dumbing down of the sheep who are already mindlessly following the leader - any perceived safety is an illusion. Encourage them to do their research, to start thinking for themselves, to hear some warning bells and see some red flags. It may save their lives, or at least slow down the march toward totalitarianism that no one (bar the elite) want to live in.
Who has previously made it know that the virus is the judgment of God and the vaccine is the solution from God - Imagine for a second being God and such things being attributed to you! - and this particular person believes wholeheartedly that mainstream media is the purveyor of “Truth”, especially a certain popular morning show.
The Australian government site https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/is-it-true is happy to dismiss any hesitation you might have for the vaccine. This one page with it’s links is so full of misleading and disingenuous information it boggles the mind. To take each section and point out the errors/propaganda will require a separate post for each section - something I may do, time permitting.
Now the supposed safety and efficacy of the vaccines must be why hundreds of thousands of health care workers around the world (maybe more) are willing to risk their careers rather than take the jab.
Unless you are in a country where they are not effective (which is becoming more evident by the day in countries that are well vaccinated).
Here’s a section from a recent article from Children's Health Defense highlighting some of the breakthrough cases in America -
A Broadway performance of Disney’s “Aladdin” was canceled Wednesday due to COVID breakthrough cases within the company, producers said — just one night after the show had resumed for the first time since the pandemic shut-down.
All of New York’s 41 Broadway theaters require eligible audiences, crews, performers and other staff to be vaccinated against COVID, according to the Broadway League’s policy.
Harvard Business School is pivoting back to remote learning as the first semester of 2021 begins, due to a “steady rise” in breakthrough COVID cases. Harvard University said on its website 95% of students and 96% of employees are vaccinated.
Several states are reporting a rise in breakthrough cases, including Massachusetts — which reported 4,378 new COVID cases in fully vaccinated individuals between Sept. 18 and Sept. 25 — Oregon, which said 23% of new cases ending Sept. 18 occurred in the fully vaccinated and Indiana, which reported more than 33,851 breakthrough cases since vaccines were authorized for emergency use in Dec. 14, 2020.
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show as of Sept. 20, 19,136 patients were hospitalized or died despite being fully vaccinated — a number the agency acknowledges is an undercount of all SARS-CoV-2 infections among fully vaccinated persons.
CDC Director Walensky Warns Of 'Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated'in July 2021
You certainly can’t talk about any other remedies like Ivermectin - NOT and experimental drug, has been used for decades with great success, has little to no side effects, but….
Dr John Campbell breaks some of this down for us…
‘Very selfish boofheads’: Police Minister slams anti-lockdown protest
Anti-science movement gains momentum
Love the way they say in this report that people need to be educated and understand exactly what the vaccines do and what they are for - but the more people really educate themselves, the more they are seeing through the propaganda. They actually become more pro-science as they realise big pharma have been hiding lies behind a facade of so called “science” which is really just propaganda. (and of course, I’m an anti-science nutter for just suggesting such a thing!)
Telegram accounts like https://t.me/covidvaxinjury and https://t.me/mrn_death come to mind
Victoria announced recently that 78% of covid hospitalised patients are fully vaccinated. Not to mention Covid outbreaks have happened on fully vaccinated cruise ships, military ships, college campuses, and in entire countries like Israel.
From an Australian perspective check out the growing list of stories here https://t.me/NursesSpeakOut
That meeting is here - see Dr Jessica Rose presentation starting at 04:09:48
Safer To Wait www.safertowait.com
Together Declaration togetherdeclaration.org
Independent Information www.independentinformation.co.uk/resources
Evidence Not Fear www.evidencenotfear.com
Collateral Global https://collateralglobal.org/
PANDA https://www.pandata.org/
Hart Group https://t.me/HARTgroup
UK Medical Freedom Alliance www.ukmedfreedom.org/
Children’s Health Defense https://t.co/zL66EdwTnD
COVID-19 Assembly www.covid19assembly.org
Hardwick Alliance https://hardwickalliance.org/
Robin Monotti Graziadei + Mike Yeadon t.me/robinmg
CV Pandemic Investigation https://cvpandemicinvestigation.com/
Truth Talk https://truthtalk.uk/
Daily Expose t.me/dailyexpose https://dailyexpose.co.uk/
UK - No Mandatory Vaccines t.me/ukvacinfo
Informed consent network www.icandecide.org
Lockdown Alternative http://lockdownalternative.com/
No More Lockdowns t.me/NoMoreLockdownsUK
No Jab For Me https://nojabforme.info/
Awareness Foundation https://awareness.foundation/
UK Freedom project http://ukfreedomproject.org
MRNA Death Toll t.me/mrn_death
Covid Vaccine Awareness t.me/vaccineawareness
Covid vaccine victims t.me/covidvaccinevictims www.covidvaccinevictims.com
Covid vaccine victims www.nomoresilence.world
C19 Vax Reactions www.c19vaxreactions.com/
FOI requests t.me/C19FOIreplies
FOI gathering t.me/foiDataGatherers
World Doctors Alliance t.me/worlddoctorsalliance
World Freedom Alliance t.me/WFAorg
Dolores Cahill t.me/dolorescahill
BIRD Group t.me/birdgroupuk
Greater Reset t.me/thegreaterreset
The Knowledge Channel t.me/The_Knowledge_Channel
Stop Common Pass t.me/stopcommonpass
Libertas - No vax pass https://t.me/Libertasuk
Vax Control Group www.vaxcontrolgroup.com
Off Guardian t.me/OffGuardian
Conspiracy Fact Channel t.me/ConspiracyFactChannel/381
Pandemic Podcast t.me/pandemicpodcastUK
Info Channel t.me/oneInfochannel
Spreading The Truth t.me/spreadingthetruth
Candles In The Dark t.me/candlesinthedark
Corona Investigative t.me/Corona_Investigative
Zero Tolerance Media t.me/zerotolerancemedia
Unity News Network t.me/UnityNewsNetwork/4181
Jaclyn Dunne t.me/jaclyndunnechannel
Nurses speak out t.me/nursesspeakout
Workers union www.workersofengland.co.uk/
Blow the whistle www.blowthecovid19whistle.com
British Nursing Alliance t.me/BritishNursingAlliance
Nurses of Courage t.me/joinchat/8Q7gzyVDaVQ1OGM0
Uk Medical Freedom Alliance www.ukmedfreedom.org/
Official Voice Public Sector group t.me/joinchat/nFzIkOmVXh9jODFk
Covid-19 Deaths audit www.covid19assembly.org/covid-deaths-audit/
Like the actual Rebel News