Important info!

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Toby you’d have the very fine details on this - what’s the best resources to do a deep dive?

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Go to these films by James Corbett:


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Yeah I knew this for quite a few years already. I don't partake in their chemical shit anymore, which drives them crazy. Doctors these days are not meant to heal you. They are meant to make you so well that you don't die, and so ill you have to come back for another consultation and a refill on your perscription.

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Yep I think in circles like ours this is common knowledge but for the rest this is just another conspiracy theory.

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Patients for life is their model. The evil mRNA gene therapy will advance this in ways we can only imagine.

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Is this from Zeitgeist?

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Aug 27, 2022Edited
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Yes, that one too. You probably nailed it with recognizing the voice. Good call. I am rewatching Zeitgeist after years. Interesting experience. We’ve all learned a lot.

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I honestly don’t know - I just ripped it from a telegram chat channel.

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Lol. I totally understand. I think it is excerpted from Zeitgeist, or maybe James Corbett’s documentary piece on Rockefeller medicine. Most likely Corbett, come to think of it.





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Cool - thanks for that - I’ll go for a deeper dive!

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Know most of this already Winston, but it's a nice concise short video so I will be linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ tomorrow for those that are not aware!!!!!

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I feel sorry for the bright-eyed kids entering the medical cult. May they be able to fix this badly broken system.

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Trouble is they are conditioned from day one and have to fall into line to pass and graduate- it’s a travesty

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Well its thematically congruent , , , opium was a big part pf US commerce for centuries.

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The modus operandi for opium wars came from the Venetian Black Nobility who run Washington DC, the Vatican and the City of London!


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Some hoodwinking goes back hundreds of years before the Rockefellers!

Check this out -


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F him and F them all. People will have to figure this out without them, those who don't.., oh well.. I grow my own nutritious food and don't willingly see a doctor, never did actually, but I have changed my diet and feel much stronger than when I ate the agribusiness (same investors as the pharma-freak show) nutrition less food.

The agribusiness food makes people sick and then they go to the doctor for the miracle cure, funny how that works.

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Wow! I see in the comments that many already knew this but to me it’s a revelation, the degree to which pharmaceuticals have been manipulated, controlled, and pushed, and for how long this racket has been going on. I somehow had the idea that medicine had more benevolent beginnings and somehow turned evil due to greed and power, but now I see it started that way (and has only gotten worse)

Thanks for sharing the video

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