Inspired by The Good Citizen's fearless adventures into the void.


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Thanks WInston. Is there evidence (beyond the classified programs we know about) of using EMF modulation to "connect" with nanoparticles to control or kill or induce seizures?

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Not that I know of, there's a lot of speculation around some of the patents held by moderna/Pfizer in this regard but nothing definitive. Nevertheless, it would not be difficult to conceive of an electrically active nano or micro structure that could modulate (or kill) the electrochemical signalling in the brain stem or higher up in the limbic system with devastating results. Damage to the lower part of the brain stem, can stop your heart, your breathing, and other things you'd like to keep going.

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5G radio frequencies as “modulators of neural networks”. Grand mal seizures. That video of "people seeing demons". Maybe this is how they realize those Deagel population drops by 2025. They can then blame it on another virus, force new vaccines for the new fake virus and keep this scam going for decades.

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That video montage was the inspiration for this piece - and an interview with someone (I've seen so many I can't keep up with who's who in our conspiracy-musing universe) talking about the self-assembling nano and micro tech in these mRNA vials - An Australian if I remember rightly - the tech didn't self-assemble if the liquid was protected from radiation in a faraday bag, but did if set on top of a router. Very interesting.

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Nice writing. Scary stuff. Though I wonder, they likely already have the ability to sink our entire fleet with hypersonic ballistic swarms, so would they bother? But then they could seize the ships after? As for the mRNA bioweapon, that seems a joint effort of both governments.

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Certainly hypersonic weapons are the next gen weaponry for taking out an entire fleet (more likely than the scenario I've painted here) - but you wouldn't have any ships to seize. The development of sonic and ultrasonic weapons is interesting too - take out the people and leave the structures - but I don't think they have been developed to the scale needed to take out the 7th fleet.

And the most deadly weapon of all? Woke indoctrination of an army - kill 'em dead as quick as look at 'em it will.

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John Michael Greer wrote a novel about that called Twilights Last Gleaming, most of the fleet sunk off the east coast of Africa, by Chinese missiles originating in Africa.

Yeah, I really don't feel protected by a military that worries about microaggressions. But I think that mind virus is part of the whole package, destroying America to make way for global governance.

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I can remember watching a video of some standing girders from the towers about 5 stories high which didn't fall on 9-11, only to vanish into dust in a split second. Were my eyes deceiving me?

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An enjoyable expedition into what might be Winston. Will this become a series dear fellow? 😁

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Mr Charrington, how delightful of you to drop in! No, not a series here, just one of many random short fiction pieces that flash through my brain when I should be working. Encouraged by The Good Citizen to let the creative side a bit more freedom I'll now start writing down these flashes of fantasy as they come and try to not see them as oppositional to the 'real work' of writing 'serious' articles.

Having said that, I'm keen to continue our adventures in A Strong Delusion and The Socialist Phenomenon, as well as a series of interviews coming up very soon with the Unholy Trinity - I think you'll enjoy that one Mr Charrington, very much!

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Well now, The Unholy Trinity!

You have more than tweaked my interest level. Really, I can hardly wait for your take on the 3 'characters' I believe you are thinking of.

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If I wasn't paranoid enough before this time, I am questioning everything now. Grignard Pure has a product out which is suppose to stop the spread of the virus and any bacteria. It is an aerosol sprayed from special tanks inside buildings. They tested it first in Georgia and Tennessee. There are nanoparticles in it which they will not disclose. Graphene possibly?

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We've all got good reasons to be paranoid - not the pathological type of delusional paranoia, but the type of paranoia that could save our lives!

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Nahh, what killed people is the toxicity.

What edits your DNA is toxicity.

Moderna had toxicity buildup issues with the lipids during their gene therapy research.

Look back at other jabs that had big issues, same game, toxic crap like aluminum and mercury and other adjuvants and preservatives cause sickness.... They have not developed anything new with this mRNA "tech".... It doesn't even work.

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You may well be right. And, having listened to the conversations between Spartacus and Dr. Kevin McCairn, I've come to realize that a lot of work has been done developing technology to influence (our) biology much more selectively than the crude chemical toxicity expressed by poison metals and other adjuvants. Work has been done and is being done. Just how much it "works" yet is beyond my ability to determine. Perhaps all the scientists involved (Kevin McCairn and Spartacus reference what looks like hundreds, perhaps thousands working on this, some wittingly, many unwittingly) are grifters, making no progress? Or has "progress" been made? I'm open to both possibilities.

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Yeah I get that's the more reasonable mechanism - but not as dramatic for a story as a sudden kill switch! (this has been filed under the "Fiction" category)

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Looks like someone has been talking to Todd Callender!

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Good stuff, man!

I thought of a darker ending, where the transcript notes that either the witness or the questioner (or both) succumb to a "mysterious" onset of seizures. Steal it, if you want. :)

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