Had/have my suspicions with the inclusion of the easily refuted examples of people who did not die from the vaccine.

All that research and those erreurs can only be purposeful imo.

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I haven't watched all of "Died Suddenly". I find Peters style of presentation too childish for my taste. From the bit I have seen his latest doco is in keeping with his flair for the dramatic. If he is controlled opposition the net effect will be minimal. Just like his snake venom expose, it will gain a little bit of attention, mostly by the people who enjoy that hyperbolic style - the provaxxers will ridicule it as will the serious antivaxxers. Compared to the billion dollar propaganda campaign waged by the pharmaceutical industry this is small fry and will have little influence on the overall narrative.

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I have found Stew Peters a bit too hyperbolic and angry in the past, but the video is worth a watch.

There are a few missteps, but nothing nearly as bad as the angry karens online would have you believe.

I choose to see them as errors, rather than intentional deceit.

The clots, apart from the final one, are hard to argue with.

The global decline in birth rates is real, though the inclusion of the odd Australian data should have been addressed.

The increase in global mortality is also real, but maybe linking it directly to Gates TedX talk wasn't wise. The shots showing Gates with the overpopulation graphs are at least evidence that he has lectured on it.

The basketball player who collapsed was allegedly not a vaccine injury and one or two others didn't actually die.

The autopsy section is very hard hitting.

Personally, I think the blog by Joachim is full of more psy-op crap than Stew Peters film.

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https://m.imdb.com/title/tt23810972/ Stew Peters didnt have anything to do with this documentary

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Christina - Guess you missed the main point that Stew Peters was the producer of the documentary. Easy to find/confirm the info. as it took me only 5 seconds to turn this up.

(2022) World Premiere: Died Suddenly - Stew Peters


The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer. They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

This documentary was made possible by Goldco. Protect your wealth by investing in precious metals, and use THIS link to receive up to $10,000 in free silver for qualified accounts: https://link.goldco.com/DiedSuddenly

The Stew Peters Network would not be possible without the loyal and endearing support of all our sponsors. There is something for EVERYONE!

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I have not watched the documentary, but if Stew Peters thinks viruses are real, then IMHO he is in error or controlled opposition, similar to Dr. Peter McCullough, who seems against covid vaccines but is paid by drug companies: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/peter-mccullough/ Of course, in today's world of wild deceit, I cannot prove that link is real either. But makes you think. And this video shows McCullough saying he knows viruses exist by "inferential techniques" (ie educated guesses) and ensilico testing (ie making computer models based on educated guesses). Not real solid evidence to force a killer vaccine on everybody, but fancy words convince many. Makes it more likely he really is getting paid by drug companies, IMHO: https://www.theredpilloftruth.com/covidfacts.html#peter

If you still believe in vaccines after this video, God only can help you: https://www.theredpilloftruth.com/covidfacts.html#vaccinepoison

The best summary document I have found about covid is here, and still uncensored: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9062939/

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THANK YOU for all the great information! I have always been on the fence with PM! I have never seen anyone posses that magnitude of information and spew it out the way he does! How is that possible unless - it's all rehearsed! Another thing that doesn't add up! He states he is the most published - that's A LOT of time, research and writing - he's married and has children - travels all over the world - is always giving presentations and or speeches and the icing on the cake is - HE STILL SEE'S patients!?! I don't think so! No way in hell is all of this true! When does the man sleep?!? Something is not right about him! I thought he was just vying for Secretary of Health or some other cabinet position.

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If it's true he is paid by drug companies as controlled opposition, they no doubt just write books for him and let him take the credit....so no time on research and writing is necessary.

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Wow that's scary if true!

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I’ve thought the same and then look at my pathetic, in comparison, output and wonder what’s wrong with me lol.

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What you did was the right thing!!! Sometimes these fans need a wakeup call regarding reality! That Australian video was the pits! It had more holes that a slice of swiss cheese - an imbecile could see it was staged! I personally weigh every single side of an argument - come to the table with inarguable irrefutable evidence and facts to substantiate what you're claiming and I shall beleive you!

Here's another HUGE RED RED RED flag pertaining to McCullough. How did he get away saying what he did for so long while others were JAILED and had their licenses suspended and or revoked! It was only just very recently they allegedly have finally come after him! But why now and why not before and why him? I think Pierre Kory got fired immediately! That never made any sense! And if he too is controlled - by whom and what is the purpose?

I think you did a great service here that needs to be followed up with - who can you trust and beleive?

I will conclude with this - I'm middle aged with an idiopathic auto immune disease - am certain I had Covid in November of 2019 (went through my office like wildfire) I didn't wash my hands religiously and compulsively - NEVER wore a mask nor stood 6 feet apart continued to SHAKE hands and hug people and I'm still alive - un-injected mind you! You had LESS THAN A ONE PECENT CHANCE OF DYING! How could anyone possibly be this stupid? It was just plain ole common sense!

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Controlled opposition earns your trust, keeps you divided, while keeping you away from asking the real questions, like do viruses exist? I think intentionally created human bioweapons may exist but not natural viruses. I follow the exosome theory of viruses, that cell breakdown can release cell bits called exosomes, that are bits of RNA and/or DNA, and humans can manipulate these cell bits to make them more pathogenic. Every winter people get flu because summer vitamin D from sun makes cells stronger, then in winter spend more time indoors and some cells die initially until adjusted to less sun. The cell deaths release exosomes and make people sick. Eventually we adjust to the new conditions, but evil scientists have been making deadly viruses for a long time.

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I’m familiar with that line of reasoning and certainly vitamin D plays a huge roll. But what gets me is the incredible detail researchers go into in regards to the make up of different viruses, their linage, variants, even how they communicate. I have to admit most of the papers I’ve looked at may as well be in a foreign language, although I can understand at a surface level. It’s hard to believe the whole thing is a sham!

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Well, those who believe their own lies are very convincing. Dr Mike Yeadon, former CEO of Phizer, took a few years to eventually come to the conclusion viruses don't exist. I saw a video where he said that is the conclusion he had to come to, and he was also brainwashed in university. Something makes us sick, but it is not the traditional understanding of viruses. Some intentionally lie like McCullough and some like Yeadon are more sincere, IMHO.

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Thanks for the links - will look at them.

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I'd be happy to give you herpes and watch your opinion change about the existence of viruses. You are a liar and a propagandist. You are as bad, actually worse, then the "flat earth" people who poison the well. Please go jump off a very high cliff.

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I see. And it is utterly impossible to think the evil governments and evil scientists would NEVER intentionally create a "virus" to cause herpes pain, because ALL pain serves the evil "aliens" (demons, whatever you want to believe) because pain and suffering "feeds" the demons? The Matrix movie alludes to this as human misery fed the machines like batteries....more truth in movies than your unenlightened response, methinks.

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Methinks your reading comprehension isn't so good. The no-virus crowd thinks that viruses don't exist. Viruses clearly exist and of course governments and evil scientists have been making weapon used ones for as long as possible.

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Cell breakdown products exist, that the body can naturally deal with, unless humans go to great lengths to make bioweapons out of them. Even then, McCullough admits they can only infer the existence of viruses and make computer models of what they can only guess about. Vaccines made then from such highly speculative and guesswork can hardly be said to be solid and settled science. Science is never settled, and always growing, so when governments say covid or any virus science is settled and you must inject, you know they have nefarious purposes.

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Discussing this with you is a clear waste of time. You're not intelligent enough to hold 2 thoughts together in your head simultaneously.

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Ah, yes, attack the person instead of the truth. That is a Masonic diversion tactic, because lies require misdirection and emotional attacks, to deflect from intelligent debate. Those who lack intelligence must do this, because the truth cannot be debated. Talk truth too much and it becomes obvious, and those on the side of lies must resort to devilish Masonic tactics.

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Actually I’ve found Dennis to be a rather sharp and clear thinker - even though myself I still think viruses exist - but I’m open and very interested in the alternative view.

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Philip please, let’s keep it civil and not wish fellow readers commit suicide. We should want there to be free and open debate… without death wishes, no matter how much you object to the other’s position.

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Not a fan of Stew Peters... seems to be clickbait and little else... however, anyone who claims viruses don't exist should let themselves be bitten by a rabid animal. We'll see how long they continue to deny the existence of viruses.

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I’ve watched much on both sides of the argument and both sides have compelling arguments - so I still don’t know - people get very passionate about it .

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Right? Or expose them to Herpes Simolex pus and see if that doesn't change their "minds". No-virus people are flat-earthers and their entire purpose is to discredit the truth. They are our enemies.

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At the very least, they can be used by the powers that (shouldn't) be to paint everyone who opposes the scamdemic as nutbags.

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Exactly their reason for existing! Like the flat earthers and the 9/11 "no plane" people.

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I brought up similar concern on another Substacck and was tar and feathered by the author! I was called every name humanly possible - many of which I had no idea even meant! I don't know what a BOT is which I assume I would - if I was one!

Anyhow the point I brought up was the fear many of the folks were doing to our crusade - that being trying to educate others with inarguable facts and evidence! What was the video from Australia with the half naked guy confronting a doctor in his car? Many prominent people actually passed that around!

In my personal opinion the theatrics immediately destroy all credibility - which is why I could never stand Tucker! I've always said - who actually talks like this is person? The severely raised eyebrows is always a dead give-away - who are you trying to convince? Yourself or us? Telltale sign of liars! Hillary Clinton personifies this!

I've always thought Stew was in it for just what you stated - it has now become a pissing contest between all of them! Although I like and somewhat trust Peter McCullough how many times do we have to hear he is the most published or that his protocol was the very first? I'm thinking the deceased Dr. Zelenko may hold that record although I am not 100% certain.

I've always wondered what Peter Mc Culloughs vying for! The guy from The Last Vagabond is another one - what can be said and summarized in 5 minutes goes on for an hour once again completely destroying the message! Even James Colbert has gotten into the act! I have one name Charlie Rose - LEARN FROM HIM!

So in answer to your question I completely agree with you and thought the exact same - they are out to destroy our crusade! I can't help but think - people have been dying suddenly since the dawn of time.

I am NOT NOT NOT saying the injections are completely unrelated and just that we need ironclad proof before we go spouting off like a bunch of loons! All these videos you see - of people keeling over - has anyone actually authenticated them? I am not saying they are 100% false and only if you presented this in court you would be laughed out of the room.

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The fierce passionate arguing centred around viruses' existence serves no one on the side of Light. Only divides & distracts from the existential fight we're in in this day & age. Pick your battles carefully <-- the bestest advice ever 🤷

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Sorry to hear about your tar and feather episode!

I think there is possibly a lot of truth in what these celebrities of the opposition are saying, but it’s the commercial filigree that detracts.

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Yes but like you so eloquently and succinctly stated - this gives them all the ammunition they need to discredit everything we've all worked so hard to share as in help to educate others!

I don't know what to beleive about Alex Jones anymore - but can say the mere mention of his name is not usually well received and/or respected and yet the other day I saw a clip of Peter McCullough on his show! My first thought was, there goes all his credibility or is he really that desperate for fame and fortune?

It might sound crazy but I use RFK Jr as my barometer! If a person has not been interviewed by him (and visa versa) and or been mentioned by him - I tend to give it very little credence!

The downside of that comment is his staunch advocacy for climate change!!

I have to say that I absolutely loved reading your post because it was every single thing I thought about as well - I also applaud you putting yourself out there and can assume you too are now getting lambasted! However you said what needed to be said! As I said James Colbert is another one!


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There are bots on Substack, I'm sure they use them to attack (as well as spread disinfo, and waste people's time).

Here's an example: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/we-are-winning/comment/10702240

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Hmm... That could be a bot, fo' sho'.

However, the only way to currently tell definitively is to post a borked image the way I did. The state of the art AI isn't good enough to see the bus behind all the squiggly lines & shapes.

You'll probably should post a new image periodically, as if a bot gets stopped, it might flag the conversation to be reviewed by a human, in which case the human might feed the bot the answer to train it (it will likely only work on that specific image, though). Fortunately it doesn't take but a couple minutes to bork one in paint and upload to a file hoster.

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Pardon my profound ignorance but what the hell is a BOT? I'm living in the 70's and lovin it! I don't own a TV nor have I watched one in 25 years I have a flip phone but only for work and spend my life reading primarily all Independent news media - mostly substack! The person whose Substack it was eviscerated me! All I said was alot of these documentaries and commentators can often cause more harm than good! I've no problem with Died Suddenly - all the articles - what I've a problem with is authenticating them! You can't just throw this shit out there without factual evidence! It makes the rest of us look like nuts! You're feeding the enemy!

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Bot is shorthand for an artificial intelligence chatbot. They use them for online customer service chat, and also to fuck with people in forums and social media for the purposes of wasting their time, but mostly trying to shape opinions and discredit truth-tellers.

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I love that you are living in the 70s and loving it - sometimes I wish I could go back there too!

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Don't worry, we'll get 20% prime rate again soon enough (with the inflation to boot).

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There's honestly enough evidence for data shenanigans, adverse effects and a complete disregard of foundational immunology behind these mRNA transfections to lay waste to the official pronouncements without resorting to drama. But years of indoctrination and repetitive mantras make it difficult to break through.

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“Right off the bat they talk about Covid-19 and viruses...." Is that humor or a Freudian slip ?

Sorry I just wanted to get that out of the way first, but what I actually want to speak on is

"In the fog of war it can be difficult to discern who is friend and who is foe".

You sent out a call for assistance and I'd like to help if I can.

Viruses (and bats) mRNA, blood clots I can't help you with. The death of JFK and the Moon landings are definitely topics for another time. However, The Fog of (The Culture) War and mental self defense against disinformation or PSYOP manipulation is an on-going project of mine. Perhaps some of my personal observations and conclusions will be of assistance.

Are we being lied to ? Are we fish hooked on the wrong end of a line ? To a certain extent we all are, live a few years and everyone will have lost a few pounds of flesh to predators, but the fight isn't over and we're not dead yet.

After examining my own thinking I came to see how much I relied on argument by analogy, so the following is perhaps not very scientific but it's what I have and so I use it.

It has occurred to me how similar the arts of informational warfare are, not only to the methods of the predatory psychopath but also to the professional techniques of the illusionist or stage magician. Perhaps the tricks used to detect one could, with suitable modification, also be used to detect the others ?

The illusionist can only perform their psychological manipulations at certain times and under specific conditions. The magician might be able to saw a woman in half and put her back together again but won't be able to perform emergency surgery on an accident victim in a hospital. I once saw David Copperfield pass through the Great Wall of China. Nice trick. He's not building traffic tunnels through the Himalayas.

Now I know we are still working in the realm of words and ideas, so you can't easily perform physical tests, but the point here is about directing your focus to a certain specific spot. An intelligent, well meaning person can, and will, speak clearly about many different subjects. The illusionist, like the psy-operator has a specific trick or mission they have to perform so their focus will remain on that. If anyone attempts to shift the focus (to flesh out surrounding details or to get some back ground information for example) they must resist.

The next counter illusion trick is Time.

We allow Magicians a long term residence in Las Vegas because we like them and we've all agreed that although they're liars they're entertaining and harmless liars. But liars like propagandists, psy-operators and psychopaths burn the ground they walk on and so can't remain in any one space, physical or meta-physical for very long.

If a story still holds up over time or the narrative still works after centuries then it can hardly be called propaganda. Of course you don't have centuries to wait, but you can attempt to track them backwards through time.

Who is this person and what is their history ? Everyone has a past and a reasonable person has a reasonable history. Do they conceal their family or origins ? Have they ever changed their name ? Do they often change location or job ? Did they just seem to drop in recently from outer space ? Do they claim to have access to secret or forbidden knowledge ?

There COULD be legitimate reasons for anyone of those points, but if many of them appear, again and again then they all become major red flags.

That is all I have for now, I hope it's useful. My project, like yours is on going and I shall keep an open eye and an open mind on yours.

Courage brother ! And stay in the fight.

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Thanks Jack, some great musings and observations. We are dealing, for the most part, with abstractions (the doco in question is an abstraction - I didn’t have first hand experience of any of it) and through an abstraction the propagandist has a great tool of deception. However, when the abstraction correlates with personal experience (family and friends getting sick with myocarditis and other ailments immediately or soon after the jab), then there is good reason to believe the abstraction is part of the truth and not an all out lie.

So I’m trying to look at what is happening in my immediate environment and seeing what correlates with all the rhetoric ‘out there’

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https://m.imdb.com/title/tt23810972/ Stew Peters isn't even part of the documentary. Not sure why people think he has anything to do with it.

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Brilliant 🔥 Disciplined Socratic questioning is the way. Abstractions dwell in rarefied air of fairy realm; they need grounding in real-life particulars to be of any practical use 🙂

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Agree with what you've stated - and would like to add . . . who has to profit from their misinformation? The government and pharmaceutical companies or those simply sharing the research they've done? IF for nothing more, it simply gets people to consider the opposing argument!

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All the fuss raised around viruses—real or not or somewhere in between—def smells like sinister psy-op. What’s the point apart divide & conquer? A model is as good as it’s useful. Consider holes in semiconductors: strictly taken, no such charge carriers exist in nature. Yet imagining they do makes a slew of clever devices & stuff possible. Incl Substack 😉


MidWestern Doc serves an à propos read (obligatory, I’m tempted to say) --> https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/what-is-causing-the-died-suddenly. Cool-headed, balanced, pithy, pointing to numerous avenues for further exploration—as always 🙂 Imho, raising awareness of zeta-potential is more pressing an issue, much more.

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Watch the videos on the medical rebel.com. She talks with a scientist who works in a lab. She says there is no such thing as viruses and explains the ins and outs. Worth a watch. Then you can understand where the no virus people are coming from.https://drleemerritt.com/

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Is the Pope Catholic?

Does Klaus Schwab support the WEF?

Is Stew Peters Controlled Opposition?

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It’s not that obvious to me - thus the post to discuss and share opinions

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He's "poisoning the well", either intentionally, or because he sucks at documentaries.

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He SUCKS ASS. All he wants is attention.

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Not exactly sure why you even wrote an article giving this guy an expanded reach of readers that he doesnt deserve. Did you find any part of his piece that raised any argument worth inquiring further?

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Which guy? Peter’s or Bartoll?

Both have perspectives worth looking into and discussing.

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The guy who wrote an article claiming that stu peters is a psy op because in his opinion, the snake venom movie was also untrue which neither company has produced what is inside their vaccines still to date to prove otherwise.

Either way, the article he wrote doesnt contain any actual argument to provide sufficient proof that stu might be a psy op or planted opposition. Also its because Dr Peter Mccullough wasnt treating patients and thats how he was able to stay uncensored plus because he is so published im just going to hypothesize that he was tough one to get consensus authority to silence or attempt to.

**Just because doctors take pharma money for past grants or for research to be done, doesnt mean they aren't able to call out criminal behaviour and dangerous medical crimes when they see them .

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OK, still think it's worth fleshing out - not trying to give the guy more airplay, but he's popped up in a few channels I monitor and seems to have some sway - so I wanted to throw it out there to you, my readers, for comment.

Is that OK?

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All speech is ok! Youre the boss Im just bossy hehe 👠 xx

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I was going to share the A Mid Western Doctor's take on the movie, but someone beat me to it.

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If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... It's a fucking duck.

A Midwestern Doctor edited out everything but the clots, share that video with people instead of the PSYOPed Shitstew tinyPeters BS:


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Please see Dr. Thomas Cowan’s talk “Gain of Fiction” Nov 11, 2022. For the clearest examination/exposition yet about the non-existence of actual scientific proof of “the virus” in “layman’s terms.” He goes over it slowly and clearly, showing exactly what has not been proved and why it has not been proved by the standards expected in true application of the scientific method.

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I was already sceptical before I read Joachims posts, as my experience has taught me that anyone who openly calls themselves an expert is usually full of their own......... sense of superiority.

The "viruses don't exist bit", is always a red flag to start an argument, but when he wrote that the clots were obviously fake, despite the testimonies of numerous experts, I consigned his blog to the big bin of nonsense.

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You raise some valid points, Winston. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thanks as always!

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It is too bad Stew is such a sensationalist but I don't believe he is controlled opposition! I have only watched a few of his videos but I believe his heart is in the right place. He is an activist and very passionate about exposing evil in this world, that turns a lot of people off. I watched the doc and felt the same, he should have kept the focus on the clots and VERIFIABLE deaths and illnesses from the jabs. But like anything the opposition does, the regime will ridicule it and, of course, say it's mis-, dis- or mal-information.

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Great article and comments. Thanks to Dave for link to Midwestern Docs article about the clot formation.

From the beginning there have been so many difficult to answer questions though the easiest for us was the avoidance of the vaccine. I was vaccine damaged as were two of my sons, though mildly. The third never received a vaccine in his life. Many times I have woken up to dreams urging me to get the vaccine, even one saying my paperwork is all done so go get your vaccine, so that I even know they are using their insidious thought projection technology to thwart us and goad us into compliance.

Is Covid a virus, a gain-of-function virus? Are there viruses? Is it about poisons, venoms? Watched two videos of Dr. Bryan Ardis on venoms. Here is one and it is very well documented. https://vokalnow.com/video/5504

Research from Arizona on the blood of many covid patients had indications of different venoms and Dr. Ardis relates them to the many reactions to the virus. Here is another http://braveseries.com/snaek-peek/

In all of this time, I have turned to God asking for the truth of things. Even of Stew Peters, Dr. Mallone, Dr. McCullough and others. I can remember reading an article many years ago about the Sandy Hook killings being a false flag with crisis actors. We see where that got Alex Jones. He is not the guilty party and should never have been sued, but we know the snowflake "feelings" are easily hurt and attorneys could get rich and it suits the narrative for Alex to be taken down. He has told the truth though in a bombastic sort of way.

I don't trust anyone but God! I lean on Him heavily, walking and talking with Him and thanking Him for those quiet thoughts.

I like Stew Peters, though I do not trust him. Were all of his actions with CPS and covid educations just to grab us so that later he can lead us astray? I even thought of Mike Adams of Natural News this way. Paranoid? Probably.

Thanks, Winston, for your questioning mind!

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Can’t go wrong trusting in God!

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