I do adore these letters from Mr. Charrington, distressing as they are.

One of my other Australian subscribers believes the stories about the forced injections of the Aboriginal and indigenous peoples are exaggerated. She is cautious about hyperbolic reporting by truth-tellers in the alternative media so we don’t risk damaging our credibility. I appreciate her rigor and desire for balance, but it’s hard to know what’s true when we’re getting conflicting stories, and some of the videos about their treatment have been harrowing.

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Margaret I totally understand the caution around the possibility of hyperbolic reporting - it may be strong coercion as opposed to 'forced', it is very difficult to know. Is it like back in Nazi occupied Poland where your Jewish neighbours have been forced to pack up and have been escorted away - there's been rumours on the grapevine about terrible things happening to the Jews, but it's all so extreme it has to be false? Or am I misusing a well-worn analogy from the worst of the 20th Century as my own hyperbolic musings? (you'd know as I know you know a lot about that era)

There is so much, just a year ago, that we would have been accused of overreacting, of being extreme - there's no way they will force you out of a job or prevent you from civil society just because you don't get the jab, or the whole idea of a covid camp. But here we are!

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I completely agree with all your points, and I do wish we could get some documentary footage of what’s occurring from the perspective of the residents. All I’ve seen so far are people traumatized by the stories of what’s happening but not the actual happenings (if you have any such footage, please share).

I obviously don’t think it’s hyperbolic to draw comparisons with 1930s Germany as I do it all the time ;-) But that’s because we have a tremendous amount of documentation and firsthand accounts describing precisely the progression we’re experiencing now.

Your comment reminds me of this quote, which you likely recognize from my “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier):

“‘Oh, things seeped through somehow, always quietly, always indirectly. So people heard rumors, and the rest they could guess. Of course, most people did not believe the stories of Jews or other opponents of the regime. It was naturally thought that such persons would all exaggerate.’

“Rumors, guesses enough to make a man know if he wanted badly to know, or at least to believe, and always involving persons who would be suspected, ‘naturally,’ of exaggerating. Goebbels’ immediate subordinate in charge of radio in the Propaganda Ministry testified at Nuremberg that he had heard of the gassing of Jews, and went to Goebbels with the report. Goebbels said it was false, ‘enemy propaganda,’ and that was the end of it.”

—Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45

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A perfect articulation of what I was stumbling around to say. Thanks Margaret!

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