[On the pain of eliciting the all-out righteous ire, for making perfect the enemy of good 😊]


Great—rly great! 🤩—on the fronts of True and Good. Yet somewhat lacking in Beauty 😳 Now, the dispassionate matter-of-factly dispatches with lots of abstract concepts do have their place; I just happen to doubt they are the most effective in grassroots communication.

What if country’s uniqueness, and hence necessity for bespoke response, got much more emphasis? Likewise for the imminent threat of cutting down on MP’s powers, to make it feel immediately personal to them?

Easy for me to find fault though, sorry 🤦

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Thanks for sharing, Winston. Will share it today as well @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thanks Winston for this very clear well laid out description of the plans the WHO has for all of us not just Australia. I will copy and send this in writing to all of our MP’S in Ottawa. As you say it’s better than doing absolutely nothing and that Africa was successful earlier staving off a former WHO takeover is definitely a positive message. All of us people just sitting back and doing nothing because we feel it’s hopeless to try to fight back on this is I believe part of their brainwashing. Alex Jones controversial figure that he is is fighting til his last breath so he doesn’t believe it is impossible to win so neither must we. There is power in numbers and we far outnumber them. Every western so called democratic country must fight this attempted takeover of all of our national public health agencies by the WHO and we also must leave the UN. I feel like more and more people are getting wiser to all of this as much of it is being spread and shared on social media but if we all actually wrote on paper to our members of parliament as suggested and told them we do not want this takeover by the WHO the WEF and the UN to happen and we instead want to keep all of our nations sovereignty it shows our resistance and that our eyes are wide open now. We must try.

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All the best for your fight in Ottawa. Seems our Commonwealth nations are going all in with this global dystopian nightmare!

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Thanks Sarah Elizabeth, really feel it’s going to take all of the peoples from all of the Commonwealth countries of the world to stand up together and fight our governments to possibly defeat their agendas against us

The People!

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Thanks Winston… we can only defeat them if and this is a big if we believe that we can and as Alex Jones has pointed out repeatedly these globalists each have their own individual agendas so they are not all in complete agreement in sync as one power as it may seem to us that they are.

Btw this has nothing to do with this but I wanted to tell you that I wrote with paper and pen to Pierre Pollivierre our new leader of the Conservative Party at the federal level of government in Ottawa about MAID already being sickening, let alone introducing people with mental health and addictions problems to join this death by government decree program albeit still optional now. I requested if he became Prime Minister of Canada at our next election as I hoped he would, could he please reverse all of the additions that have been approved by Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government to the entire MAID program back to its original laws intended only for those about to die soon from some horrible painful and incurable disease. By God he replied in a letter addressed to me that indeed yes he would honour my request…. So writing a letter not a long one just a paragraph or two at most keeping strictly to your points and actively mailing it away to Parliament addressed to your MP may indeed induce a response especially at voting time!!! So take heart.

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