Dear Winston,
The holiday season has given me time to breath, and think - and I’m compelled to pick up my laptop once again to write to you.
As times become more testing, the illusion of outward threats grows stronger - the automatic deflection of domestic issues to foreign causation clouds our perception of reality. These deflections must be ignored, and the energy redirected to the domestic war that is waging. This is not to say that what is happening overseas doesn’t matter. It does. But these things should not take precedent over issues at home, such as the obvious corruption at the highest echelons of society.
One of the opinions which has disturbed me the most - held prominently among the mainstream ‘freedom movements’ - is a hatred of the police force and military. I cannot help but think this is a deadly mistake; both morally and in the struggle for a sound society.
I will keep it brief; when power and influence flows from a corrupt leadership, it is upheld (or sustained) only by the broad acceptance of the lie (or many lies as the case may be). For all their craziness, this is where both Machiavelli and the postmodernists were correct. Normal people do not view the world through ‘power hierarchies’, but psychopaths do, and they exploit it. Alexander Solzhenitsyn noted that the Soviet Union existed only because everyone continually lied to themselves. If they rejected this lie en mass, it would have collapsed; Stalin and Lenin would have been reduced to nothing more than crazy rambling intellectuals, and the world would have moved on.
The individuals - the intellectuals in positions of power who have a say in domestic and international affairs - retain such power through various forms of coercion; through organised interest groups who’s unity gives them ideological sway over the unorganised masses (‘legitimacy’, ‘credibility’), through monetary incentives (militia, private contractors), through funded propaganda convincing others to rally behind such an individual as leader. If these power structures collapse, then the powerful intellectual - regardless of wealth or intelligence - reverts back to an ordinary individual.
Oftentimes all of these axis uphold the ideologues in their positions of power. Take a powerful, ideologically driven billionaire; he claims legitimacy and holds sway through funding to change public opinion, by exploiting the foundational claims of America (capitalism, freedom of opinion, etc.), and if push comes to shove, by hiring morally corrupted contractors to defend his position of power through force. The two former methods are often known as ‘soft managerial control’, whilst the latter is ‘hard managerial control’. When one turns to hard control, the end is near; their immorality is laid bare, their use of force shows foundational weakness in the ideology, and so forth.
This brings me back to the police and military. These people have the power to protect the citizens and uphold the common good. They have the equipment, they have the motivation, and the majority have good intentions. The corrupted individuals in positions of power understand this, hence why in recent years, increased focus has been placed on propagandising officers school. Rather than teach officers leadership skills and such, newer trends place more focus on producing ideologically subverted individuals. These individuals are convinced of particular ‘truths’ and ‘lies’, often conveniently correlating with the ideas espoused by those who wish to gain increasing power. Whats worse, the selection process for moving up the ranks also seems to be increasingly moving towards selecting not on merit or leadership skills, but on ideological loyalty, much in the same way that the Soviet Union would select military officers based on whether they would propagate the ideology or not.
The police force and military are not to be hated or scorned. These people are ultimately our brothers; most do not exist to commit evil, but enlist with good motives. This is why one of the most important areas to educate the people is in the realm of the military. They, like the people, will suffer under oppressive rule. Thus they, like everyone else, has a vested interest in preventing ideological psychopaths from establishing themselves in a position of power over the population. I believe the push for increased hate and disunity is a ploy to cause catastrophic division. However, with properly educated officers there comes a stabilizing force, and with a unified people with a unified military and police force, even more so. Then what can a psychopathic ideologue do? He will need to turn to privately funded contractors, which will unlikely avoid public scrutiny nor stand against the established police powers - although may garner some protection under corrupt judges, but that too will be seen for what it is.
As we know, the educational process (ever since the time of the Marxist Antonio Gramsci) has been the primary tool for ideologues, and thus the most significant battleground for the hearts and minds of the population. Those who educate in such an occupied system are pressured to reproduce the tenets of the ideology, thus creating new ideologues in the process, and the cycle continues. And, so it seems, the realm of education is the battleground where we need to make the strongest stand - from kindergarten to the police and military academies where the subversion is taking place. Let’s no longer put up with the deliberate division between the police and the people, promoted by those among us who would seek the destruction of our society. Let the people, the police and military, all be aware of the subversive education we have been exposed to, in order to bring about a neo-Marxist cultural revolution.
I have to say Winston, the prevailing neo-Marxist agenda is showing cracks, and I’m encouraged at the groundswell of people who are expressing opposition. But, as I’ve said, when these systems begin to crack, there is a risk that the rulers will turn to ‘hard control’ as a last ditch option. In such a case, those with ability and force to stop a bloodbath had better be on the side of the people, and this can only come from rejecting the lie, rejecting division and hate, and speaking the truth to all.
I understand where O'Brien is coming from. Having grown up in a family where my father was an officer in the military, uncle also ranking high in the federal police, and mixing in these military and police circles, I experienced most as good people (i.e. not Marxist ideologues willing to turn against their own people). It is the subversion taking hold over the last generation that's intent on producing and entirely different breed of police/military personnel - and this should be the focus, not the knee-jerk, simplistic, black-and-white response that "the police are the enemy" - this isn't a helpful rhetoric. For those who would throw up their hands and say all is lost, they are the enemy now, may have just played into a ploy of the Marxist cultural Balkanisation of our society.
In Australia we have every reason to hate the police given what happened during Covid. But if we can see the bigger picture, the very reason for the growing division, and get to the real root of the problem, then we would be onto something.
You are absolutely correct when you say that education is the main tool of these psychopaths. The recent trend in denying fundamental truisms, for example the war against categorizing people by biological sex, allows those being "educated" to have other fundamental precepts changed.
The truth of the matter, despite the ceaseless parade of freaks in the media and online, is that almost nobody believes their outrageous lies. The majority see these changes in education, governmental policy, and societal norms as being abhorrent to their normal way of life.
While it is true that people are not being promoted, either in the military, educational system, or government, for their skills and abilities, rather for their adherence to the progressive dogma, those who are forced to serve under these inept leaders see through the charade. They have to "play along" in order to make a living, but most underlings abhor the nonsensical edicts issued by their supposed superiors and strive to insert sanity wherever possible.
What I forsee is a a great reckoning. A time in the not so distant future where the majority will simply stop playing along with their inane games. Once that cultural readjustment occurs, sanity will be reclaimed and those promoting these harmful ideals will be publicly lampooned. I can sincerely say that I can't wait for those who are trying to teach everyone else that "2+2=5" to be cast out of their current roles and end up as a bizarre footnote in human history.