People would rather stand in line for their free portion of bug soup than to actually start a garden. Hahahaha!

I'll coin this one right here right now with your help: The masses are mentacidal maniacs!

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You nailed it. Having some control over our food supply is a vital and obvious step towards freedom. The solution is to create a culture of self-reliance and self-sufficiency.

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Indeed. Just a start, I think a garden is the best way to start.

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If we accept that demographically, ten percent of the population is pathologically evil, ten percent is genuinely kind, and the middle eighty percent will, to varying degrees, follow the prominent alpha, we need to become the bearers of that light, that signal, that leads them, through nudges, towards a better, healthier and freer future.

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Back when the shroud of inevitable nuclear war with Russia had us waving flags between heated debates over which rice paddy to carpet bomb while we replaced the dignity of work with the necessity of consumption, the actual communists were nuking the minds of our children in schools and every other institution was following the progressive death cult into the darkness of a utopia predicated upon the rejection of what is natural and True - a literal "nowhere". Well, here we are.

So along with menticide, I'd nominate megadeath to the current year vernacular all-stars roster.

Millions of minds murdered in their cradles and now sterile to the generative gifts of the Truth and blind to the corrective nature of observable reality. Millions more coerced and ritually abused into the mind-suicide of embracing the leftist moral hegemony. At first for social status. Then just to get along. Then to keep the paychecks coming. Then to eat. And so on.

We are now in this nuclear winter after megadeath, in which the initial deaths from the great bright flash of Progress will likely be eclipsed by the legions of the mindless stumbling toward the same System that murdered their minds, begging for a slice of normal. And of course the System will provide. The system loves us.

I thank God there are still voices of reason and of faith. I pray that I will have the strength to reject the slice when it is my time. That is the daunting part of all of this: the proposition that there is a great separation happening and that the challenges before us of building our own systems is only surpassed by the temptations of the murderous System to turn us back into the fold. Godspeed.

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Good article, Winston. Hadn't seen the Daily Mail piece yet but we all know climate is the next phase in the "Big Picture'. Combining the two together to create additional fear was a brilliant move by the Menticide controllers. Their evil knows no bounds. That's why we need to stay on top of things!!!!

Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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C'mon, Daily Mail, melting glaciers are boring. How about "Killer Microbes from Outer Space"? That has a classic 1950s horror movie sound to it.

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So there’s a whole “thing” about exactly that - maybe you are aware. I’ll have to cover it in an upcoming ‘conspiracy’ post - the only trouble with trouble from bugs on meteorites is it doesn’t sufficiently play into the climate change agenda.

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'Winston from 1984' ; great post. Yes, indeed, 'menticide'. But this psychological warfare has its origins in the world of 'psychologism'. Menticide can be reduced however to a tactic of spiritual warfare. The latter is the irreducible component, what is called 'The Great Delusion' in the book of Revelation, brought on by the forces of Evil. God has allowed humanity to be blinded by the Evil One and his minions, both angelic and human.

Marc Mullie MD

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This was scary but fabulous writing........ I am sharing on GETTR.... hoping more people will see this amazing piece of writing..... https://gettr.com/post/p1htlug5ebc

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Thankfully Substack is full of “Redeemer personalities” to help us navigate these mentacidal times. Really great article! Understanding the psychology behind what is happening is analogous to understanding how a car’s engine works. When things go sideways, you are completely helpless without a basic understanding of what makes things happen.

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First of all it is impossible to "rape the mind" because the mind in and of itself has no substantial quality - zilch.

In essence, human society is no different from a beehive or an ant colony. in a beehive, the queen is simply pumping out eggs. And the other bees are "designed" in the grid-pattern of that particular species, to have their particular function. Every type of bee has its own genetic and chemical triggers, as a result of which it acquires a certain appearance and functions in a certain manner. Every bee unconsciously fulfills its pre-patterned role, including the participation in the necessary procedures of replication, and every bee eventually becomes obsolete, post-replication, in a pre-determined period of however many days or weeks.

Human society functions in exactly the same manner. There is a necessary biological replication-process, by which "replacement organisms are made - and also a process of replicating STATES OF MIND and STATES of EMOTION- and then you (the temporary link in the hive) becomes obsolete and drops dead. What everyone clings to as "me" is eventually shed, without a moments hesitation - like excrement. From the all-inclusive "point of view" of the world process, the "you" that is the body-mind-complex is nothing but an insignificant temporary event. The body-mid-you is, in both cosmic or conditional Nature and Reality Itself, not treated as having any ultimate importance - and, in Truth and Reality Itself, the" body-mind-you" has NO ultimate important. And any objections to what thus happens are insignificant and fruitless too.

Convicted or programmed by the world process your "law" is to presume your own independence, your own immunity, and your own position of being "in control" by your culturally pre-patterned word games (your tower of babel/babble. Such are the signs of your desperate search for safety and survival -because you tacitly understand, at the level of the feeling-heart, that you are in hell-deep trouble in this "shit-maze" here..

Everyone acts as if everybody understands life, and why it is there, and what it is for - as if you are playing your part because it is written. But we DO NOT! Everyone is just acting, playing their pre-patterned parts, on the seeming stage of life. The World Process persists, and everybody is playing their pre-patterned role that they do not understand. We do not know or recognize the origins of it, the purpose of it, the reason for it - or even how it may be Understood or Greatly Purposed so that you May Be Set Free - which requires a profound all-inclusive discipline - and not just a (superficial) change of mind.

At another level is anyone familiar with the song by Malvina Reynolds on the theme Little Boxes Made of Ticky Tacky - Little Boxes ALL The Same.

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