Little bit of column A, little bit of column B?

I was taken aback by some of the vitriol that Desmet has faced from people who ought to have welcomed an attempt to analyse the phenomenon we witnessed in 2020. I started calling it mass psychosis myself beginning in late March ‘20. It’s possible that the hostility towards Desmet has to do with his association with Arendt who likewise gets slammed from rather unexpected quarters.

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It seems too much of the blame gets put on the shoulders of the people through Desmet, but having read "The Next Voice You Hear" https://educate-yourself.org/mc/nextvoiceyouhearA29jan04.shtml

and knowing they can thought project in your mind to make you think a certain way, makes me think they were using the thought projection device for covid control. I woke up more than one morning mouthing "get your vaccine." There is also an article in the January 2009 issue of The Idaho Observer of how they can transmit thoughts on the HDTVs, a heavily subsidized change from analog.

It was a long article and got through half of it before my mind went to skimming. ;-) Will have to go back and finish. Thanks!

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Long article, but well worth reading.

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Desmet made a valuable contribution which can stimulate further analysis. Here's mine - The Anatomy and Dynamics of Mass Formation: Diane’s Deep Dive on Desmet #1


I don't think Desmet blames the victims and the criticism of him is not helpful or productive. Everyone who writes a book selects content and relies on specific sources. You can accuse any writer of what they didn't address and which sources they didn't use. Desmet did not use the term "mass formation psychosis" His book does a good job of showing our progressive disconnection form nature and promotion of a mechanistic view of humans and turning science from a method to an ideology. He does not address gender - but the whole thesis can also be viewed through a lens of gender. I don't fault I'm for what he didn't write.

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I have to admit I didn’t read your article. But I await a synopsis. Or even better, a synopsis of the synopsis.

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I didn't read his book, but the most righteous people hate him so I figured he got something right. All I know for sure is, we are in the midst of an ongoing atrocity that looks very much like a depopulation plan, so I'm worried less about Mattias than I am about the people actually perpetrating the atrocity.

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Such a long list of referrences, i feel so over-studied, no wonder my sleep is troubled...

And such studies are a two-edged sword, they'll be read by the bastards who want to stomp on my face forever with their jackboots...The studies will be read by those bastards to learn how much stomping it'll take to have me voluntarily surrender...

I found it hard to 'get into' Desmet's theory, so much seem obscured or hidden behind use of "hypnosis" - "Hypnotism" doesnt explain anything ! (There are zombies who dont appear 'hypnotised', and there are apparently 'hypnotised' who dont act like zombies should !)...

'Covid-19' should be seen as a trial run , to get rid of any bugs , before The Real Thing...

Side Effects were expected, but not intentional - which doesnt mean there were no opportunists who saw an advantage...

A trial run was deemed necessary...How much resistance, what form would it take, when the New World Order was imposed...Implementing the NWO would be chaotic if the control mechanisms failed to do their job (Though it seems most likely it will be imposed 'overnight', the assumption of total power over World Health by The WHO suggests a slower process, unless this latter is merely the tool for mopping-up resistance)...

I see 'Covid-19' as a trial run of the techniques for mass persuasion which is now being studied for a more efficient, and speedier implementation of the WEFs New World Order...

As for the masses: "Why dont the masses revolt ?" asked Wilhelm Reich in 1930s Germany...

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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022

Nothing wrong with a critique of Desmet, but the complaints of Hughes, Kylie and Broady didn't resonate with me. They apply individual characteristics to societal behavior:

"We, the victims of mass deception, are encouraged to turn the critical lens on ourselves, to contend with our own foolish naïveté."

Except that isn't "us." "We" didn't do the bad stuff. I'm with Desmet. The alternative is to conclude that "authorities" are pure evil. They aren't. They are statists. Desmet's thesis (and that's all it is) is consistent with the behavior documented by Christopher Browning's "Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland."

What of the argument that the subject area isn't Desmet's area of expertise? I do not direct this to Winston Smith whom I've come to respect. However I don't care about pedigree complaints in a field dominated by P-hacking social scientists.

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Not much else is wrong with Desmet but the fact that he is saying nothing new, invents new terms for profusely-investigated phenomena, and elaborates on his "findings" in a hugely pseudo-scientific manner. His stuff is pseudo-intellectual baloney for those, who seek cognitive security, instead of the truth:


The phenomenon he addresses can be described in less than a page:


Mass manipulation is not as mysterious as it is presented by the self-appointed "experts":


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Though I would like to read the article I'm not willing to install any of the browsers required.

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Big thanks to Hughes, Kyrie and Broudy for producing this deep reaching essay.

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There are some good elements to Mattias’ theories, however I find that a deep understanding of metaphysics gives you the real energetic story.


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