You are absolutely correct when you say that education is the main tool of these psychopaths. The recent trend in denying fundamental truisms, for example the war against categorizing people by biological sex, allows those being "educated" to have other fundamental precepts changed.
The truth of the matter, despite the ceaseless parade of freaks in the media and online, is that almost nobody believes their outrageous lies. The majority see these changes in education, governmental policy, and societal norms as being abhorrent to their normal way of life.
While it is true that people are not being promoted, either in the military, educational system, or government, for their skills and abilities, rather for their adherence to the progressive dogma, those who are forced to serve under these inept leaders see through the charade. They have to "play along" in order to make a living, but most underlings abhor the nonsensical edicts issued by their supposed superiors and strive to insert sanity wherever possible.
What I forsee is a a great reckoning. A time in the not so distant future where the majority will simply stop playing along with their inane games. Once that cultural readjustment occurs, sanity will be reclaimed and those promoting these harmful ideals will be publicly lampooned. I can sincerely say that I can't wait for those who are trying to teach everyone else that "2+2=5" to be cast out of their current roles and end up as a bizarre footnote in human history.
"A time in the not so distant future where the majority will simply stop playing along with their inane games. " not a chance...
Majorities SLAVE AROUND in Cities, large big cities, unsustainable ones... This simple FACT means they aren't willing to jeopardize their current lifestyle and easy Life in order to CHANGE what you mention as necessary to be changed.
Meanwhile if this outfit gains the necessary political power to do so it will effectively enforce its all-encompassing "religious", cultural and political agendas on all human beings living in Amerika, and also (perhaps) simultaneously use very forceful means to deal with those who (quite rightfully) resist these totalizing agendas. Donald Trump has been alluding to (describing) such methods and who (very broadly) will be rounded up, imprisoned, re-"educated" or even executed.
It has very detailed plans re how to enforce its agendas and is already vetting the necessary ideological correct politics of those who it is going to install in positions of power. It has at least 72 deep-pocket right-wing think (stink) tanks etc supporting its project, many of which are Christian based.
When Fascism comes to America it will be enforced in the name of "freedom" and "traditional" power-and-comtrol-seeking christian religiosity
Do you fear a conservative takeover of America or are you suggesting this is a "100 Flowers" type campaign to identify and root out conservative opposition to Marxism? You do understand O'Brien believes Marxism is bad, don't you?
Hang on, Query: Do you think Orwell's 1984 was a cautionary tale or a "How To" manual?
I believe I understand O'Brien's thesis. The police who carry out violations of civil rights are not our enemy. They were taught wrong by Marxist psychopathic ideologues. Can't believe this sentiment comes from Australia where corpulent police officers (male and female) gleefully assault civilians for daring not to wear masks or for disregarding some other government missive to violate the natural rights of a human.
Even if the thesis is true that the police themselves are not flawed psychopaths but simply are "taught" wrong, I think O'Brien misses the point. "Ordinary Men" will be instruments of mass murder.
See Browning's "Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland."
Some gleefully assault civilians, others not so insane (from personal experience). O'Brien may have missed the point made by Browning's Ordinary Men, but I think he was also attempting to highlight the root of the problem. It may be too late? Are they all now insane instruments of mass destruction? Should we just now mark them all as the enemy and treat them as such? I know a few good ones, they are not about to leave the service, there may be still hope. But then I may have passed into that state of complete delusion - after all, I'm Winston Smith.
I thought about what a reply might look like. So I ask this: What did the "good ones" do to distinguish themselves while their fellow officers were abusing citizens? One anecdote will be enough. Just one. Did anyone sacrifice their career for the greater good? If so the reporting didn't make it here.
Jim it sounds like you've made up your mind and I doubt 'just one' anecdote isn't going to change that. Not that I'm really motivated to compel you to believe anything actually. You could make the effort to get to know some police officers and talk to them about this - there's an idea.
Winston: I'm trying in good faith to address the argument. The argument is that police are not our enemy; rather, they are victims of Marxist ideology. Perhaps you would quibble with that phrasing, but that's not too far off the mark. Of course police are not "the enemy." But as to the notion that they should not be blamed for what has happened to our society, that doesn't resonate with me here in the U.S. and not from what I see and read about Australia. There is a "law enforcement" problem in many western cultures. Here in the U.S. there are lots of factors, but in general we can say militarization of law enforcement, tasking of law enforcement for non-personal violence crimes. And the entire field attracts a certain type--a tendency to attract and reward people who choose the profession for the wrong reasons. Now I say all of this while noting the obvious point that of course there are very good human beings who choose to work in the field who "do the right thing." I personally know some very good police officers, two of whom have spouses who are my employees.
But I disagree with the thesis of your article. There is a law enforcement problem in liberal democratic countries that have turned on citizens who rejected the silly mask mandates and lockdown rules. I didn't write any of this to hurt your feelings. I was going for the ideas. Frankly, Winston, I think I have the better argument. But I will say without any anger, If this sort of discourse is not welcome, then I will move on. What I won't do is read someone else's writing and not react. Not anymore.
Jim, firstly this isn't my article but I'll take responsibility for whatever O'Brien puts up here, and you can't hurt my feelings lol. Secondly I don't think the thesis is that the police are victims and blameless. The police are very much to blame for their bad behaviour. Rather we are all under the Marxist ploy of division and we need to find our way back to a place where the citizens and the police are working in the same direction for a sound society.
I appreciate the discourse, but what I don't have time for is the ideologues who have made up their mind and just want to argue (I don't count you as one of these, I can see you want honest dialogue) - life's too short... and I have a few day jobs that require a certain amount of energy.
"The holiday season has given me time to breath" clearly you must have been inhaling high quantities of CO and your Thought capabilities went down the drain to think that the current modern moron slaves that make the "police force and military" are to be loved!
"Let the people, the police and military, all be aware of the subversive education we have been exposed to"... With this division you won't be able to find Unity!
Clearly nothing was learned from the aftermath of OPERATION COVIDIUS. Great work the "police force and military" did during those Great Years!
I kind of feel like we have already lost many of the good police officers and the good military members, they’ve been forced out by refusing to get the jab or quit or retired early as they weren’t willing to bend the knee to the obvious corruption taking place from the top brass down. Just like the nurses and doctors… the decent ones have all opted out now and refuse to continue taking part in the continuing genocide now that they can see it for what it truly is.
I feel much gloomier about our prospects, something big is coming, they are telling us, forewarning us, preparing us for it now that will make covid look like nothing quote Klauss Shwab. I believe things will have to get and are definitely going to get much much worse in order to wake up the masses who are at present only unhappy and displeased by the current economic situation which is wiping out the middle class entirely. They can’t even see the genocide taking place all around them let alone see the big picture of a few psychopathic elites desiring to rule the whole world and ensnaring humanity to be their slaves.
I understand where O'Brien is coming from. Having grown up in a family where my father was an officer in the military, uncle also ranking high in the federal police, and mixing in these military and police circles, I experienced most as good people (i.e. not Marxist ideologues willing to turn against their own people). It is the subversion taking hold over the last generation that's intent on producing and entirely different breed of police/military personnel - and this should be the focus, not the knee-jerk, simplistic, black-and-white response that "the police are the enemy" - this isn't a helpful rhetoric. For those who would throw up their hands and say all is lost, they are the enemy now, may have just played into a ploy of the Marxist cultural Balkanisation of our society.
In Australia we have every reason to hate the police given what happened during Covid. But if we can see the bigger picture, the very reason for the growing division, and get to the real root of the problem, then we would be onto something.
Well, I can tell you in South Africa the Police and the Military are not allies. They are enforcers and most are corrupt. I would venture that they are nothing more than Marxist enforcers for the current socialist communist Government.
They whole system that controls the power of force is corrupt. This is due to the "Party" system that has corrupted, the Judiciary, the law courts, the APEX court. They are the (PPP) Public Private Partnership where agreements are made behind closed doors and a shrouded in secrecy.
I too was in the Military and was no supporter of the régime at that time. We had a border war on with Marxist communist infiltration. That was in the latter 1970's. It was compulsory for citizens to do National Service, if you did not you would be jailed. I did my time and used it to gain knowledge and got some rank as an officer to make my dad proud as he too was a military man. I volunteered for an extra year of service as I could not have saved the amount of money that was promised as a bonus for that extra service. Besides that it freed me from doing compulsory military refresher camps for the next 10 years It helped me to mature.
I wondered about you recently. Hadn't seen anything in the thread in some time. Good to see you back.
You are absolutely correct when you say that education is the main tool of these psychopaths. The recent trend in denying fundamental truisms, for example the war against categorizing people by biological sex, allows those being "educated" to have other fundamental precepts changed.
The truth of the matter, despite the ceaseless parade of freaks in the media and online, is that almost nobody believes their outrageous lies. The majority see these changes in education, governmental policy, and societal norms as being abhorrent to their normal way of life.
While it is true that people are not being promoted, either in the military, educational system, or government, for their skills and abilities, rather for their adherence to the progressive dogma, those who are forced to serve under these inept leaders see through the charade. They have to "play along" in order to make a living, but most underlings abhor the nonsensical edicts issued by their supposed superiors and strive to insert sanity wherever possible.
What I forsee is a a great reckoning. A time in the not so distant future where the majority will simply stop playing along with their inane games. Once that cultural readjustment occurs, sanity will be reclaimed and those promoting these harmful ideals will be publicly lampooned. I can sincerely say that I can't wait for those who are trying to teach everyone else that "2+2=5" to be cast out of their current roles and end up as a bizarre footnote in human history.
I think your comment was cut short. Looking forward to reading the end.
"A time in the not so distant future where the majority will simply stop playing along with their inane games. " not a chance...
Majorities SLAVE AROUND in Cities, large big cities, unsustainable ones... This simple FACT means they aren't willing to jeopardize their current lifestyle and easy Life in order to CHANGE what you mention as necessary to be changed.
Glad to see you posting. Good article 👍👍👍 . Linking tomorrow @
Meanwhile if this outfit gains the necessary political power to do so it will effectively enforce its all-encompassing "religious", cultural and political agendas on all human beings living in Amerika, and also (perhaps) simultaneously use very forceful means to deal with those who (quite rightfully) resist these totalizing agendas. Donald Trump has been alluding to (describing) such methods and who (very broadly) will be rounded up, imprisoned, re-"educated" or even executed.
It has very detailed plans re how to enforce its agendas and is already vetting the necessary ideological correct politics of those who it is going to install in positions of power. It has at least 72 deep-pocket right-wing think (stink) tanks etc supporting its project, many of which are Christian based.
When Fascism comes to America it will be enforced in the name of "freedom" and "traditional" power-and-comtrol-seeking christian religiosity
Do you fear a conservative takeover of America or are you suggesting this is a "100 Flowers" type campaign to identify and root out conservative opposition to Marxism? You do understand O'Brien believes Marxism is bad, don't you?
Hang on, Query: Do you think Orwell's 1984 was a cautionary tale or a "How To" manual?
I believe I understand O'Brien's thesis. The police who carry out violations of civil rights are not our enemy. They were taught wrong by Marxist psychopathic ideologues. Can't believe this sentiment comes from Australia where corpulent police officers (male and female) gleefully assault civilians for daring not to wear masks or for disregarding some other government missive to violate the natural rights of a human.
Even if the thesis is true that the police themselves are not flawed psychopaths but simply are "taught" wrong, I think O'Brien misses the point. "Ordinary Men" will be instruments of mass murder.
See Browning's "Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland."
Some gleefully assault civilians, others not so insane (from personal experience). O'Brien may have missed the point made by Browning's Ordinary Men, but I think he was also attempting to highlight the root of the problem. It may be too late? Are they all now insane instruments of mass destruction? Should we just now mark them all as the enemy and treat them as such? I know a few good ones, they are not about to leave the service, there may be still hope. But then I may have passed into that state of complete delusion - after all, I'm Winston Smith.
I thought about what a reply might look like. So I ask this: What did the "good ones" do to distinguish themselves while their fellow officers were abusing citizens? One anecdote will be enough. Just one. Did anyone sacrifice their career for the greater good? If so the reporting didn't make it here.
Jim it sounds like you've made up your mind and I doubt 'just one' anecdote isn't going to change that. Not that I'm really motivated to compel you to believe anything actually. You could make the effort to get to know some police officers and talk to them about this - there's an idea.
Winston: I'm trying in good faith to address the argument. The argument is that police are not our enemy; rather, they are victims of Marxist ideology. Perhaps you would quibble with that phrasing, but that's not too far off the mark. Of course police are not "the enemy." But as to the notion that they should not be blamed for what has happened to our society, that doesn't resonate with me here in the U.S. and not from what I see and read about Australia. There is a "law enforcement" problem in many western cultures. Here in the U.S. there are lots of factors, but in general we can say militarization of law enforcement, tasking of law enforcement for non-personal violence crimes. And the entire field attracts a certain type--a tendency to attract and reward people who choose the profession for the wrong reasons. Now I say all of this while noting the obvious point that of course there are very good human beings who choose to work in the field who "do the right thing." I personally know some very good police officers, two of whom have spouses who are my employees.
But I disagree with the thesis of your article. There is a law enforcement problem in liberal democratic countries that have turned on citizens who rejected the silly mask mandates and lockdown rules. I didn't write any of this to hurt your feelings. I was going for the ideas. Frankly, Winston, I think I have the better argument. But I will say without any anger, If this sort of discourse is not welcome, then I will move on. What I won't do is read someone else's writing and not react. Not anymore.
Jim, firstly this isn't my article but I'll take responsibility for whatever O'Brien puts up here, and you can't hurt my feelings lol. Secondly I don't think the thesis is that the police are victims and blameless. The police are very much to blame for their bad behaviour. Rather we are all under the Marxist ploy of division and we need to find our way back to a place where the citizens and the police are working in the same direction for a sound society.
I appreciate the discourse, but what I don't have time for is the ideologues who have made up their mind and just want to argue (I don't count you as one of these, I can see you want honest dialogue) - life's too short... and I have a few day jobs that require a certain amount of energy.
"The holiday season has given me time to breath" clearly you must have been inhaling high quantities of CO and your Thought capabilities went down the drain to think that the current modern moron slaves that make the "police force and military" are to be loved!
"Let the people, the police and military, all be aware of the subversive education we have been exposed to"... With this division you won't be able to find Unity!
Clearly nothing was learned from the aftermath of OPERATION COVIDIUS. Great work the "police force and military" did during those Great Years!
I kind of feel like we have already lost many of the good police officers and the good military members, they’ve been forced out by refusing to get the jab or quit or retired early as they weren’t willing to bend the knee to the obvious corruption taking place from the top brass down. Just like the nurses and doctors… the decent ones have all opted out now and refuse to continue taking part in the continuing genocide now that they can see it for what it truly is.
I feel much gloomier about our prospects, something big is coming, they are telling us, forewarning us, preparing us for it now that will make covid look like nothing quote Klauss Shwab. I believe things will have to get and are definitely going to get much much worse in order to wake up the masses who are at present only unhappy and displeased by the current economic situation which is wiping out the middle class entirely. They can’t even see the genocide taking place all around them let alone see the big picture of a few psychopathic elites desiring to rule the whole world and ensnaring humanity to be their slaves.
I understand where O'Brien is coming from. Having grown up in a family where my father was an officer in the military, uncle also ranking high in the federal police, and mixing in these military and police circles, I experienced most as good people (i.e. not Marxist ideologues willing to turn against their own people). It is the subversion taking hold over the last generation that's intent on producing and entirely different breed of police/military personnel - and this should be the focus, not the knee-jerk, simplistic, black-and-white response that "the police are the enemy" - this isn't a helpful rhetoric. For those who would throw up their hands and say all is lost, they are the enemy now, may have just played into a ploy of the Marxist cultural Balkanisation of our society.
In Australia we have every reason to hate the police given what happened during Covid. But if we can see the bigger picture, the very reason for the growing division, and get to the real root of the problem, then we would be onto something.
Well, I can tell you in South Africa the Police and the Military are not allies. They are enforcers and most are corrupt. I would venture that they are nothing more than Marxist enforcers for the current socialist communist Government.
They whole system that controls the power of force is corrupt. This is due to the "Party" system that has corrupted, the Judiciary, the law courts, the APEX court. They are the (PPP) Public Private Partnership where agreements are made behind closed doors and a shrouded in secrecy.
I too was in the Military and was no supporter of the régime at that time. We had a border war on with Marxist communist infiltration. That was in the latter 1970's. It was compulsory for citizens to do National Service, if you did not you would be jailed. I did my time and used it to gain knowledge and got some rank as an officer to make my dad proud as he too was a military man. I volunteered for an extra year of service as I could not have saved the amount of money that was promised as a bonus for that extra service. Besides that it freed me from doing compulsory military refresher camps for the next 10 years It helped me to mature.