Momentary Misinformation
The incredibly temporary nature of misinformation as it suddenly becomes truth.
“Misinformation” is false, inaccurate, or misleading information that is communicated regardless of an intention to deceive. Examples of misinformation are false rumors, insults, pranks, and misleading use of facts. Disinformation is a subset of misinformation that is deliberately deceptive1.
So it doesn’t sound like “misinformation” could be “yet to be confirmed” information… right? It’s deceptive. And if deliberately deceptive it’s “disinformation”.
But there seems to be an awful lot of “misinformation” declared by “fact checkers”2 that suddenly become just “information”. Let’s make a short list…
The lab leak theory: The suggestion that SARS-CoV2 could have come out of a lab was slammed by “fact checkers” as a conspiracy theory. Until it wasn’t.
The COVID vaccines don’t work in preventing transmission: Another dangerous bit of disinformation the “fact checkers” had to continually stamp out. Until it was true. Now even the CDC director Rochelle Walensky admits the vaccines cannot prevent transmission.
The COVID vaccines don’t protect people from COVID: Another very dangerous bit of disinformation concocted by conspiracy theorists… until it was true. But only because of the overwhelming evidence coming out of countries with a vast majority of people who have been vaccinated and
The survival rate for COVID is at least 99.5%: How dangerous is this hey? Fancy telling people that COVID is no worse than the flu! Until the stats came out showing the survival rate was indeed this high and that the vast majority of those who died had serious other health problems.
There isn’t really a pandemic: What!? Now the conspiracy theorists are going completely insane, right? Well, no. 2020 wasn’t such a bad year for deaths. In fact, since WWII, the age-standardized mortality rate has been worse, except for 9 years since 1943. For an in-depth study of the Canadian death rates for the past decade including 2020-2021 see Denis Rancourt here.
Not everyone dying “with” COVID is dying “from” covid: Another one of those pesky details the misinformation crew are trying to spread. But once again it’s true - governments have been citing deaths “with” COVID, which is a very different thing to dying “from” COVID. The ones where you can attribute just COVID as the primary cause of death is rather small - actually it’s very difficult to say any virus is the only cause of death because of many confounding factors, primarily due to co-morbid conditions. Some reports, however, went beyond rediculous - like attributing COVID as the cause of death in fatal car accidents.
Only the elderly and sick are vulnerable (and causes death often after the average life expectancy): This now seems reasonable (well at least it was before the “Delta” variant and now we are back to it being deadly for every breathing thing). But back at the start such observations were slammed as misinformation. When the “news” broadcast (in all deadly seriousness) that the very ill 97 year old who was tragically taken by the killer virus - it was a message to EVERYONE that you could very well be next. Now, it’s true that the elderly and ill are the most vulnerable, but soon, if not already, this will be “misinformation”, maybe even “disinformation”.
Lockdowns will not stop the virus: This heresy, born out of complete civil disobedience and selfishness (such selfish people who want to venture outside to, you know, work…. keep the economy going… stuff like that), was/is disinformation. But it’s true. Lockdowns didn’t, and still don’t stop the spread. If they did, Melbourne, the place that’s been locked down the longest on the planet, would be free of the virus. But it’s not. There is strong evidence that lockdowns are deadlier than the virus through social, economic and other damage done to public health.
PCR tests shouldn’t be used the way they are: Of course this is disinformation hitting right at the heart of the reason why we need to lockdown and jab everything, right? Well, no. The PCR test wasn’t designed to be a diagnostic tool, it doesn’t tell if you are sick or not, it produces a lot of false results, and is being pulled from use by the CDC (for these reasons but they will never admit it). It’s the perfect tool for propaganda - just ramp up the cycles to get a whole lot of false positives when you need to lock everyone down, get many more people to take the test, and continue the narrative that there is a massive outbreak of the virus (which we understand likely includes the common flu as well).
If there’s no symptoms there’s no transmitting the virus: This sounds like misinformation so that people can get out of lockdowns, mask wearing, and not being able to hug their mum! Or it’s disinformation so that unscrupulous people can infect many more people! But there is no evidence that a person without symptoms (asymptomatic) can actually transmit the disease to someone else.
There’s better treatments than a respirator! No, says the public health system - the only thing for the very sick is a respirator. But there are many treatments (that’s for another lengthy post) and besides mechanical ventilation has never been a recommendation for respiratory infections - probably because it makes things worse and kills people.
Masks are useless: Again the public health high priests say that masks are necessary - two or three even better - for stopping the spread. But there are no scientific studies, no evidence, that the paper masks we wear actually stop a virus many, many times smaller than the holes in the fabric of these masks (which is why they wear those frightening looking blow up plastic suits in the lab). Aside from the lack of scientific evidence, masks are bad for your health with people around the world passing out from CO2 poisoning as well as causing increases in bacterial pneumonia, fungal infections, facial rashes as well as plastic microfibers, which damage the lungs and potentially carcinogenic. But this is still all misinformation!
COVID vaccines are not safe and not effective3: But wait! The government says the vaccines ARE safe and effective, they’ve been thoroughly tested and proven to be good for you - actually essential4. Why would the government lie to you? Before 2020 NO mRNA 'vaccine' (technically ‘gene therapy’) was ever approved for use, all being abandoned after severe adverse reactions (like all the weak animals in the trials dying). None were subjected to proper trials. They do not confer immunity or prevent transmission and have unknown long-term effects. But to suggest this is misinformation at best and terrorism at worst.
According to “misinformation” was the word of the year in 2018, along with “existential” (2019), “pandemic” (2020), and we don’t know what it will be for 2021 but I’d put my money on “vaccine”.
Misinformation about the pandemic vaccine has existential consequences for humanity.
According to Wikipedia - not immune to misinformation itself.
This is the sort of work fact checkers do…
There are many examples of how extreme governments are acting to make sure everyone gets the jab - but check out what’s going on in Alberta, Canada…
But not every government - Iceland has stopped Moderna for everyone because of the risk of heart problems Sweden is no longer offering the Moderna vaccine to anyone under 30.
No doubt there are many more than these few I've listed. Please comment on what you believe to be others.