Dear Winston,
During this past week I recalled a film I saw in my much younger years. The film “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” was released in 1963. It’s about a group of strangers, who chase across America fighting tooth and nail with each other to get a buried treasure. It appears #40 in the American Film Institute's list of comedy movies, so you’d expect it should be at least mildly amusing. However, I am not recommending it as my recollection is that like many so called hilarious movies, it simply wasn’t funny. I would describe it as slapstick silliness.
What prompted my recollection was this silliness I keep hearing that those who haven’t been injected with the ‘approved vaccines’ can somehow endanger those who have. If this is so then, as Robert Malone is reported to have said “this is the first time in history that the ineffectiveness of a medicine is being blamed on those who haven’t taken it.” It is so bizarre! People I have known for years and who previously seemed like they were rational have actually said “I won’t come too close as you might give me COVID”. I reply, “But I’m not sick.” “It doesn’t matter; you can still give it to me,” they insist. I confess, what I’d prefer to give them is a quick slap to shake them out of this stupor, or should I say madness?
Perhaps these people have caught the delusion from the Queensland Government who are shortly imposing limits on businesses as to the type of people who can enter their premises. Back when I was engaged in operating a business I was looking for the reverse - I wanted as many people as possible engaging with my business. But the government in their peculiar wisdom thinks it will be better for business to exclude some individuals. Perhaps they missed the reports that businesses are struggling and they think that excluding between 20% to 50% of your customers won’t make a difference to their business success (Depending on if you believe the politician’s claim of how many have been jabbed or the health department’s record of the number of doses given). More madness.
I read that some European countries have already imposed this sort of imposition on their people and that Canada will go further and prevent their unvaxxed citizens from buying from food stores. Well that seems like worse than madness to me, how do they expect these souls to live? Is it possible that starvation is now a health strategy?
But it doesn’t end there my dear chap. Our State Health body has just regulated that people who haven’t had at least two doses of an approved COVID vaccine can no longer have organ transplant surgery. These are people who are critically ill already and these bureaucrats have somehow been given the power of life or death by being able to insist that COVID vaccines, which are known to cause unpredictable immune conditions as well as other adverse effects, at the very least will cause a substantial delay in their treatment. Such cruelty is far beyond madness.
Then we have countries where Euthanasia is legalised, except if you are unvaxxed and then you are no longer allowed to die. Well at least not that way, it’s still OK to be assisted to die by receiving the approved COVID shots. For sheer scale of silliness that 1963 film I mentioned can’t compare to the reality in which we currently live. Winston don’t bother with the film, we are living in a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World! Who am I kidding? It’s a Bizzaro World1!
Your friend in sanity
Bob Charrington
The Bizarro World (also known as Htrae, which is "Earth" spelled backwards) is a fictional planet appearing in DC Comics in the early 1960s; ‘Htrae’ is a cube-shaped planet and is the home for a character named Bizarro and his companions who are mirror images or opposites of other DC Comics characters such as Superman. "Bizarro World" has come to mean a situation/setting that is inverted or opposite to expectations.
If you enjoy such things, check out home of Bizarro by Dan Piraro, a single-panel comic strip making people (like me) laugh for over 30 years.
I am a fellow traveler in this insane world.It is truly a Mad,Mad,Mad world.
Great film. I don't think anyone younger than useless boomers like me could sit through it though.