deletedDec 24, 2021Liked by Winston Smith
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Ah yes, the good old days, when Noam Chomsky still had integrity …

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by Winston Smith

I agree. Even the useful idiot middle-level bureaucrats here in the USA (not really united at this point) that are pushing tyranny are either doing it for their own power mad reasons (like the Calif's governor) or to limit their own criminal and civil liability exposure (FDA middlemen who are pharma shills).

The longer the push goes on here towards a dictatorship, the more likely the shooting starts, which, after some sort of balkanization by regions, probably ends up in a military coup, then ultimately some sort of alliance with the Chinese military.

I'm not familiar enough with the real politics of countries outside of the US, so I don't know how Australia or the UK react, but I do believe we are ultimately headed towards military rule, which will be seen as a savior-moment by many here. Eventually, we will always accept that China has been our friend and ally against India.

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by Winston Smith

As I've written before, unless The Creator of this reality chooses otherwise, we are past the point of salvation. The complete diabolical control of the establishment (enter any group you wish) is a stench in the nostrils of any thinking human.

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by Winston Smith

I wish I could tell you you're mistaken. I realize this every day I read the headlines or watch any news channel--even right-sided news is very restricted to highly charged but nonsense topics. That's why people say they feel they are living in a parallel world -the real issues are all invisible. But that's exactly how you control the narrative, right?

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Your premise is correct and your assumption on the right spot, but how many people see circles of understanding expanding away from the narrative. On what level do you have to be to grasp that there is no pandemic? It’s a religion as it was always planned to be:


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Dec 24, 2021·edited Dec 24, 2021Liked by Winston Smith

The Overton Window is an excellent frame of reference to help demonstrate... frame of reference. You might want to consider quoting someone besides Chomsky at this stage, however, given his position on what should be done with members of the the resistant resistance and his obvious role as an intellectual gatekeeper for the territory formerly known as "Far Left".

While I'm typing, it's also worth pointing out another valuable lesson embedded in the specific graphic of the "window" shown in your post : note that the spectrum portrayed does NOT represent the diversionary L/R axis used to obfuscate the actual Top/Bottom nature of the conflict we face.

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by Winston Smith

I think it is likely that in short term the situation will worsen but just as a chicken with it's head cut off appears to have a lot of energy while it rants about with a zest unseen before, we may actually be witnessing the death throes of a rotting, unethical, immoral, and corrupt social system.

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