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Dec 24, 2021
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That's disturbing about the long line of people waiting for a test (no doubt a ridiculously high cycled PCR that's going to confirm their fears) on the Gold Coast. "Sudden Surge in Cases Plunges Queensland into Crisis", or something similar, is the predictable outcome of such mass testing leading to more fear, lockdowns, and social disintegration.

[Meanwhile, somewhere on the Chinese coast, soldiers are practicing beach landings]

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Ah yes, the good old days, when Noam Chomsky still had integrity …

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Yes agreed - was hesitant to quote him given his recent rants - but this was a salient and insightful point he was making.

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Right, we can still glean value from his past observations, even as they condemn his present self.

I still recommend “Manufacturing Consent” and the accompanying documentary, including both in my “Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized).

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"Manufacturing Consent" is on my bedside - under half a dozen similar titles lol - I'll get there!

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I know—I need a few thousand more lifetimes to get through my reading list!

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I agree. Even the useful idiot middle-level bureaucrats here in the USA (not really united at this point) that are pushing tyranny are either doing it for their own power mad reasons (like the Calif's governor) or to limit their own criminal and civil liability exposure (FDA middlemen who are pharma shills).

The longer the push goes on here towards a dictatorship, the more likely the shooting starts, which, after some sort of balkanization by regions, probably ends up in a military coup, then ultimately some sort of alliance with the Chinese military.

I'm not familiar enough with the real politics of countries outside of the US, so I don't know how Australia or the UK react, but I do believe we are ultimately headed towards military rule, which will be seen as a savior-moment by many here. Eventually, we will always accept that China has been our friend and ally against India.

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As usual it's difficult to actually see too far ahead - we can draw on some stunningly clear parallels with 20th Century revolutions into totalitarianism but this global situation is also so unique. Are we witnessing the tottering of the Western empire while a brown bear and a fire-breathing dragon wait for the opportune moment to eat their fill? Will we look back and wonder why the hell we were focused on the flu while our government sold us out to the enemy?

As for Australia, we have the dragon breathing down our necks and the eagle we would have called upon to help us (like those scenes in Lord of the Rings), seems too preoccupied with socialist fantasies to be of any reliance. That may be too cynical, and I hope the reality is that the USA will surge back with the power and justice it once had to save us from our enemies. But then, empires do fall, it seems to be the natural pattern of things.

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I think the American Empire is in the midst of a quick collapse. The Democrats are using the vaccines as a purity test in the military, all of our universities, media, sporting institutions are woke, to think anything else beyond their official dogma is to invite censure and ultimately banishment from the "middle ground ", to b exiled and referred to as "fringe". We haven't had the sort of draconian lockdowns in California that you have in Australia, here they just require vaccines to go to college, work in the medical industry, and soon, work for any city government. The Feds are pushing the large employer mandate, so all that will be left is small businesses without mandates, and eventually they will be locked out of almost everything, like banks, office buildings, city permit counters, restaurants, at least on paper. The opposing party in California, The Republicans, are paper tigers, talk, no action.

I expect my wife to soon be fired from her healthcare job for not accepting the booster, even though she has a religious exemption, and I expect to be fired from my large engineering firm soon, no vax.

We live in a lawless time, where the only rules are those of Power.

I grieve for Taiwan, Australia, the Philippines, Japan l, the Eagle is abandoning you. I expect China to invade Taiwan soon and the US will have our Neville Chamberlain moment. The rest of the Western Pacific will be ceded to your dragon, and just like Saruman the White, Uncle Joe has sold out the Eagle to feather his own nest.

I suppose my wife and I will emigrate to Free Florida, but how long will that freedom last? I'll leave behind the only home I've ever known, all of my friends, all of my business connections, my elderly parents, everything, because I won't bend my knee and accept the lottery clot shot that has done nothing besides kill and rip asunder the world.

What a Merry Xmas!!

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It's fun to watch a character navigate a dystopian nightmare at the movies... Another thing for us to be thrown into the same - no movie magic and tricky plot surprises allowing the protagonist more narrow misses than could possibly happen in reality.

Our hope, I guess, is in forging a solid underground parallel society that can provide some semblance of support. We've no version of Florida to flee to in Australia, we can't escape our boarders - so for people like us even a Substack like this is a thread of sanity that becomes more important each passing day.

Appreciate your insight - hope you find a safe haven with likeminded people and you are able to protect it from demons.

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As I've written before, unless The Creator of this reality chooses otherwise, we are past the point of salvation. The complete diabolical control of the establishment (enter any group you wish) is a stench in the nostrils of any thinking human.

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I wish I could tell you you're mistaken. I realize this every day I read the headlines or watch any news channel--even right-sided news is very restricted to highly charged but nonsense topics. That's why people say they feel they are living in a parallel world -the real issues are all invisible. But that's exactly how you control the narrative, right?

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Exactly right.

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Your premise is correct and your assumption on the right spot, but how many people see circles of understanding expanding away from the narrative. On what level do you have to be to grasp that there is no pandemic? It’s a religion as it was always planned to be:


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'tis true, it's religious, it's cultish, it's pharmakeía (as you point out). Maybe with roots from the earliest times when a certain Semjâzâ taught us the foundations of such enchantments (The Book of Enoch, 8:3).

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I will look up Enoch, but maybe it’s just more prosaic than that and it’s just clever marketing and an evil plan.

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Interesting that you raise the aspect of the 'Watchers' Winston. I my younger days I would have thought that MONEY was the root of ALL evil. But I had a lot of assumed Christianity then rather than actual knowledge of what the Bible says. The Apostle Paul did not write that money is the root of all evil, or even that the love of money is the root of all evil, which would imply that greed is ultimately responsible for all evil done on the earth. Certainly it's been suggested that the Big Pharma companies are one of the roots of this current evil and are making obscene amounts of money.

Instead, we read that love of money is “a root of all kinds of evil.” In other words, people do all sorts of evil deeds because of a controlling desire for money. Most Christians would offer the traditional view that 'Ha Satan' or The Accuser is THE root. Perhaps, as He personifies evil and led Adam and Eve away from God. I think the issue is better viewed by moving from a focus on a single original chronological event to see all humans as sinners estranged from God because of their own wrongdoing, not simply arising from Adam’s. This understanding is in step with the 2nd Temple Jewish view of how evil/sin proliferated throughout the human race due to the sin of the Watchers, the “sons of God” in Gen 6:1-4.

Dr. Michael Heiser says, "In a nutshell, the view of all this that’s consistent with the biblical text taken in its own context is that sin began in Eden (the first divine and human rebellions), which estranged humanity from God because all humans were then cut off from the divine presence and would invariably and inevitably sin. However, the worldwide depravity known to Christian theology occurs in the wake of the sin of the Watchers (which has a “causative” effect in the sense that 2nd Temple material views the sin of the Watchers, by example and by design, as a catalyst to human rebellion on a grand scale)".

I understand that this is all news and very strange to many, it is nonetheless an ancient understanding. We find it in the Bible and is expanded on in Enoch 1 (which is part of the Ethiopian Church's Canon) and it explains that

Semjâzâ and the other Watchers, taught us the foundations of this evil as part of THEIR plan.

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The Overton Window is an excellent frame of reference to help demonstrate... frame of reference. You might want to consider quoting someone besides Chomsky at this stage, however, given his position on what should be done with members of the the resistant resistance and his obvious role as an intellectual gatekeeper for the territory formerly known as "Far Left".

While I'm typing, it's also worth pointing out another valuable lesson embedded in the specific graphic of the "window" shown in your post : note that the spectrum portrayed does NOT represent the diversionary L/R axis used to obfuscate the actual Top/Bottom nature of the conflict we face.

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Thanks Doug - I did mention my hesitation about quoting Chomsky in another earlier comment. Good observation about the spectrum avoiding L/R axis - it is indeed a freedom/control axis.

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I think it is likely that in short term the situation will worsen but just as a chicken with it's head cut off appears to have a lot of energy while it rants about with a zest unseen before, we may actually be witnessing the death throes of a rotting, unethical, immoral, and corrupt social system.

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